There Goes the Neighborhood
There Goes the Neighborhood
WNYC Studios and KCRW
There Goes the Neighborhood
WNYC Studios and KCRW
A podcast about how and why gentrification happens. Season 3, produced in partnership with WLRN, Miami’s public radio station, introduces us to “climate gentrification,” reporting about the ways climate change, and our adaption to it, may seriously intensify the affordable housing crisis in many cities. In many parts of the US, black communities were pushed to low-lying flood prone areas. As Nadege Green reports, in Miami, the opposite is true. Black communities were built on high elevation away from the coast. Now because of sea level rise that high land is in demand. WNYC Studios is a listener-supported producer of other leading podcasts including Radiolab, Snap Judgment, Death, Sex & Money, 2 Dope Queens and many others.© WNYC Studios
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 126 days
Latest episode
5 years ago
November 7, 2019
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