The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
The Thriveology Podcast For Thrive Nation
Embracing “We’ll See”
13 minutes Posted Dec 3, 2018 at 8:00 am.
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For me, "We'll See" was my philosophy of survival when I was sick.

The doctor gave me a diagnosis with a bad prognosis.  Lots of ways I could be sick and die.  Lots of ways my body could betray me.

Oh, and this was 15 years ago.  WebMD was the "go-to" for facts on how we would die from any symptom or condition.  So, family and friends let me know all the ways my body could fail me, based on my diagnosis.  And shared the facts in excrutiating detail.

I was not in denial.  I simply knew that there were many ways things COULD go wrong.  But that meant little on how things WOULD go wrong.

It was overwhelming to face the "could's."  I had only space to deal with the "would's."

So, I took to a single response, "We'll see."  For a bit, the tone and volume would go up.  Until the person realized that "We'll see" was where I was standing.

I find it most helpful to deal with things as they happen, not trying to figure out all the many things that might happen.

This is something I suggest for all of us.  So many things we could worry about.  Or we could just use the energy to deal with what is.  What becomes.  What happens.

Embrace "We'll See."  I discuss it in this episode of the podcast.

Dealing With Worries
Dealing With Change
Facing "What Is"
Embracing "I Don't Know"