When I was in 4th grade I joined my first little league baseball team and I was horrible.
I had no idea to throw, catch, or it a baseball.
And since all the others, boys had already been playing for a few years, the coach wasn’t really interested in showing me how to play.
Needless to say, that first year I really struggled.
One day I was in the library looking through the baseball books in the sports section when I came across a book on how to pitch like a major leaguer.
I checked it out, took it home, and dove headfirst into it. (No PUN intended)
I practiced daily, trying to imitate the directions the author provided.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was learning about one of the most important secrets to achieving success in any endeavor.
Want my FREE Pdf 10 Steps to Achieving Your Goals 10x Faster? Goto www.robertlouissims.com/10xFaster
Nov 13, 2019
9 min