Unapologetic As A Mother Podcast
Unapologetic As A Mother
JaVaughna Bevel & WILD MOMs Club
Season 9 Episode 12- "You Deserve It Mama! Luxury Looks Good On You!" - episode of Unapologetic As A Mother podcast

Season 9 Episode 12- "You Deserve It Mama! Luxury Looks Good On You!"

43 minutes Posted Aug 19, 2021 at 12:00 pm.
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"Some trips are not for the children"- Tiffani 

On this episode JaVaughna, Tiffani and Crystal talk about luxury, motherhood and why people feel like moms don't deserve nice things! We deserve to enjoy life, indulge in what makes us happy and get what we desire! Society says we shouldn't but in 2021 and beyond, we are changing the narrative! Luxury is not taboo! We welcome it and we deserve it! How do you feel about luxury? Is it a word that you find yourself shying away from? If so, join in on this conversation and become ok with getting what you desire and deserve!