This Call May Be Recorded Podcast

This Call May Be Recorded

This is a hilarious prank call podcast driven by characters and hosted by comedian Rich Aronovitch ( Guaranteed to make you laugh!
This Call May Be Recorded Episode 6
In this episode, a telemarketer makes the mistake of calling a comedian.Rich and his girlfriend (played by Rich) order Chinese food. Charlie Decastanza aka Chalie Bowties returns to pitch a few commercial ideas for Life Alert. Midred Williams cat gets stuck in a tree. Dr. Theodore James calls Rich's alma mater in regards to an article, and then Rich calls a speech pathology school. This show in not politically correct and a bit wrong, which is why listening is so right.
Apr 26, 2016
27 min
This Call May Be Recorded Episode 5
This week Jorge McDonald calls the Westminister Dog Show; then there is the world's worst job interview appointment; Dr. John Williams gives Best Buy a wake up call; and LuWanda seeks redemption. These calls are wrong, which is why listening is so right.
Feb 24, 2016
32 min
This Call May Be Recorded-Episode 4
Comedian Rich Aronovitch calls a Zoo as Jimmy Dirbano; makes a reservation for a "friend of ours" at an Italian restaurant;  Gupta Prodip Sanjay calls a florist;  and Benny D calls a retirement home. These calls are a little wrong which is why listening is so right!
Feb 8, 2016
30 min
This Call May Be Recorded Episode 3
This week Comedian Rich Aronovitch introduces five new characters. A Jamafrican (a Jamaican born in Africa), band leader calls a butcher shop. Sebastian, a wedding planner planner calls about his A-List celebrity client. Spokane, a chemist, calls a pot shop. Juan Gonzalez Enrique Pappi Chulo Huevos inquires an acting school about their curriculum. Lastly, Jim Williams from Louisville Kentucky rents a car. These characters are so wrong that it makes listening so right.
Jan 27, 2016
31 min
This Call May Be Recorded Episode 2
Comedian Rich Aronovitch is back at it, with four different characters. This week Ben Zona,  an Israeli caterer calls a high end hotel. Next Leroy Washington inquires about a gym membership. Tim Donald drives a Long Island bagel shop nuts. Last Billy Phorthan pranks a very accomodating spa. These characters and the calls are different, but one thing is the same, they are hilarious!
Jan 17, 2016
30 min