We discussed how Christians can approach the LGBT community the way Jesus would without becoming unbiblical by looking at Biblical truths and experience.
Sep 13, 2020
44 min

Rick is my father-in-law and was a pastor for many years and has been a counselor for about 7+ years. He came and shared with the youth group on hoe to face anxiety and depression in practical and biblical ways.
If you are interested in a counseling session with Rick you can head to https://rickmcgregorcounseling.com or email him at [email protected]
Sep 6, 2020
39 min

There is no doubt that we live in a time of extreme racial tension. As Christians, many of us are unsure of what to do. We hear a lot of voices telling us to vote for this party, post on your account, or read this great book. Sadly the quietest voice in our lives right now is the Biblical one. What does the Bible say about how we should handle and move forward in our current time. We look at the scripture to distinguish what The Christian Way is instead of my way or the world's way.
Aug 30, 2020
48 min

Sherry who has been our Worship Pastor at Mill Creek for the past 11 years and her husband Tim who plays the drums on the team, both joined us to share on their unique experiences and perspectives around race relations between law enforcement and black communities. This week we engaged in what it was like to come to America, being an interracial family with mixed daughters & how we can become racial reconcilers.
Aug 16, 2020
55 min

Micah & Rachelle are apart of our church community and have a unique perspective in the talk about race relations between law enforcement and black communities. This week we engaged with them in around what officers and their families go through on a daily basis and their thoughts on questions and beliefs in our culture.
Aug 9, 2020
1 hr 6 min

Reconciliation means to reunite or restore a broken relationship. We as Christians are called to take an active role in the issues our world is facing and I believe no one should be better equipped for reconciliation than Christians. Racial reconciliation is not just about becoming more diverse or having more people of color coming to Mill Creek Foursquare although. Racial Reconciliation is when Christians choose to take what they see in Jesus to every relationship they interact in the world. Where we are able to love and have fellowship with people with different languages, backgrounds, experiences, religions, colors & cultures. To be racial reconcilers means we leave all our group affiliations, labels, and preferences behind for an identity in Christ and get a God-view of the church and the world!
Aug 2, 2020
41 min

In this episode, we interview associate pastor Trevor Horn and as his questions about his life, where resilience comes from, and how it applies to our life.
Jun 14, 2020
49 min

It is so easy to allow how we feel about whatever it is that we are facing to control us but if we are able to slow down and ask ourselves the most powerful question we will be able to regain control of our lives continue in the process of resilience.
Jun 7, 2020
15 min

With us being in the last weeks of school, summer activities and vacations up in the air, constant difficult and heavy news, not being able to see our friends or family it is the perfect storm to quit. Quit on our faith, school, friends, family, and responsibilities. Sometimes giving up feels like the best option. But God encourages us and invites us into a resilient resolve.
May 31, 2020
17 min

As Christians we know many people know how to be a Christian, they know how to talk like a Christian but not everyone lives as a Christian should. In today's sermon, we talk about how we can intentionally invest in our walk with Jesus.
May 17, 2020
24 min
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