The Zero Potential Podcast Podcast

The Zero Potential Podcast

Sim, Andrew, and Chris
Just three brown dudes (two aerospace nerds and a business grad) trying to make you laugh. If you were expecting more, don't. It's just a podcast. New episodes every other Monday.
Ep. 21 - Legally Podcasters
Cheers to peaking 21 episodes ago, thanks for listening y'all, we hope you'll enjoy the finale of ZPP. Enjoy!
Jun 10, 2021
1 hr 9 min
Ep. 20 - Space(se)X Premium
Guess which one of us paid for Pornhub Premium? Strap in, this episode blasts off with some zero-G humor. Enjoy!
Apr 19, 2021
1 hr 6 min
Ep. 19 - Good Ol' Boys
Just three good ol' boys from round here givin y'all some lip. Ship stuck in a canal? Ain't nothin a country boy can-do attitude can't fix. Enjoy!
Mar 30, 2021
1 hr 8 min
Ep. 18 - Big Crazy Rocket B*tches
At the rate that we come up with new business ideas, we'll probably beat Elon Musk to Mars. Enjoy!
Mar 15, 2021
1 hr 3 min
Ep. 17 - Sexy Veggies
Guess what month it is? Guess again. That's right. It's truck month. And what do we know about trucks? Not a damn thing. Enjoy!
Mar 3, 2021
1 hr 7 min
Ep. 16 - Car Guys
Comment down below if you dwive a wittle Subuwu with your AI-generated waifu and Instagram handle decal plastered all over it. Enjoy!
Feb 22, 2021
1 hr 6 min
Ep. 15 - All Tied Up
A dom, a sub, and a vanilla ice cream walk into a bar. Except it's actually Shark Tank. And we're here to ask that you listen to 0% of this episode in exchange for 100% of your sanity. Enjoy!
Feb 15, 2021
1 hr 5 min
Ep. 14 - Is That a Buick?
In case you haven't heard, we're absolutely cracked at podcasting. Unrelated: we've got a new business idea. Also unrelated: $BUICK to the MOON baby! Enjoy!
Feb 8, 2021
1 hr 9 min
Ep. 13 - We're Teenagers
Not in that way, you weirdo. Also, what's the difference between Tom Brady and a COVID test? Somehow they're both around in 2021, but now one of them is going up your ass. Enjoy!
Feb 1, 2021
1 hr 7 min
Ep. 12 - Unknown Orientation
What's the probability of three observable experts toeing the Feyn line between dick mechanics and Schrodinger's pussy? Either 0% or 69%. Or anywhere in between. Enjoy!
Jan 25, 2021
1 hr
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