The Word Made Fresh Podcast Podcast

The Word Made Fresh Podcast

Matthew Tracey | Wendly Saintil
Making the Bible fresh for people from all walks of life. A conversational-style Bible study and exploration.
God's Plan for the Redemption of Man
Even after mankind fell, God initiated a plan to restore mankind and address the problem of evil. God created man upright, but man lost everything by disobedience. God did not give up on his creation. In this episode, we study God's plan to restore mankind.
Jan 26, 2020
29 min
The Fall of Man
Sin originated when Lucifer. His angels forsook their allegiance to God. When they were cast out of heaven. Satan devised a plan to get mankind to follow him. In this episode, we learn how mankind fell into Satan's traps and its effect on the human race.
Jan 12, 2020
29 min
Why Was Sin Permitted
This episode talks about why sin is permitted and why it still exists in the world today. Assuming that God is powerful and loving, we dive into the Bible to understand why does he allow sin to exist in the world.
Jan 5, 2020
29 min
The Apostasy of Satan
Where did sin originate? Could it have been prohibited? Where does evil come from? These are some of the questions that we asked to start the series the fall and restoration of man.
Jan 4, 2020
27 min
The Foundation of Truth
In this episode, we recap why we believe the Bible is inspired. And we share with our listener the implication of accepting or rejecting this source of inspiration. Practical advice is giving to encourage those who are uncertain about the Bible. And those who desire to make the word fresh in their lives are called to make the Bible their foundational source of truth.
Dec 8, 2019
27 min
Can the Bible be understood?
There was a time when the Christian church did not allow the laity to read the Bible. Only the clergy had access to copies of God's word. It was thought that only the learned and better educated could rightly understand the Bible. However, this reasoning is not according to the Bible. In this episode, we learned that the Bible is written as a message to all nations and tribes. And everyone can understand its message.
Dec 2, 2019
28 min
The Creation of All Things
Who made the world? How did mankind arrive upon the earth? What about the trees, animals, and fish? In this episode, we learn about the Bible's account of Creation. We learn that mankind is not an afterthought but a masterpiece chiseled and built by God. Tune in to learn more about the Bible's account of creation.
Nov 28, 2019
27 min
Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
Fulfilled prophecies in the Bible indicates that the Bible is an inspired book. God asserts that He can reveal the future. In the Bible, God declares the end from the beginning. In this episode, we look into the inspiration of the Bible by studying a few Bible prophecies.
Nov 24, 2019
27 min
Where does the Bible come from?
This is the first episode in a series looking at the inspiration of the Bible. What is the Bible? How long did it take to write the Bible? How many people wrote the Bible? Where was it written? What are the original languages of the Bible?  How is the Bible circulated? How do we know we are getting a reliable resource? How much of the Bible is inspired? and much more...
Nov 17, 2019
26 min