There are many ideas about whether or not yoga is a religion and I love having conversations that explore all sides of the topic. In this episode, Troy Hadeed joins to to share his experience as a religious person who practices yoga and how he sees the relationship between them both. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or find it at The Yoga Pro Podcast dot com. Send a DM or email if you want the direct link. Troy is a yoga teacher, author, and social entrepreneur who has taught yoga internationally for over 15 years, and has founded several successful businesses, including a hemp store, a waste oil recycling business and a yoga studio. He has walked coast-to-coast across central America, navigated the world on a ship, spent prolonged periods in silence and darkness, and is continuously seeking to make sense of the human experience. Topics: -How yoga found Troy -He talks about his unlikely yoga mentor -What does practicing yoga really mean? -The embodiment of yoga from a religious standpoint -The difference between being told of God and knowing God -Why divinity isn’t religion -Redefining what God means to a person -Understanding wrongs done in the name of religion -How yoga is spiritual but not religious -Why deepening his relationship to breath felt like praying -The relationship between yoga and religions like Hinduism -Why prayer is something we do with our bodies -How we unconsciously pray for negative things -What is manifestation? -Having your yoga and your religion co-exist -Why improper breathing impacts your relationship to God -Practicing with intention -Finding the yoga space or teacher that aligns with your religious goals -Why Jesus was the embodiment of yoga Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Troy: Website - https://troyhadeed.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/troyhadeed/?hl=en Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Sep 21, 2023
42 min

How much do you pay attention to your chakras in your personal life or in your teaching? What do they have to do with your emotional and physical wellbeing? In this lively conversation, Masuda Mohamadi talks all things chakras and shares tips for dealing with imbalances, how you can work with chakra areas to help with emotional struggles, and much more. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or find it at The Yoga Pro Podcast dot com. Send a DM or email if you want the direct link. Masuda Mohamadi is a yoga teacher, teacher trainer, author, and owner of Radiance Yoga studio in Alexandria, Virginia. She has been teaching for over 20 years and he leads classes, workshops, and retreats around the world on yoga, meditation, and the chakras. She is the author of Unlock the Power of Your Chakras, released in August 2022. Topics: -Masuda’s surprising yoga start -How to manage your own energy in a room full of people -Becoming aware of your aura -Why she wrote a book about the chakras -Overview of each chakra -How to notice imbalances and how to decide where you need balance -Masuda shares an exercise for visualizing what is going on in the body -Why self assessment and discernment is so valuable -Issues that can show up when chakras are imbalanced -Getting rid of judgements of your emotions -Why it’s just as hard to resist sitting with discomfort as it is to work through it -How resisting your own emotions affects how you deal with other people’s emotions -The importance of having resources to guide you when working with your chakras -How her need for a workbook for her teachings led to this book -Masuda’s favorite chakra -The importance of love, gratitude, and compassion in her life -Masuda walks us through a situation and what chakra she would focus on for that scenario -Connecting to matter and spirit to find alignment -How posture affects our chakras -Why you don’t need a weeklong retreat to find balance Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Masuda: www.masudamahamohamadi.com https://radiance-yoga.net/ Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Jun 7, 2023
42 min

In person yoga is back to stay but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the vast online market. In this episode, Amanda Kingsmith joins us to share the advantages of having an online presence and some tips for doing it successfully. Amanda Kingsmith is an RYT500, a yoga business coach, the host and founder of Mastering the Business of Yoga (M.B.Om), the MBOM podcast and is a world traveler. She blends her background in business with her love of yoga help yoga teachers create careers that they are passionate about and that are sustainable. Amanda is also the co-host of The World Wanderers, a podcast on travel and travel as a lifestyle. Topics: -Amanda’s first yoga experience -Common threads in yoga stories -Why she chose to help yoga pros with their businesses -How she uses her podcast to learn from others and build her business -The fast-changing world of social media and online marketing -Why you might want to still show up online to build a bigger community -The financial advantages of an online business -Living the dream with a remote business -What you learn about your speech habits when you make and edit your own videos -Why teaching yoga online can make it more accessible for certain populations -How studios are using hybrid classes to get ahead -What not to do if you are using a hybrid model for your classes -Why it’s not too late to take your business online and how to find new clients -How showing up in videos helps people get to know you -Having a specific niche to build a worldwide community -There is no such thing as an “all levels” yoga class -Unpacking the fears of niching. -Mistakes you might be making with your online business -Why you should stop devaluing your online offerings -What equipment you need to offer online yoga -Why people will pay more for a boutique yoga experience -Leaving perfectionism behind so you can get out there if you want to -Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s experienced product Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Amanda: www.mbomyoga.com [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/masteringthebusinessofyoga/ Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
May 24, 2023
1 hr 1 min

The words we use when teaching yoga practices matter more than you might realize when you are working with people who struggle with persistent pain. Do you know what nocebic language is? If not, this is a must-hear episode! Lisa Pearson joins us to answer that question and share insight on how seemingly harmless cues could be hurting your students and clients. Lisa Pearson, 'Swami Swarupananda' is an 'ordained yogic priest' in the Kriya Yoga tradition. With nearly three decades of yoga teaching and yoga therapy experience, Lisa is a Certified Yoga Therapist and an Approved Professional Development Provider, through the International Association of Yoga Therapists, She is an E-RYT500 and Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider. Swami Lisa is faculty and a program mentor for Inner Peace Yoga Therapy School, and is the Director and Lead Trainer for Pain Care Aware; a yoga teaching certification program which educates professionals about the intersection of pain science and yoga. Having lived with Fibromyalgia for over 30 years, Lisa teaches from her deep well of yoga wisdom, and also from her lived experience of pain. Topics: -Lisa’s yoga beginnings -Why we should embrace all of the ways that people can find yoga -What pain care aware language consists of -Why saying “if it hurts, don’t do it” can be harmful -What Nocebic language is -Messaging that helps people self regulate and create awareness -Instilling self-efficacy and agency -How pain can be a message and how to decipher it -Language we should be using in our classes -Inviting agency rather than giving permission -Lisa’s favorite ways to invite discernment Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Neil Pearson episode Managing Pain Through Yoga with Neil Pearson https://www.theyogapropodcast.com/managing-pain-through-yoga-with-neil-pearson/ Connect with Lisa: www.paincareaware.com [email protected] Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
May 12, 2023
33 min

Having a spiritual journey can take quite a bit of discipline. In today’s episode, Amrit Singh joins us to share some insights on how to have more discipline, and to use compassion and forgiveness as a tool in your journey. Amrit Singh has been studying Kundalini Yoga for over 30 years. He started in Germany in the early 90s. He then decided to move to India and dedicate his life’s work to help build and grow Miri Piri Academy in Amritsar for 20 years, where he served as Director of Residential Life. Topics: -Why discipline is so important to start at a young age -Amrit’s yoga experience -What happens to your old life when you start your spiritual journey -How he got past the resistance to change -The importance of ice bath in the search for spiritual discipline -Embracing resistance -Building discipline with small things -Losing the guilt to vibrate higher -Why your vices aren’t always the worst thing for you -Amrit’s daily practices -Prayer as a meditation tool -Surprising thoughts about cigarette smoking -Amrit shares a practice with us -Having kindness and compassion for where you are today -The importance of a gratitude practice Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Amrit: https://www.instagram.com/amrit_singh_reinsch https://www.tiktok.com/@wholeselfrecovery?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc https://www.tiktok.com/@amritsinghreinsch?_t=8YeKlDkC19p&_r=1 https://www.facebook.com/AmritSinghReinsch Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Apr 21, 2023
30 min

Anxiety and stress are so prevalent in our society but the tools of yoga are the perfect adjunct to other care when you or your clients are suffering. In this episode, Dmitria Burby joins us to talk strategy and share her perspectives on dealing with anxiety and stress in today’s times. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or find it at the yoga pro podcast dot com. You can also send me a dm for the link. Dmitria is a bestselling author, transformational yoga teacher, and consciousness coach that helps people reconnect with themselves. She sits at the intersection of the latest in neuroscience, biochemistry, and the ancient wisdom of Yoga. She loves leveraging the specific practices and knowledge to support peoples’ transformation from a life of effort to one of ease. Topics: -Dmitria’s yoga journey -How she realized that anxiety was present in her life -Origins of anxiety in childhood -Building practices ahead of time to alleviate anxiety -Knowing who you are meant to help -Meeting people where they are -Lifestyle management -Client homework as a tool for seeing results -How over scheduling contributes to stress in our life -Getting unstuck from old patterns -Dmitria’s favorite nervous system regulation tools -The relationship between the eyes and the frontal cortex and why face yoga can help -The importance of consistency in practice Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Dmitria: www.findinglumincance.com www.instagram.com/findingluminance Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Apr 7, 2023
38 min

What happens when you are too much into your ego, and how can you get out of it? In this episode, Christian de la Huerta joins us to talk about the power of breath work for calming the ego. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, go to the yoga pro podcast dot com, or send me a dm for the link. Christian is a spiritual teacher, personal transformation coach and leading voice in the breathwork community. He has traveled the world offering inspiring and transformational retreats combining psychological and spiritual teachings. An award-winning author, he has spoken at numerous universities and conferences and on the TEDx stage. Topics: -Christian’s yoga journey and his “aha” moment -Why breath work is a great adjunct to psychotherapy -Unpacking what the ego is -How to know when you are in your ego -Listening to your inner voice and doing what it says -Why the breath has so much control over the body -Making a choice to use the breath for anxiety -Transcending the ego through discernment -Looking into our shadows for information -How to get away from taking things personally -Having a cathartic experience through long breath work -Ways people can be triggered with breath work -Christian’s ideas around power and why we give it away Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Christian: www.soulfulpower.com Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com Tags: #breathwork #breathworkfortheego #justbreathe
Mar 24, 2023
38 min

Staying present and mindful in business can be hard for even the most dedicated yoga professional. In this episode, Anne Muhlethaler joins us to share insight and tips for how she keeps herself tuned into her inner voice in a noisy world. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or find it at www.theyogapropodcast.com Anne is a 250 RYT yoga teacher and a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher who has studied with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield as well as taken many workshops with world-renowned teachers such as Sally Kempton, Pema Chödrön, and Annie Carpenter. She teaches on Zoom and through guided meditations on her website, YouTube, Instagram and via her podcast, Out of the Clouds. Topics: -Anne’s yoga introduction -Letting go of perfection in your business -Mindfulness in the midst of turmoil -Getting clear on who what kind of experience you want to provide -Digging deeply into your intention to find your purpose -Mindful communication in your business -How to stay present when running your business -Listening to your inner voice -Why journaling can help you be more mindful in your business -Where yoga philosophy and ethical principles fit in to running a business -Finding trust in yourself through the Yamas and NIyamas -Reclaiming passion and leaning in to all of your interests -Finding gratitude in troubling situations -How she found her passion -Intergenerational downloads -Non-attachment and finding your authentic self by releasing judgements Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Anne: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-v-muhlethaler/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/annvi/ https://www.instagram.com/_outoftheclouds/ Website: https://annevmuhlethaler.com/ Podcast Out of the Clouds: https://annevmuhlethaler.com/out-of-the-clouds/the-podcast/ Guided meditations: https://insighttimer.com/annevmuhlethaler https://annevmuhlethaler.com/mindfulness-meditation/ Podcast Waking Heart https://podcasts.apple.com/ch/podcast/out-of-the-clouds-waking-heart/id1659286036 For one on one meditation sessions: https://calendly.com/out-of-the-clouds Coaching and consulting practice: https://avm.consulting/ Stephen Colbert and Anderson Cooper interview https://www.cnn.com/audio/podcasts/all-there-is-with-anderson-cooper/episodes/ae2f9ebb-1bc6-4d47-b0f0-af17008dcd0c Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Mar 17, 2023
55 min

If you are teaching yoga you probably have had people in your spaces that are struggling with an eating disorder. How can you keep them safe? In this episode of The Yoga Pro Podcast, Jennifer Kreatsoulas talks about how we can best provide a healing experience for that population, ways we may be unconsciously triggering them, and she busts some myths about what disordered eating looks like. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or find it at The Yoga Pro Podcast dot com. Send a DM or email if you want the direct link. Jennifer Kreatsoulas, PhD, C-IAYT, is a certified yoga therapist specializing in eating disorders and body image. Through her virtual school, Yoga for Eating Disorders, Jennifer offers individual yoga therapy, groups, classes, and continuing education and mentoring for professionals. She is the author of Body Mindful Yoga and The Courageous Path to Healing. Her writing has been featured widely in print, broadcast, and online media. Topics: -Jennifer’s yoga beginnings -How to know if you are exercising too much and how that relates to eating disorder -Shame and guilt in eating disorder -The difference between eating disorder and disordered eating -Anorexia and bulimia defined -Binge eating disorder and why it might not look like what you think it does -Busting myths about what a person with eating disorder loos like -Race, gender, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic considerations and eating disorders -Why it’s important to design your class with trauma informed perspective -The link between trauma and eating disorders -Words that can be triggering for people with eating disorder -Staying away from diet culture messaging -Reconsidering old ways of teaching that were passed down to you -Why the “invitation” is so important -Giving grace to yourself for the ways you may have caused harm -Honoring your scope of practice -Ways to keep your space safe -Why teaching clients how to feel inside their bodies is important -Jennifer shares some of her favorite practices when working with someone with eating disorder -Easy ways of using the philosophical principles in a class setting Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Jennifer: www.yoga4eatingdisorders.com [email protected] Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Mar 1, 2023
35 min

Do you consider yourself a leader in the field of yoga? What makes a good leader? What is wrong and what is right in the yoga industrial complex? Rebecca Sebastian joins us with some hard facts and gentle truths about how yoga professionals can build a yoga business while staying true to the ethics and values of the practice. Rebecca owns Sunlight Yoga + Apothecary, hosts the podcast Working in Yoga, and mentors for Inner Peace Yoga Therapy. Also co-founder and board president of the nonprofit Quad Cities Yoga Foundation, she has a passion for supporting yoga professionals. Topics: -How to stay true to the ethics and values of yoga while building a business -Why your money mindset might be holding you back -Getting past perfectionism and good girl syndrome -Rebecca’s personal yoga journey -The problem with the lack of business training in yoga teacher trainings -Why you can’t “manifest your taxes” -The business model of yoga teacher training and how it is hurting the profession -Making yoga profession and not a hobby -When Rebecca realized she was a leader in the profession -Why you need to stand up and stand out -The beauty of the people in the yoga industry -Qualities that make a good leader -Embracing all of the sides of the yoga ecosystem -Getting past the need to always be right -How to make yoga a viable profession with a livable wage -Leading with your own internal value -Getting past competitiveness and collaborating to help each other -Why yoga professionals are so lonely -The difference between being for the community and being of the community -What we are doing right in the yoga industry Please fill out our survey and receive a FREE I’m a Yoga Pro sticker! https://lynxshort.com/podcastsurvey Would you or someone you know make a great guest? Apply with this podcast guest form and waiver https://forms.gle/wGDiv3i1ZSDAzu8o6 Connect with Rebecca: www.workinginyoga.com www.instagram.com/rebeccasebastianyoga Shannon Crow and Colin Hall's Instagram links: https://www.instagram.com/theconnectedyogateacher/ https//www.instagram.com/colinyogin/ Shannon's Podcast: https://www.theconnectedyogateacher.com/podcast/ Connect with Pamela: www.theyogapropodcast.com www.instagram.com/gratefullypamela Email: [email protected] Music: The State of Things (The Bouncy Song) by Rena Wren is used with permission. www.renawrenmusic.com
Feb 17, 2023
52 min
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