WDW Radio - Your Walt Disney World Information Station
WDW Radio - Your Walt Disney World Information Station
WDW Radio - Your Walt Disney World Information Station
WDW Radio: Your Passport to the Disney Parks and more! - WDW Radio is the award-winning Disney podcast dedicated to celebrating the magic of Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, Marvel, and Star Wars since 2005. Tune in and subscribe for Disney news, Disney vacation planning, Disney travel tips, Disney trivia, contests, deep dives into Disney history, interviews, theme park secrets, as well as attraction, dining, and resort reviews. Hosted by Disney expert, author, and speaker Lou Mongello, this family-friendly show is your Walt Disney World Information Station, and has been voted Best Travel Podcast for 9 consecutive years, and also features a blog, videos, LIVE video, welcoming community, and special events including monthly meetups, group cruises, On The Road experiences and more! Over the years, WDW Radio has been graced by a plethora of esteemed guests. Disney Legends like Julie Andrews, the iconic Mary Poppins, Tony Baxter, Marty Sklar, Alice Davis, Richard Sherman, Bob Gurr, Alan Menken, Paige O'Hara, the voice of Belle, Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel, and renowned Producer Don Hahn, have shared their stories and experiences. The podcast has also ventured into the Marvel and Star Wars universes with guests like Kevin Feige, the President of Marvel Studios, and Ashley Eckstein, the voice behind Ahsoka Tano. From Walt Disney Imagineers, dedicated Cast Members, to talented actors, writers, producers, authors, and many more, WDW Radio has been a platform for the voices that make Disney truly magical. It is also home to Lou Mongello's Walt Disney World Trivia Books, The Disney Interviews book, 102 Ways to Save Money For and At Walt Disney World, and virtual Audio Tours of Walt Disney World. Lou is also the founder of the Dream Team Project, which has raised more than $550,000.00 to date to send children with life-threatening illnesses to Walt Disney World through the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. Whether you're planning your next trip to Walt Disney World or simply reminiscing about your favorite Disney memories, the WDW Radio Disney podcast is your passport to the Walt Disney World and the Disney Parks around the world, Disney Cruise Line, Marvel, and Star Wars! Learn more at WDWRadio.com In addition to creating content around the Disney brands, Lou is also a keynote speaker, author, coach, and founder of the Momentum series of events and workshops for those looking to build their business and brand by sharing the magic of Disney, delivering exceptional customer service, social media, podcasting, live video, and community. Learn more at LouMongello.com
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7 days ago
May 19
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