This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg
This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg
Weill Cornell Medicine Neurological Surgery
This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg
Weill Cornell Medicine Neurological Surgery
This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg provides a fascinating look into the human brain, with each episode asking new questions — and finding new answers — about our most mysterious organ. Together with his expert guests, Dr. Stieg takes us on a journey that reveals unexpected secrets at every turn, and redefines what we know about ourselves and our place in the world. The podcast explores the many fascinating aspects of neuroscience, ranging from how the brain is wired for both sudden bursts of violence and the pervasive inner calm of meditation. Where does confidence come from? How do we remember traumatic events – or do we? How do other animals experience consciousness? Does storytelling change our brains? Take the journey with us as we explore the very foundation of what makes us human.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 14 days
Latest episode
3 months ago
February 8
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