💡 This week on #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow, we are joined by Sandy Grigsby Self-Image Branding Expert & Founder of Briofive!
We talk about:
✅ Why bringing in professionals is vital to successful image branding
✅ Taking photos vs. the art of contextualization
✅ How to use imagery to create a personal brand that has the ‘wow’ factor
✅ The mindset and identity that create an authentic ‘wow’ factor image
+ MUCH more!
Check out Sandy at https://www.sandyinfocus.com/
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Nov 18, 2022
45 min

💡 This week on #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow, we are joined by Reiner Lomb, founder of BoomerangCoach!
We talk about:
✅ How Reiner’s role at helping HP become a multi-billion-dollar industry led to his mission-driven life of creating game-changing leaders
✅ The 7 essential emotions for leading positive change, no matter what position you are in
✅ The journey a leader goes through, from focusing on the self, team, to finally leading a successful organization
+ MUCH more!
Check out Reiner at https://reinerlomb.com/
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📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Nov 3, 2022
48 min

💡 This week on #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow, we are joined by Ellyn Katherine Shamalov, founder of The Quantum Enlightenment System!
We talked about:
✅ What is the “soul blueprint” and why does it matter?
✅ Why is it necessary to work on the Mind, Body, and Spirit all at once instead of one at a time?
✅ What kinds of results Ellyn has seen in people using the modalities of The Quantum Enlightenment System, pertaining to wealth creation.
+ MUCH more!
Check out Ellyn at www.catalytichealing.com
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📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Oct 20, 2022
51 min

💡 This week on #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow, we are joined by Vanessa Loder, leadership expert, author, and speaker!
We talked about:
✅ If women can really have it “all”
✅ How to get out of our toxic hustle culture without scaling back on our dreams
✅ The “success myth” and how to fix our culture’s obsession with materialistic gain over holistic wellness
+ MUCH more!
Check out Vanessa at https://vanessaloder.com/
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Oct 13, 2022
50 min

💡 This week, we released our 100th episode of our podcast #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow with Dr. Rima Bonario, a soul coach & healer!
We talked about::
✅ What self-sovereignty is and how to full embody your body
✅ The 7 Queendoms: A SoulMap for Embodying Sacred Feminine Sovereignty
✅ Masculine vs Feminine energy-centric people
✅ Moving past life’s traumas to heal and step into your purpose, by understanding the relationship between the body and the spirit
+ MUCH more!
Check out the full conversation here: https://youtu.be/Fsxc75uHDWI
Check out Rima at https://rimabonario.com/
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Oct 6, 2022
53 min

💡 This week, we had the pleasure of chatting with PRERNA GUPTA, 4x serial tech entrepreneur & founder of the NFT-powered social media app, Mysterious, about:
✅ The must-have characteristics of a successful entrepreneur
✅ How Prerna chooses new ventures & how she figures out when they’re ready to be exited
✅ Why the tech sector remains the fastest growing industry & why it pumps out such hot properties for investors
✅ The future of the tech world’s buzz products (Bitcoin, AI, NFTs, Metaverse)
+ MUCH more!
Check out Prerna’s NFT-powered social media app here: https://mysterious.xyz
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Aug 29, 2022
58 min

💡 This week, we had the pleasure of chatting with leadership advocate & director, Annie Raygoza:
✅ How to better build and sustain corporate and entrepreneurial sectors by using male allyship to support gender equality
✅ How a woman can navigate a male-dominated industry without sacrificing her femininity
✅ What everyone fundamentally misses the mark on when it comes to relationships
✅ Resources for men and women to accomplish a holistically beneficial environment for growth and sustenance in business
+ MUCH more!
Connect with Annie here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annieraygoza/
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Aug 16, 2022
45 min

🔴 How Intention Setting Is The Key To Accomplishing Goals With Big Impact
💡 This week, I had the pleasure of chatting with leadership consultant & author, Mary Griffin, about:
✅ What kind of transformation you can get from working with a leadership consultant like Mary.
✅ Why you should focus on your intentions over your goals.
✅ How cultivating specific intentions can help you accomplish your goals.
✅ How finding the “I” in ‘Team’ can cement your authority as a leader
+ MUCH more!
Check out Mary at her website here: www.iabusinessadvisors.com
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Jul 28, 2022
47 min

💡 This week, we had the pleasure of chatting with the founder of Vision Board Media, Donna Serdula, about:
✅ Why branding your company is a must after developing your product/service
✅ Why LinkedIn is perfectly positioned for establishing authority and building a business
✅ How LinkedIn can uniquely be used for branding, networking, research, intelligence, and professional development
✅ How LinkedIn fares against other platforms (TikTok, Instagram, etc.), when it comes to client acquisition
+ MUCH more!
Check out Donna at her website: http://www.linkedin-makeover.com/
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Jun 30, 2022
1 hr 3 min

🔴 How can men ignite the power of women to optimize their lives?
💡 This week, we had the pleasure of chatting with author of ‘Ignite the Power of WOMEN In Your Life: A Guide for MEN,’ Simon T. Bailey, about:
✅ How men will benefit from following Simon’s guide and methodology, and how it is structured to suit a male audience’s psyche.
✅ Why should men “ignite the power of women in their lives”?
✅ What men need to empower women for, that they haven’t already had ownership on.
✅ For men and women in professional environments, how can the book help them equalize the playing field?
+ MUCH more!
Check out Simon at his website: https://simontbailey.com/
📌 Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, search ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show’
📌 Subscribe to our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy’
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Jun 23, 2022
43 min
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