The TopDrawerSoccer Show: focus on the future with Top Drawer Soccer
The TopDrawerSoccer Show: focus on the future with Top Drawer Soccer
Yael Averbuch West on the importance of individual work in player development
35 minutes Posted Mar 26, 2020 at 5:56 pm.
Taylor and Travis give an update on the show and discuss some of the things they've been watching and reading while live soccer has been off the airwaves. 12:59 - Yael Averbuch West discusses Techne Futbol and the importance of individual work in player development.
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0:00 - Taylor and Travis give an update on the show and discuss some of the things they've been watching and reading while live soccer has been off the airwaves. 12:59 - Yael Averbuch West discusses Techne Futbol and the importance of individual work in player development.