The TopDrawerSoccer Show: focus on the future with Top Drawer Soccer
The TopDrawerSoccer Show: focus on the future with Top Drawer Soccer
via Podcasts
Wish it came back
Great insight and analysis!
Taylor and Daryl have a great dynamic between them, and their analysis and connections within the community form a fabulous show I don’t miss. As a soccer fanatic looking to refine my tactical analysis and how I watch the game, their show has been an amazing find. Soccer 101 also has some great episodes for newer soccer fans as well as seasoned ones. Thanks guys!!
Snowhound 10
Entertaining & informative
TSS has gone downhill and taken all of these podcasts with them. It’s sad to see. You hate to see it. Hail Antifa.
Vital for the American soccer nerd
American soccer development is getting better, and along with it, so is the coverage. This is essential listening for anyone who is into development in the US, and for any fan who needs a bit of hope for the future of the game!
Love it !
I love the witty, fast paced, educated discussion. You provide an entertaining view of football across wide array of leagues/countries, and you can do it with detailed analysis that sets you apart from the crowd !
Great podcast!
Great podcast if you’re looking for insight/deep dive information on the youth landscape in the US! A must-listen if you want to have a broader and deeper understanding of youth players and youth landscape in the US!
Females in soccer?
Please include more content on females. It’s almost completely neglected or change the name of the pod to reflect it’s focus on MLS, USMNT, DA (for boys)...etc. There are so many exciting young players coming and existing professionals, seems a shame not to speak to half the nation.
Really informative
Great podcast to keep up to date on all the up and coming youngsters in both the men’s and women’s game. Easy way to stay informed on U20s. I also learn a lot on how US Soccer works. Travis helps break it all down.
This is a good podcast!
Please listen!
Important Show for Future of US Soccer
If you care about the future of US Soccer this is a must listen show.
80s Hard Rockin'
Probably the best podcast focused on young American soccer players that casually employs the phrase “argy bargy.”
Always interesting
Great interviews and segments discussing player development. As someone who has not dedicated their life to growing the game in this country, it’s interesting to hear from those who have chosen that path.
Love the show
Great coverage of youth national team players, USMNT, USWNT and all things soccer. Keep up the great work lads!
great soccer info, especially for the upcoming ynt's
Top of the Table
It doesn’t take a football genius to tell that this show is one of the best American soccer podcasts. Brilliant tactical analysis and scouting in a friendly tone that’s never condescending. This show has elevated the conversation about the game I love in the country I love.
Great, unique, and informative pod
A great pod for people interested in emerging US soccer talent.
PTFC Grayson
Awesome podcast
Awesome podcast giving the low-down on American youth soccer development. Really too bad that the one youth soccer expert (forgetting his name) left shortly after the podcast started, he was one of my favorites.
Love the unique insight and perspective that this podcast provides...thanks guys!!
Awesome show
Definitely a developmental/youth spin off of TSS. Excellent and informative, these guys know what they're doing and know about soccer. Disappointingly very little information about Drawers.
Josh from Fl
The future looks bright
With USNMT not going to the world cup the #PLAYYOURKIDS is critical. As a Director of Coaching in Small Town USA information to pass on to Coaches, Players and Parents is nessessary to open paths to opportunity’s. This podcast is a great soruce of information on where those paths are located. Now if one of the English Hosts would start coaching U8 Rec Soccer the #PLAYYOURKIDS would be complete.
AZ Coach Jeff
Subscribed to support the TSS guys but..
I've started looking forward to this show it's own right. The soccer news of late has been bleak at best so its super refreshing to listen to discussion that's looking forward and considering solutions rather than looking back and pointing fingers. Maybe I'm just buying into Daryl's insane positivity, but all 4, now 3, guys (rip Will) seriously do great work. No other cohost will ever properly appreciate Daryl's dad jokes and Taylor's pop culture analogies more than they do when together, but if the bromance must occasionally be split up, this is solid and engaging silver medal to TSS's gold.
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If you are a prospect hound and you don't listen to Top Drawer Soccer Show, you are missing out
If you know these acronyms: DA U17 PDL USL Pro/Rel GA HG and you care about USYNT, then you must listen to this pod
In depth
Most comprehensive pod on US youth soccer. Great listen
If you’re looking for the Total Soccer Show...
... this is NOT it. This is nothing like the Total Soccer Show. This is more like Daryl OR Taylor dragging Travis Clark along for an hour. The best thing about the Total Soccer Show is the friendship and chemistry between Daryl and Taylor, and the quips and banter they share throughout their show. For this show you get Daryl OR Taylor, plus Travis Clark. From the very start of the program you do away with what effectively works for the Total Soccer Show, and you add Travis Clark, who is a charisma black hole. Travis is dry on a regular day, but now that he has a newborn and “doesn’t have time for banter” he’s become almost insufferable. I admire the venture to try to raise awareness for the youth game, I really do. But after trying and trying to listen to this podcast I think I’ll stick with the brief mention the US youth teams get on the Total Soccer Show.
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Ear candy for soccer geeks
Love love love this podcast. A brilliant marriage of Daryl & Taylor's charm and Top Drawer's years of research. Thanks guys!
Unique and good.
It's all about the future of US soccer. Well done.
Informative hosts that go more in-depth than anyone else
Long time coming
This is the soccer podcast, American soccer fans have been waiting an entire lifetime to hear. Daryl, Taylor and Will give you in depth information about youth soccer in America.
Great Pod
I am really enjoying learning about all the different youth programs in the US and what they bring to the table. Keep up the good work gents.
Six stars.
Will Parchman is an absolute gem. This is an interest listen for any sports fan.
Clay VA
Great addition to TSS
Love the original Total Soccer Show and this is a great addition to keep me listening to soccer news instead of the regurgitated sports radio stationation topics. Thank you guys... Keep it up.
I'm Hooked!
Intelligent, informative and humorous. Great onsite into youth soccer development in the US. Will, Daryl and Taylor are the best.
Timmy Dedock
Appreciate the balance of discussion so far - you get the scoop on individual prospects/people, but also thoughtful acknowledgement and analysis of processes and structures that shape the landscape.
Great listen
Love that they are covering the topics the cover and tackle!
Highway To Distraction
Youth Soccer Academy Talk
Hell yeah, sign me in. Don't forget to mention us little guys (U12) in USSDA Murrieta Surf SC in Murrieta, California under DOC Steve Myles.
Great stuff
Less of a peek behind the curtain, more so a dive into the deep end of American soccer. Darryl provides the scuba gear and Parchman is the expert tour guide taking you around the exotic locations of development (ok well maybe this is the first time D.C. was called exotic in history. the bad puns and analogies were lacking from this pod so I thought I needed to throw one in there). All in all great pod, excited to see where this goes.
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It's everything you want it to be, and more
Listen to it, ya dingus!
Great show!!!
Love the direction of this show! Also can't wait to see if Daryl or Taylor will be Wills new BFF. Let the subtle Bachelor style backstabbing begin!
This was just the first episode but it 110% lived up to the big expectations. Subscribe. #PlayYourKids
Sporting KC are best
Podcast is ok
Can't wait for more!
This TSS/TDS collab can only be quality; looking forward to everything these guys are going to talk about.
Digging deep with youth soccer!
Love that we have a great outlet to hear about the undercovered youth groups of U.S. soccer!
TSS level quality
It's a great podcast by great people love the show!
Love these guys
This is the soccer podcast I've been waiting for. These guys really know their stuff and they are hilarious. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Parchmaniacs unite
Surely will be 💯.
max stravinsky
3 dudes who know their soccer
In depth analysis and learning more and more about the young players playing football all over the world
The commentators on this show know what they are talking about and it's exciting to see people excited about the future of American soccer
Unchartered podcast territory of US soccer with a hero of print and a hero of audio! Deepen your knowledge, follow young players, understand the culture from the bottom up! Subscribe and save! 😂⚽️💥
Real soccer analysis
This pod has 3 of my very favorite soccer analysts. They make you think and don't just try to 'stir the pot'.
More Daryl and Taylor?
Yes please!
Lantern of Sector 2814
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