Retail Therapy by Sunday Scaries
Retail Therapy by Sunday Scaries
Sunday Scaries
via Podcasts
I miss the glory days
SS and RT used to be such treasures - as someone who has long enjoyed their socials and the show, I want to love the podcast still, but it’s hard to even finish an episode these days. SS was the most pleasant mood booster, and RT became a fun way to learn about or poke fun at what’s trending - whether outlandish clothing or cocktails, I genuinely laughed often and it kept me curious. The Sunday Confessional gets gross. With RT being the main squeeze these days, it just feels like every week is filled with bland speculation over “can I pull off this brand?” and if it were live, I’d feel the need to courtesy laugh. Not what it once was, not for the better.
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I’ve been listening since 2016. Retail therapy is just middle aged, midwestern dads from middle class backgrounds just wishing they were trust fund, old money New Yorkers
Cure for the Sunday Blues
Is missing with retails therapy but go get that bread
Sun Burn Craig
I mean I get it....
most of us became listeners because this was a pleasant monologue for our hangover Bring back Sunday scaries Still a B+ pod.
Aime Leon Dore
Ring the bell, Randy
Retail on Sunday’s Coattails
Retail therapy is fun and all but it should really be its own title. Will happily Refollow when the true Scaries Pod comes back.
Frankie Nicco
Still a listener!
Been listening for years and love the feed. I am sad to hear we will be getting even less of the Sunday Scaries content. I understand the need to pull back and regroup, but I feel a bit bait-and-switched into listening to Retail Pod to fill the Sunday Scaries hole-in-my-heart.
Retail therapy is great but it’s a different show
I love both the OG Scaries and the new Retail Therapy, but they really need to be separate feeds. They are totally different shows. I dropped Men in Blazers when they started the dozen different shows in a single feed strategy.
Exactly what I need…
Each week this is exactly what I need to hear - I’m typically a Monday listener. The format has “grown with me” in that I don’t have the Sunday Scaries like I did 10 years ago. Tbh, I got into a bad accident a few months ago and “my name’s Will DeFries, and This is the Sunday Scaries” helped out SO MUCH during recovery. Will, Barrett, and Sally all bring that moment of chill in the week. It’s just throwing on some good background tunes and chatting with a friend for an hour (yes I talk back to the pod). Love the pod and love the hosts and only wish that we had a slight uptick in guests. Keep it up!
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The best comfort show
Scaries is essential autumn listening and RT is getting unnecessary hate. Even if we don’t always know what they are talking about it’s the fun and easy fashion banter for me. What i have learned had definitely elevated my style and taste to be more niche and unique. the joke is the pretentiousness and pretentiousness is the joke.
Love retail therapy & Sunday scaries
Personally I like retail therapy better because the dynamic with Barrett is so good - he balances Will well. But they’re both great! Maybe they should be two separate pods so the people in the reviews here can cool off haha.
My favorite podcast
I love Sunday Scaries aesthetic, content, and hosts. The OG episodes are the perfect calming Sunday listen but Retail Therapy is my favorite. Will and Barrett are engaging, fun, and insightful. I love their takes on style, trends, and the zeitgeist. They manage to cover luxury in an easy going way without ever taking themselves too seriously. I live in Brooklyn and used to live in Austin so it’s fun to hear the references to both cities.
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Retail therapy stan
Okay idk what that other review was talking about but I live for the retail therapy episodes, no one else covers my niche fashion pop culture interests like Will & Barrett
My Sunday Routine
If you’d’ve told me that my favorite podcast was listening to two white straight dudes talk about what keeps them sane and the most recent ‘fits and trends were into I would have told you you’re insane. The fact is this is my favorite podcast to get my mind right for whatever the week throws at me and to keep up with what’s cool. For me, the Sunday Scaries podcast is definitely permanently on my “in” list.
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Retail Therapy 🐐
Love Retail Therapy, would be a top podcast even if it was on its own feed.
The cure for my Sunday blues
Hooked on Sunday Scaries hardcore. I love to listen on Monday mornings actually to ease the pain. Great pod. Good topics. Cool guys.
LOVE retail therapy
Can’t understand what the last comment is about. retail therapy is probably in my top 3 favorite podcasts of all time. Sunday Scaries pods are still great, but I enjoy the retail pods 1000x more. Keep it up!!!
Love RT!
I love original Scaries but also really welcome the long-form format of Retail Therapy. I love the banter between Barrett and Will and think Barrett’s insight is so welcome. Keep up the good work!!
Will and Barrett stan
Love retail therapy!
Will and Barrett are great on retail pod, love the topics they bring up and their back and forth. Keep it going!! Would love it weekly!
Love both Retail and Scaries
Been a long time listener and it’s still my cure for the Sunday blues. Coupling it with Retail Therapy helps make my Sundays better - from whether martinis are in or out or items on the wishlist that I buy before slamming my laptop shut. A solid evolution, just like many of us who started listening to the pod in our 20s and keep doing so into our…not 20s.
Still Curing My Sunday Blues
Love it but bring back Scaries
Always will love this pod but I started listening and following for the original format. Please bring back more traditional Scaries episodes. I enjoy Retail Therapy but not every week. Not what got this great digestible show this big following. Please stop with Retail Therapy.
wow i love this pod
What happened?
Love the show, but miss the scarries. What happened to the original format?
What happened?
I have been a long time listener of the Sunday Scaries and I don’t know why they started doing Retail therapy. It isn’t enjoyable to listen to anymore. Bring back the old format!
11:11 Candle Co.
The vibes
5 stars because I love Sunday Scaries (have been an OG listener). BUT, so tired of Retail Therapy. Was fine when it was a one-off but now it’s every other week. Feels a little off-brand to occupy the Sunday spot and I can’t bring myself to finish or even sometimes start most Retail Therapy episodes.
Would Not Recommend
Honestly listening to this podcast GIVES me the Sunday Scaries. Host is always hungover or complaining.
OG Listener
Sunday Scaries has been getting me through life since 2017 (or maybe 2018?). Its fun, soothing and a Sunday Staple. My only gripe is that I miss when Sunday Scaries was the primary Sunday segment. Retail Therapy, love it, but I loved it more when it popped up in the middle of the week. Which would then be the pick me up that helped get me through the midweek slump. Can we go back to the old days?
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My wallets worse off but keep it up
Love the addition of Retail Therapy. Barrett & Will are fun to listen to and you can tell they love talking about the topics they bring on the pod. They’ve inspired me to pull trig on some imminent cops I didn’t know I needed.
Most of the retail therapy episodes are about them packing holy sht is this boring
So thankful for this podcast
This podcast brings a little bit of joy into my sunday evenings and monday mornings
jane ki
Love the show, cannot stand retail therapy
Been a merch purchasing fan for years, but the addition of Barrett (who I also love) is not good. Talking about niche fashion adjacent advice doesn’t really fit the brand imo and is dragging it down. Especially when the advice is for Texas seasons, most people probably get cooler weather most of the year and this makes any tips irrelevant, even if they were interested. Retail therapy is just screaming to be a separate podcast.
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Anxiety relief with a side of “I’m better than everyone else”
The perfect escape away from the impending dread felt on Sunday’s either from drinking too much over the weekend or thinking of the work week ahead of you, but make it boujie. Also I love that we’ve been getting more Sally… maybe bring her on retail therapy for all the willmami’s and Sal Gals ;)
Sunday Staple
The only thing standing between me and the depths of Sunday Depression. Will is a master of his craft.
Tying 1 Avion
GOAT podcaster
Is a good podcaster
Will is delightful, even more delightful when Sally guests. This pod is perfect for my last hour in the car on the way home from a weekend out of town.
lady in STEM
Really enjoying the podcast recently. The addition of Retail Therapy is great. Overall 5 stars, A++.
Going downhill
Nothing cures the Sunday Scaries like Will’s wife complaining about politics
Not a good podcaster
First time listening to this podcast. Love the titles and what it is all about. But when I just listened to my first podcast of his titled Non-alcoholic hangover drinks, dark and stormy’s and how Dillon Cheverere spends his Sundays it was hard to not hit stop. He tripped over his words over and over and made me lose my sense of focus.
Katie - The Foodie
Loving both - get retail therapy it’s own feed
Been a long time loyal scaries listener and now a loyal retail therapy listener. Looking forward to when it has its own feed and I can subscribe and rate!
Vain, self indulgent, bizarre conversation. They sound like grown men speaking the words of high school girls. Why?
Responsible mom in nj
Retail Therapy is an absolute vibe
Love the addition of Barrett & the Retail Therapy eps are quite literally the podcast of my dreams. Here for the shifting vibes ALWAYS. Hope this becomes a weekly pod soon ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Retail therapy
I am officially an owner of low bowls and will never go back. Highly recommend this podcast. Five stars all around, love the will/Barrett combination
Give me all the Will/Bdubs collabs
Robby from The Bachelor
Last ep was 🤌🏼
I fell asleep to the meditation sounds at the end of the latest podcast and it was pure bliss- 10/10
Pull trig
Best pod on the docket. Love the retail therapy episodes to cure the deprivation of the long await gift guide each year. Topics always fire like the candles and merch. Keep that thang zesty Will, and ALWAYS trim the wicks on your scented candles. 🔥
Schroeder-dog millionaire
I was very disappointed. I'd forgotten it was supposed to be validating, for self care, blah blah blah. It seemed to be personal stories about someone I'm not much interested in. Sorry folks.
Chill DeBreeze
Great pod & content, but slowwwww down. It sounds like you have it at 1.5x speed and it would be easier to take in and relax if it wasn’t read so fast!
Lil Backer
Like a cozy blanket and flickering candle
Would I be able to get out of bed on Sundays without this podcast? I’m not sure, but I do know that this pod makes the process much more enjoyable. If you’re looking for a soothing yet validating show, this is it!
What can I say?
Been following Will for years, and he is genuinely the voice of the Millennial Generation. Some will consider that a bad thing, but he speaks truth to the fear, anxiety, stress, hope, joy, and promise that we are filled with at any point in time on Sunday afternoon. Some will think it’s too scripted, others will think the problems or ideas discussed are superficial - but so are many of the things that fill our mind at any point over the course of a Sunday. Thank you, Will DeFries. You’ve inspired so much.
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Great podcast
The podcast is calming and interesting. I put a lot of Will’s advice into practice.
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