Unapologetic As A Mother Podcast
Unapologetic As A Mother
JaVaughna Bevel & WILD MOMs Club
S10,E1: Reassess, Prioritize, Shift and Get Back To It! - episode of Unapologetic As A Mother podcast

S10,E1: Reassess, Prioritize, Shift and Get Back To It!

32 minutes Posted Jun 30, 2022 at 10:00 am.
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We're back!!!!!!!!! It took a minute but we're here with fresh episodes, new guests and even better conversations!!!! This episode starts the season with Tiffani and JaVaughna catching up and discussing how life has been lifin' for the two ladies since the end of season 9. The share how they both had to regroup and learn the importance of prioritizing what what's important for THEM right now. You absolutely want to tune in and get reacquainted with your favorite hosts of Unapologetic As A Mother!!!! 

Be sure to connect with the ladies on social media @unapologeticasamother_podcast. And give the show an Apple review!!!