This Wild Life Conservation Podcast
This Wild Life Conservation Podcast
Amy Turner
via Podcasts
Vast Range of Conservation Topics
I am going back to school for a masters in wildlife conservation and management; I started looking for podcasts about that topic (I actually never got into podcasts until I started grad school in January of 2021) and this happened to be one of the first ones that popped up when I searched. I simply started just putting this on quietly for background sound while I worked on homework. But now a little more than a year into my schooling, I have used multiple episodes as references in discussion platforms and even in some papers. These are enjoyable, informative, and well done. I recommend This Wildlife Conservation Podcast to everyone!
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8yo-22yo w/no answers
Great Wildlife Conservation interviews
So glad I found this podcast. Listened to four episodes one after the other while yard spring cleaning. Great variety of conservationists and intelligent interviewing.
LOVE this podcast!!
This podcast touched on an array of very important topics. This information is so important and educational, everyone should listen!
Definitely Listen!
So informative and spreading great information that is essential!
Great Podcast!
I absolutely LOVE this podcast! It is great and all the people are very interesting and wildlife lovers! đŸŸ
Great podcast!
Recently discovered this podcast and love it! The interviewer is excellent and the guests are fascinating. I have learned a lot. I hope they have a new series soon
Zak's Guardian
He is freaked out lol kayes having a women's view. Kill em
Wild as a women hater
wild bill ooooo
Among my favorite podcasts!
This is a conservation show full of the interesting individuals who dedicate their lives to protecting the natural world and all of its inhabitants including you. It’s a very informative, heartfelt and wonderfully enjoyable podcast with a host to match. She’s brilliant and doesn’t sugar coat the facts and reality behind what it takes to make conservation truly work, but provides the listener with a restored sense of hope for all that we love in the wild.
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Sleeeeeeepy dude
Fabulous, informative, real
This podcast discusses such important topics with interviews from people who *actually* know what they’re talking about! In an era where information is everywhere, it is so valuable to be able to access material that you know is accurate. The truth isn’t always comfortable, but it’s always important! Thank you for telling it like it is!
Love it!
So much interesting information, the questions asked to the guests are really interesting and the answers bring hope and wonder as well as sadness sometimes but it’s inevitable when talking about conservation. Overall my favourite podcast!
Mai Tahiti
Love it!
Lauren Arthur’s stories were inspirational! Thx!