This Side Up Podcast

This Side Up

Stealthy Box
Welcome to This Side Up, the official podcast of where Editor-in-Chief Joe Garcia interviews game designers and other veterans from around the industry.
This Side Up 014: Philip Tibitoski & Octodad: Dadliest Catch
On this episode, Young Horses co-founder and president Philip Tibitoski comes on to talk about Octodad: Dadliest Catch, an upcoming favorite of gaming luminaries such as Sony Computer Entertainment President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida and Stealthy Box Editor-in-Chief Joe Garcia. We chat about the inspiration for Octodad, comedy gaming, and plenty more. It's a good time!
Oct 19, 2013
24 min
This Side Up 013: Edmund McMillen & The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
OK, so promising a weekly show might have been a bit ambitious. But! We'll still be posting episodes whenever we have an interview for you to enjoy, just like we do this week -- Edmund McMillen, co-founder of Team Meat and creator of games like Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac. Edmund comes on to discuss the upcoming release of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, which is a built-from-scratch enhanced version of the original game for PlayStation 4 and Vita. He also talks about how his religious upbringing influenced the game's development, I mention a crazy pastor I saw on TV in El Salvador ten years ago, and we both marvel at the longevity of Magic: The Gathering. Host: Joe Garcia (@Wons23) Music: “Dubstep Daycare” by George & Jonathan
Oct 10, 2013
33 min
This Side Up 012: Ed Boon on Injustice: Gods Among Us
This week's interview is actually from C2E2 -- the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo -- back in April, right when NetherRealm Studios were primed to show off the very first DLC for Injustice: Gods Among Us for the very first time. Still, there's plenty of good information to be parsed; art director Steve Beran and creative director Ed Boon join a roundtable postmortem discussion on the game's development. Topics include the back and forth between NetherRealm and DC Comics on story and character designs, as well as the challenges of catering to both hardcore fighting game fans and casual players that just want to mash action figures together. Host: Joe Garcia (@Wons23) Guests: Steve Beran, Ed Boon Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
Sep 12, 2013
47 min
This Side Up 011: PAX '13 Interview Extravaganza
Show Notes: Hey, we’re sort of back!; Bryan Sawler and Dragon Fantasy Book II (1:12); Ben McGraw and Sully: A Very Serious RPG (13:55); Simon Darveau and Tiny Brains (43:33); Tommy Tallarico and Video Games Live (1:00:23) Host: Joe Garcia (@Wons23) Music: “Dubstep Daycare” by George & Jonathan
Sep 4, 2013
1 hr 16 min
This Side Up 010: E3 2013 Megashow
We missed last week and are late this week, but we're back in a big way -- a two-hour E3 blowout going over all five press conferences. Talking points: Microsoft; Sony; Nintendo; EA; Ubisoft. SPOILER WARNING: Mass Effect 3 ending, if you still care and somehow haven't played it in the 15 months since it released. (1:47:26 - 1:48:51) Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Jack Shrout (@thecinemajack) Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
Jun 14, 2013
1 hr 57 min
This Side Up 009: Orwell's Next Endeavor
Joe and Jack talk about Microsoft's mismanagement of the Xbox One's message, but the pre-E3 news drought has mostly begun. It's going to be a dry couple of weeks. This week: What we're playing; Nintendo's E3 plans; Final Fantasy XIV finally comes to PS3; Square Enix of America prez calls it quits; Mirror's Edge 2 inbound?; Need for Speed makes its annual lap; PS4 and Xbox One peen measurements; sprots!; Xbox One missteps; used games; new releases; a cry for help. Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Jack Shrout (@thecinemajack) Email the show: [email protected] Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
May 29, 2013
1 hr 29 min
This Side Up Episode 008: Xbox One and All
Joe and Jack are joined by a new host for the first time, but besides that this is exactly what you'd expect it to be -- hot and heavy with reactions to the Xbox One reveal. This week: Xbox One. Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Jack Shrout (@thecinemajack), Dave Wales (@Aiervon) Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
May 23, 2013
1 hr 4 min
This Side Up Episode 007: Jungle Cats
We're stuck with a partial cast once again, this time with Christa sitting out because work sucks. Joe's also half-dead and tries his damndest not to throw up all over his computer during recording. It's a good ep! This week: Lollipop farms; Xbox Infinity?; Sony Santa Monica working on a secret project; Gran Turismo 6 speculation; Insomniac Games not working on Wii U; Ace Attorney 5 coming to NA and EU 3DS eShop this fall; PlayStation Plus members get a sweet deal on Metro: Last Light; Resident Evil: Revelations demo; new releases; AAA publishing models. Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Jack Shrout (@thecinemajack) Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
May 15, 2013
1 hr 18 min
This Side Up Episode 006: So Many Robins
Whoops! We're short a cast member again, because Jack had a tummyache or something; Joe and Christa proceed to kick him while he's down. This week: Shrout home invasion; Disney signs EA to a Star Wars publishing deal; more Tiny Tina coming to Borderlands 2; A Link to the Past 2; Sony execs return their bonuses; It's About Time for Plants vs. Zombies 2; Batgirl coming to Injustice, somehow; light on new releases; the best worst stories. Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Christa Plunkett (@cosmixlove) Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
May 8, 2013
43 min
This Side Up Episode 005: Radio Ga Ga
Christa's back after a prolonged absence, and the 'cast cast is whole once again. Huzzah! This week: Radio Goo Goo; NextBox rumors; Nintendo makes an E3 gamble; three (3!) new GTA V trailers; EA shutters its Partners label; Call of Duty: G-G-G-Ghosts!; the art of Dragon's Crown; Watch Dogs gets a release date; XCOM becomes The Bureau; Rayman Legends in August; Batman: Arkham Origins without Batman; Injustice: Gods Among Us DLC; new releases; Xbox Pizza; developers to watch; HD remasters. Hosts: Joe Garcia (@Wons23), Jack Shrout (@thecinemajack), Christa Plunkett (@cosmixlove) Music: "Dubstep Daycare" by George & Jonathan
May 1, 2013
1 hr 24 min
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