the Working Mother’s Mentor
the Working Mother’s Mentor
Julie Finn
[ENCORE] Teaching your kids good eating habits, using food as medicine, and having impact through social enterprises, with Jess White, SVP Good Measure Meals/Open Hand Atlanta
41 minutes Posted Mar 2, 2020 at 9:00 pm.
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Jess shares her nutrition and behavior modification expertise as we discuss strategies to help busy families eat healthy meals.  Jess will help you to see that food is medicine and how taking a wellness approach to life with affect your eating decisions.  You will also learn about the successful social enterprise, Good Measure Meals, and how they leverage an income generating business in order to help fund their social impact programs.  Jess discusses how she integrates her work and family life, how she, as a leader, creates an environment for her teams to thrive, and the best advice she’s ever received.