The Suzanne Venker Show
The Suzanne Venker Show
Suzanne Venker
via Podcasts
Great podcasts for all ages men and women
Another update: I recently purchased your newest book “How to build a better life”. I read it to my boyfriend who enjoys listening along and im just finishing chapter 3 it’s definitely great and I plan to pass it on to a lady in my life who definitely needs it as soon as im done. You have helped give me the confidence I needed to push back against the new societal norms and im excited to be a SAHM one day. Thank you so much for keeping it on podcast as well! I was super disappointed when I heard that it was going to be strictly YouTube. I love to listen to you when driving!💕 Just an update: I found Suzanne Venker’s show through Alex Clark’s podcast the spillover. Suzanne Venker is very wise and delivers her message well and hopefully will continue to change the modern way of dating and marriage for the better. Update: I haven’t always been marriage driven I always thought I was but never really knew what it truly entailed. This podcast has really helped me get more on track with my relationship and to dive deeper. I love listening to Suzanne she’s got a calming voice and she makes you think about the hard stuff. I really believe everyone should listen to her. Update: I just listened to Ep. 189. Love & Money Series: The best thing you can do for your marriage is to fight about money and I loved it. It’s definitely something to think about even when just dating. Sometimes I myself struggle to make good money choices and I think working on that before marriage is super important and helpful to talk about before marriage. Thank you for sharing this episode
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<3 dog<3
Life changing podcast
I am a stay at home mom to little ones and knew my worth, but hearing Suzanne describe why my role is so important often brings tears to my eyes. She is so intelligent, rational and thoughtful. I recommend her to my mom friends and friends considering getting married and having kids soon. Thank you Suzanne for speaking the truth - you are a God send and my husband and I adore your show!
A great resource!
Thanks Suzanne for all that you do! This is such an eye opening podcast.
Permission to Prioritize My Values
As a woman in her 20s, I have felt the need to suppress my desire for a family. I’ve always envisioned myself prioritizing my kids over my career and never felt permission to admit that (even to myself)! Part of this was because my dream of a more family-focused life felt impossible. Suzanne affirms that these desires are natural and gives listeners a road map for how to go about achieving them. It’s given me so much more clarity on how to approach dating and financial decisions in my near future. Even for women like my sister who are more career-oriented, this information (especially regarding the dangers of day care) is helpful for planning her life. Thank you so much Suzanne!
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Megan Kerpan
Discovered it, couldn’t stop listening to it
I found this podcast after wanting to learn more about Erica Komisar, and after listening to her 3 episodes with Suzanne, I just kept listening to more and more and more episodes…now my husband can’t stop listening either haha! It’s insane how much clarity we’ve gained around the past several years, which have been packed with so much confusion, frustration, and chronic dissatisfaction. A massive weight has been lifted — a million thanks to Suzanne and her guests!!!
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Amanda Fangman
Wonderful common sense about relationships
Thank you Suzanne for speaking such wonderful truth about gender rolls and God’s good design for men and women’s gifts and how they work together. So much practical advice and encouragement for mothers today.
Love the practical advice
I love Susan! She speaks the truth. I’m a mom to six kids ( I’m a millennial). Trying to balance everything.. marriage , work, and kids. I’ve learned so much from her. She preaches Godly Values and roles for women and men. I also love her marriage advice. Keep it up Susan, love listening to you.
Rebecca Leyla
Thank you, Suzanne!
I wish I had a Suzanne Benker in my ear earlier in life! So grateful I have her advise and encouragement now!
I’m so grateful I found this!
I stumbled across Suzanne on IG and I’m so grateful that I did. I have been reading Alpha women’s guide and it’s literally been a game changer. I’m just want to know more and continue learning by these podcasts as I resonate so much with this. Truly such a blessing to come across this because my relationship really needed this reality check. To understand how woman hold the cards gives us true alpha women a sense of control and to be able to be grounded by our feminine nature.
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Love this podcast
As the biological and spiritual father of a bunch of young adults, I wish they could all hear the wisdom brought to us through this podcast. Susanne Venker hits the mark on the message, values and choices young adults and recently married couples need to hear. Keep up the good work. Love it!
It’s a breath of fresh air to escape mainstream media and actually hear the truth. Hands together for Suzanne Venker for standing up and speaking out in support of family, common sense, marriage, and reality. We don’t have to be victims of our corrupt media. Seek out the best, and you’ll find Suzanne’s show in the mix!
Great clear, balanced, and thoughtful content and discussion. Challenging and enlightening.
Matt B in VA
Love this show
Suzanne has tons of wisdom that I love listening to! I love her logical outlook while still valuing emotions in the problems she addresses. Great show for gen Z and millennials especially!!
Encouraging for millennial moms and wives
I’ve been listening to Suzanne for several years and it’s so encouraging. I’m a SAHM/ wife and her wisdom is so practical to my life. It’s also great to listen to someone champion the traditional lifestyle in a world of boss babes. Sometimes you feel like a freak living on one income, budgeting, and staying home with your kids with a college degree but Suzanne makes you feel not only normal but that you’re doing something truly worthwhile which is much needed in the years of babies and toddlers when it can be hard. Her podcasts aren’t super long so it’s easy to listen to a podcast during a run or nap time or while making dinner. Thanks Suzanne for caring about our generation so much as to offer your wisdom. Also, it’s fun to listen to you as I’m a huge Phyllis Schalfly fan ❤️. Keep up the great work!
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Sophia Nance
Every woman needs this message!
So thankful to have had a friend send along your show. I grew up around these values but now as a mother I look back and wish I had someone as articulate and supportive to show me the “why” it is so important like you have. I have already passed along your show to another friend who has decided to stay at home full time and has been unraveling the lies the feminist movement fed her. Keep it up! Thank you!
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Highly recommend
I recommend this podcast for young women looking to date, get married, navigate relationships and understand men!
Took 25 minutes to get truly into any helpful piece of data. I was left with a large void and disappointment when I finished listening.
I can’t get enough. I’ve been binge listening since Suzanne was on Alex Clark’s podcast. So thankful someone is talking about all of these important issues. Suzanne is so calm and direct. She obviously thinks through what she says, as she pauses so long before she says some things I sometimes think I’m getting a phone call 😅
Arrows for the quiver
Excellent show on Stay at Home parenting! You get one chance to raise children… Our world is full of examples of daycare and latchkey kids. Anxiety is rampant. Moms, you matter!! You can make the difference! Despite many days of self doubt, I was lucky enough to find friends & resources to support my choice of being home, and being introduced to the reality that Kids spell love, T – I - M – E. It was a privilege to raise my children, and I hope they have the courage to buck this trend of putting the corporation ahead of their own family. Thank you, Suzanne— keep talking!!!
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Great podcast!
I listened to you on The Spillover and loved your interview and since have been listening to your podcast. Great advice!
So thankful for this podcast!!!
So glad I found this amazing podcast! Suzanne puts in to words what my heart knew all along about my role as a woman and the falsehoods society spews constantly. Can’t recommend enough for new families to listen!
A Must-Listen for New Moms!
I wish I had found out about everything Suzanne talks about BEFORE I had kids. But it’s never too late! Always great content that keeps me on track in my journey to Stay-At-Home motherhood.
Women don’t want to hear this but NEED to
Suzanne shoots it to us straight. Some women may not want to hear this but we need to hear it. Our civilization is declining. We’ve dug ourselves in deep with this toxic feminist thinking and we need women like Suzanne to help get us out of this hole we’ve created for ourselves. Love her views and morals and she’s not apologetic about it. She’s a breath of fresh air and so needed in todays modern society.
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Mamas, this show is for you!
Suzanne is uplifting and thought-provoking especially for mamas who are trying to create happy lives for their family. This show provides encouragement, practical tips, and ways of thinking about family and culture that have already had a positive impact on my life. After just a few episodes, this show is now a regular in my podcast rotation and I look forward to hearing more!
Excellent Feminine Advice
I was groomed to be a man… from a young girl I was taught the key to success was to carry my weight and be prepared for men to fail you. After well over a decade of a successful career in the military, I’ve come to realize I’m not actually acting or fulfilling my God given role as as a woman. The information on the podcast is helpful in developing into a full woman… and to leave space for man to thrive.
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I love this podcast because it places family outcomes first. Because the family is paramount. Great families make great homes great communities great cities great states great nations.
So grateful for this show!
I only stumbled across Suzanne’s name a few weeks ago in an article (either by Carrie Gress or Noelle Mering?) but have been hooked on this podcast ever since. I feel I have more insights into the differences between myself and my husband and am better equipped to grow our relationship, and I feel empowered in my choice to stay at home with our kids. Thank you Suzanne!
E. M. Grinter
Suzanne is a top modern voice on the subject of… well… gender roles! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your show, Suzanne! So much truth and you have the facts to back it up. I actually found your show AFTER we finally decided it would be best for me to stay home with our son. Even though I was able to take him to work, I was spread so thin and had many health problems because of it. It is so true… We CANNOT do it all. I am not super woman. Mom and wife is the best career I could possibly ask for. I wish that was presented as an option to young women looking to be married or have kids. God bless you.
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Laura Joiner 7
So good!
So refreshing to hear out loud what we all know in our gut to be true! Wish I would’ve known this info 20 years ago.
Every woman (and man) need this show
So refreshing to hear! Love this podcast - helps me feel more fulfilled as a stay at home mom. I highly recommend to anyone who doesn’t understand traditional roles of men and women, and how they make sense for our society. The woke changes going on in the world have caused so much damage, and if everyone would hear what Suzanne has to say I think they’d understand why so many are switching to traditional views again! Keep spreading the good values! Thank you, Suzanne!
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Well-researched and inspiring podcast
Love this podcast! I love that Suzanne consistently delivers quality content and keeps the discussion of women’s roles in family and society, and our happiness, grounded in reality. Thank you, Suzanne, for the hard work you do in connecting with your listeners through reading their letters, inspiring young women like me to “go against the grain” of modern social standards, and always centering the discussion on the timeless family values where true happiness ultimately lies.
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We need you 🤍🫶🏽
I found you via Alex Clark, I wish I knew of you in 2008 when I had my first child. I’m sooo happy I found you now doing motherhood again. You’re a true blessing to women. I’m binging everything, I’m following you on every platform and I just subscribed to your email list. Thankyou for the purposeful work you do 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Just discovered you this week!
I am not going to lie you are hands down the easiest podcast I have ever listened to. I have to say I love all of the issues and topics you discuss. They are excellent points. I strongly agree with nearly everything you say. You are beyond easy to listen to and also have a voice that isn’t monotone. It feels like you are sitting across the room from me. Highly recommend your podcast to anyone, I can now plug my earbuds in and listen to you all day while at work(office setting) and not be worked up and feel at peace when listening to the episodes. Thank you for all you do!
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Life Changing
I’ve been happily married for 25 years with great kids and a wonderful life. And STILL I found Suzanne Venker’s podcast to be life-changing. Here’s an example. After listening to an episode explaining that men feel close to women just by sharing the same space together without having to talk, I did an experiment, thinking “that won’t be true for our dynamic.” My husband came into the kitchen to help with dinner, I smiled warmly, and didn’t say a word. We worked together in silence for ten minutes. I thought this must be a fluke and tried again the next night. After a week, I realized there was a lot I didn’t know about men. Thank you so much, Suzanne, for helping me improve things I didn’t even know could get better.
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Dream Courier
Desperately needed podcast
Suzanne’s show is both highly accurate and desperately needed. Her perspective is so valuable for young adults yet unfortunately has not been shared by the media and has not been shared culturally by most Americans. American needs to rediscover family life and the best way to raise children so as to develop them as good, strong, self-sustaining people. Suzanne’s podcast is doing that work. Suzanne’s podcast is a must listen as one contemplates marriage and is one contemplates raising a family.
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Sean Mullaney
Thank you
I discovered you earlier this year when I heard you on Alex Clark’s show. I have been hooked I love your show and you have really helped me put somethings in perspective regarding my role as a mom. I have a date set for June 30th 2024 to stop working and stay at home with my 3 kids. I appreciate your words of wisdom and how you don’t sugar coat ykut words. Thank you!!!
Exactly what my generation needs to hear!
This show has been so incredibly insightful and an answer to a prayer. I am in the thick of young family life now and feel like you speak directly to my soul in all your episodes concerning raising our children and prioritizing our young families in this day and age. I am nearly 27yo and me and my husband have three beautiful daughters we keep at home rather than send to daycare. We both work part-time and have our schedules made in such a way that a parent is always home with our children. This has been incredibly important to us from the beginning and many people I know think I am crazy for wanting to be home with my kids full time once my husband is on the other side of medical school and works full time as a physician and sole provider of our family. Thank you for helping me fully realize how normal it is for me to want to stay home with my children and how not to take in the lie of needing to have it all in one season. I have found tremendous peace as I have become a more seasoned mother and I attribute much of my staunchness to your show and message. Keep talking, my generation is listening.
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A breath of fresh air
Finding your show while my now husband and I were dating was a game changer! Your show has facilitated incredible conversations, some more challenging than others but never the less we are grateful for all that you do.
naomi 1134
30 y.o. & childless - Suzanne is right!
Suzanne is so spot on it’s scary. The things she says about women in their 30’s waking up disappointed that they put all their eggs into the career basket could not be more accurate. I’ve been married for 10 yrs, am 31, and have been afraid to have children due to finances and what our world has become. Suzanne has helped me do have the courage to say that my career is not fulfilling me the way a family would, and enabled me to have some tough convos with my husband who has really gotten used to the idea of no kids in a 2-earner household.
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First time listener
I’m a first time listener & I’m excited to delve into this podcast. I met a stay at home mom at the park a few days ago & she highly recommended your podcast. Mainly because I am thinking of quitting my job at the beginning of the year to peruse being a stay at home mom for the very first time. She mentioned how optimistic you were about how doable that is for a family like mine. So I can’t wait to learn all the things I need to learn before putting in my 2 weeks to peruse that new way of living.
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I love every episode!
She is honest and straight forward in her podcast and that’s exactly what I want to hear and what I believe other people in this world need to hear. Each topic I find interesting and important! I would recommend this podcast to my friends for sure!
Lifesaver - please keep going!!
THIS INFORMATION NEEDS TO GET OUT. I was raised to achieve, excel, and be ambitious. Then, we had four kids in five years. I found myself as our primary breadwinner in that time so that my husband could leave his job that was making it so that he never saw our kids. However, this caused significant stress as I was pregnant, giving birth and nursing through the night for the past seven years, five of which I was also the primary breadwinner. I felt so alone and confused until I found this podcast. I’d have several breakdowns a year, crying and telling my husband I couldn’t do it anymore. We’ve been working toward me working less (or not at all) but have ABSOLUTELY struggled with the way we were BOTH brainwashed into thinking that I should be able to do it all, because I’ve always been able to in the past. I know that he’s had to learn how to be a man in this climate that degrades their gifts and contribution, which has compounded the issue further and slowed our transition to more traditional gender roles. Thanks to you Suzanne (also shout out to the Freed From Feminism podcast), I’ve been able to parent myself through my feelings and realize that my reaction to my role as breadwinner and wife and mom was (and is) normal. There is nothing wrong with me because I can’t keep up. My heart knew all of this, but I was also fighting the ubiquitous messages society tells us that the data shows that we “want” to be spread so thin and have egalitarian marriages… what?? I have been binging your podcast since I found it a few days ago. I shared the episode about breadwinning wives with my husband and he is on board with our transition, although it may take time to fully transition. I already feel so energized to start becoming more feminine and step back from the ways I was groomed to be masculine in school and work, even before we feel fully ready, to create the space for my husband to fill with his provision and strength. Thank you Suzanne! Also, we live in STL too and may be booking a coaching call as we really dive into the transition. There’s some significant PTSD and rebuilding or family needs to do as we embrace our new God-given roles. You are a God-send, please know that for every person who leaves a review, I know there are many who are listening quietly with bursting, thankful hearts.
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Addicting and encouraging
Suzanne says the quiet part out loud, admitting (and allowing women to admit) that they aren’t happier in our modern world where women and men are interchangeable. What Suzanne is describing is exactly what I see around me in the culture. Her voice is refreshing and encouraging. I heard similar advice growing up, and made decisions accordingly, but it’s neat to find a kind of mentor in Suzanne who confirms that no, I’m not crazy to prioritize home and family life. Her Facebook group is great, too!
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Found through the Spillover
Love Suzanne and her take on daycare. She is a breath of fresh air for this 30 yo mom.
Simply the best
I look forward to every podcast episode. Suzanne is a treasure and is doing such important work for women (and men!). I think teenage girls especially should listen to this podcast. Suzanne’s advice is refreshingly realistic and truly pro-woman (in a way most feminists are not, since they deny our most natural desires). As another reviewer said, it would be great to have even more childcare content for those of us starting to navigate parenting. It would also be great to have perhaps more interviews with SAHMs about how they make things work financially.
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Very Good For Millennial Women
In a world devoid of wise-woman teachings for younger women, Suzanne steps in to give the advice we all long for.
Valuable information
I’m a single mom and not married yet, but I love listening. This information os so valuable for when I do meet the right man and also affirms my love for motherhood and that valuable role I have in her life. All the blessings to Susan. 🤍
Great podcast!
So thankful I found Suzanne and her podcast; such valued content in today’s day and age!
Important narrative
I learned about Suzanne through The Alex Clark Spillover episode. Just like Alex, I’m single but love to know as much as I can about marriage and family, etc.. Suzanne’s conversations on daycare and the natural roles of a man and woman need to be heard. As a woman I was told to follow suit with todays societal roles, but deep down wanted something different. More people need to hear this narrative. Thank you Suzanne for doing just that.
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its Kristen Elise
Absolutely fabulous !
I am so thankful to have found this podcast. This podcast reminded me of Dr. Laura’s show. I am a Black woman from NYC. Although my parents were married until I was 19, their marriage sadly ended in divorce. The feminist movement scammed my parents. I am a stay-at-home mom and I now live in Texas. My husband and I have two children together. I was ostracized for my decision to stay home with our children by both sides of our family. Most of the criticism came from “the black community.” My LORD Jesus Christ mentored me, and a podcast like this one teaches me to love my children and my husband and to be chaste and discreet. My husband and I dodged divorce by the grace of GOD this year. Suzanne Venker is pro-marriage and pro-family. I just found this podcast two days ago, and I am learning so many practical tips. I plan on getting her books.
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