Youth who are involved in the justice system encounter many consequences, such as probation or out-of-home placement. One aspect of juvenile court involvement that can last well beyond childhood is the financial burden of juvenile court debt. Listen today to learn more about debt-free justice and how you can help!
Minors Facing Major Debt: The Immense Burden of Court Fees on Macomb County Youth and Families
Publications: Report on the Economic Well-Being of US Households (SHED)
The High Cost of "Justice": A Snapshot of Juvenile Court Fines and Fees in Michigan
2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Feb 1, 2022
18 min

The juvenile or youth justice system can seem very convoluted and confusing, especially to those with little experience with it. In this episode, I'm going to cover the basics of juvenile justice and lay the groundwork for the podcast moving forward.
Jan 3, 2022
12 min

Hello and welcome to The Table: Conversations on Youth Justice, a podcast that talks about youth justice in Michigan, and occasionally, nationwide. This podcast is sponsored by the Michigan Center for Youth Justice; a nonprofit organization fighting for a fair and effective justice system for kids. New episodes of The Table will be released on the first of the month. Each episode may be a bit different than the last, as we discuss current issues, reports, and maybe even host a guest here and there. The Table can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen. Remember to rate, review, and subscribe. If you'd like to donate to support our work, please go to miyouthjustice.org/donate.
Dec 16, 2021
55 sec