This weekend (October 1st and 2nd) is the 5th Annual Green Top Outdoor Expo. I sit down for a great conversation with Green Top CEO Blaine Altaffer about what we can expect at this years expo. Everything from the 225 vendors, the VA Whitetail Trophy Clash, the "Dock Dogs", kids activities and so much more. Green Top also celebrating their 75th Anniversary this year with a special partnership with Benelli and the limited edition SBE3 "The Virginian"See you at the Green Top Outdoor Expo
Sep 29, 2022
15 min

I had the opportunity to talk to Richmond Raceway track President, Lori Waran ahead of the first ever summer race at Richmond Raceway - America's Premiere Short Track.
Aug 9, 2022
9 min

Weekends Look A Little Different to Brett Young. Brett and Garret connected this week and they talked about the new fall tour, new music, being a Dad and expecting a new baby in July.Guest: Brett YoungHost: Garret Doll (K95 Richmond)
Jun 24, 2021
9 min

This week, I sat down with Todd Sadler. He is a Green Top Pro at Green Top Hunt Fish in Ashland, VA. He started relic hunting at the beginning of the pandemic and has found a passion for it. Todd has learned so much in such a short time. I invite you to listen if you have an interest in relic hunting and what it has to offer and how to get started. There is so much history here in Virginia, I can't wait for you to hear what we learn on this podcast.Learn more about Green Top Hunt Fish through these channelsGreen Top Hunt FishGreen Top on FacebookGreen Top on InstagramConnect with the host (me) - Garret Doll through these channelsFacebookInstagramTikTokNew Country K95
Dec 21, 2020

In episode 008, I catch up with Country artist Justin Moore. We've known each other for years. We talk about life off the road without concerts during the pandemic. We find out how he got started with his podcast "The Justin Moore Podcast". Then we talk about hunting and family.#justinmoore #K95Richmond #theworldaccordingtogCheck out Justin's new song "We Didn't Have Much"The Justin Moore Podcast - Listen hereListen to my show on K95 Richmond every weekday afternoon from 3-7pm hereFind Me on social mediaFacebookInstagramTikTok
Dec 10, 2020

I was inspired to talk with TR Jones and his wife Brittany after seeing a tiktok video from TR sharing the story of his family farm in Virginia. We talked about the history of Richland's Dairy Farm & Creamery, what it takes to run a dairy farm and the struggles during a pandemic after building a new creamery. Brittany is super smart and helped us understand the technology behind a cows health. They wear a pedometer that monitors everything. Then we got into the conversation about TikTok and how TR has grabbed the following of over 400,000 people, had over 3.5 million likes in 10 months and getting to hang out with other big TikTok creators as a father, husband and farmerFind TR on TikTok @tr_jones7Find Richlands Dairy on TikTok @richlandsdairyFind Richlands Dairy on Facebook @RichlandsDairyhttp://www.richlandscreamery.comI'm Garret Doll and you can find me on K95 Richmond every weekday afternoon from 3-7pm. Listen at http://www.k95country.comFind me on FB @theGarretDollTikTok @garretdollInstagram @garret_doll
Dec 1, 2020

Celebrating 25 years of friendship on a camping trip, my pal "Maverick" and I sit down around a campfire, sipping bourbon and shared some great stories over the years and maintaining a friendship 2500 miles apart.About the host: Garret Doll - Program Director and afternoon personality on WKHK-FM - K95 - a country radio station in Richmond, Virginia. You can listening to my show HEREFind me on my social networks hereFacebookInstagramReach Garret here - [email protected]
Sep 24, 2020

Episode 005 is a learning experience. We touch on the Kardashians - How did that show become popular again? 9/11 happened 19 years ago this week. We remember. My guest this week is Chip Watkins of Monquin Creek Outfitters in Virginia. We sat by the river and talked about being a Steward of the land, conservation, land and wildlife management and teaching our kids.#MonquinCreekOutfitters #ChipWatkins #GarretDoll #theworldaccordingtog #greentophuntfishLearn more about Monquin CreekWEBSITEFACEBOOK INSTAGRAMGREEN TOP OUTFITTERSAbout Your Host: Garret Doll is the Program Director and Afternoon Drive host on K95 Richmond. You can listen to my show on K95 Richmond every weekday afternoon from 3-7pm.Find me on Facebook HEREFind Me on Instagram HERE
Sep 10, 2020

I find my way to Orapax Hunting Preserve in Goochland, VA to catch up with Neal Kauder . He and his wife manage the property and Neal is an amazing upland bird guide and dog trainer. We talk about Upland Bird Hunting and dog training for the field.#theworldaccordingtog #orapaxhuntingpreserve #K95richmond #GreenTopHuntFish #uplandbirdhunting #dogtraining #virginia #hunting #huntingpreserveYou can learn more about Orapax and Green TopWebsite Facebook: Instagram: Neal Kauder on InstagramGreen Top Hunting and Fishing Green Top on Facebook About the host: Garret DollListen to my show on K95 RichmondGarret on Facebook Garret on Instagram
Aug 28, 2020

We catch up with Lori (a valued member of my team) from the radio station. Also kinda consider her my work wife that I haven't seen in months. She has been doing her show from the comfort of her home. Does she really work all day or sit by the pool? What's your favorite drink and your new favorite snack? Plus, parents and educators in America have different views about kids returning to school. Very delicate subject for many, but we talk about that and the struggles and learning curves that many Americans face in the coming months.You can listen to Lori (10a-3p) and myself (3p-7p) each weekday at http://www.k95country.com
Jul 24, 2020
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