The Sub Pop Podcast
The Sub Pop Podcast
Sub Pop Records
via Podcasts
It's the chocolate ice cream of podcasts
Best hosts. Best music. Best Mega Mart ads.
Not the right title
The New Brunswick/Nova Scotia episode has almost zilch to do with the bands from NB/NS and their relationship to SP. Fine if you want to know about Elizabeth Warren's senate run.
I don't know why, but the only thing I can listen to while doing core exercises is this, The Sub Pop Podcast. It's the best! I think it has to do with the combination of awesome music, witty banter, and Mega Mart ads. Would recommend for musically inclined people, especially if you like Hardly Art and Sub Pop artists or artists adjacent to those labels. LISTEN!
I was very excited when I first saw this podcast and was completely disappointed with it. It is mostly about inside information when I feel that it had so much untapped potential. They talk about the past and inside stories that really aren’t interesting to anybody but those who have worked at SubPop or continue to work at SubPop. Why not interview the artists more instead of the employees? And what about music. You only get tidbits. I was extremely disappointed and removed my subscription quickly.
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Percival Ragland
I love it! Keep up the good work!
Oat clusters with almonds
Good chemistry=good show
I listen to a lot of podcasts and I have to say, I really enjoy the way these two women, Arwin and Alyssa, interact. I just really like their personalies and their voices. They sound so sweet. I am hearing lots of new stuff on this podcast and also it's bringing back so many great memories with bands and music I haven't heard for decades. Great show--I love it!
you'd be foolish not to listen to this
it's easy: if you like good radio if you listen to cool music if you like charming personalities you're going to love this. download and hit play. it's the highlight of my wednesday's.
it’s great
i cool sneak peek into the side of seattle a lot of outsiders don’t get to see
So Near Here
I've got 77 requests for Sub Pop related topics, so many bands, Seattle/Olympia, interviews with Bruce Pavitt, Jonathan Poneman, Calvin Johnson, Slim Moon to name a few. But really, I'll just listen crossing my fingers that Low will be on, or Rebecca Gates, or Rick White, or even Seaweed.
Suddenly Organ
brilliant show, brilliant producing, brilliant women
avid fan fan fan
My review
I would listen FOREVER.
My Current Binge
At times, both shockingly foul mouthed and heart warming at the same time, a great listen!
A Person Who Nose
By far the best podcast I’ve ever heard! I love it the most! More, please!!!
Dig it
Fun, funny, smart and entertaining. Love the label, love the podcast.
Yes please
Thank you for finally doing this. Well worth the listen.
dick swingset
I love this podcast
Lots of great music and interesting stories!
I have been waiting for a sub pop podcast since 1988!!!! That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but this isn't: fantastic podcast brought to you by a very talented group from a very talented city. Listen and love!!!
This is a great show - excited to hear more!
Straight From the Source
I’ve never listened to a podcast with as much inherent authority on the subject in which they’re reporting on. If you are a fan of Sub Pop, music, or humor, this podcast will likely scratch an itch you didn’t even know you had.
Jazz Hams
The music podcast of my DREAMS!
This is the rock podcast I have been waiting for since I first heard about podcasts. Finally! Though I don’t think there’s a record label that would be as interesting as Sub Pop…I hope more follow this example and try to live up to this. It’s great and rad.
I sure do enjoy this
I've listened to every episode and can wait for more!
S Peck
the review
it's funny and true
Hooray for great new podcasts!
I pretty much always need something new to listen to, and this has been doing it for me. Well-produced, compelling, and entertaining–exactly what I'd expect from Sub Pop.
Right on
Dig it the most!
Exciting and smart
Love hearing these inside stores. Great to hear two women hosting.
so excited!
I'm all in.
This rules!
Sub Pop Podcast is for LOSERS!
Move over Serial...
I cannot wait for this!
So good!
I really enjoyed this.
Wish I worked here
This is how I imagine all record companies operate, sort of an insane asylum run by the inmates. I like it very much. I wonder if they're hiring.
Minister of Propaganda
Finally!!! I can't wait for this! Yay Sub Pop!
a person who lives in Seattle
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