The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
Embracing Discomfort
16 minutes Posted Dec 10, 2018 at 8:00 am.
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Have you noticed how we all like to keep things in a narrow band of comfort?  We keep our houses not-too-warm, not-too-cool.  Most homes, all year long, stay in a very narrow band of temperature.

Most of us go to the same restaurants, listen to the same music, hang out with the same friends, and do the same activities.  Every now and then, something new.  And then, back to the comfortable.

But not much growth happens in comfort.

If you want to improve in yoga, you have to stretch a little bit further, hold the position a little bit longer... be uncomfortable.

Discomfort accompanies growth.  Sure, you can be uncomfortable, and it just be that -- discomfort.  But if you are growing... if you are changing... there will be discomfort.

If we simply avoid discomfort, we also avoid growth.

Or, we could embrace discomfort.  See it as a sign of growth.  Use it as a potential sign that we are growing.  And accept that when we grow, we will be uncomfortable.

I discuss Embracing Discomfort in this podcast episode.

Embracing "I Don't Know"
Embracing "We'll See"
Certainty and Variety
Growth Mindset