The Student Pilot Cast (mp4) Podcast

The Student Pilot Cast (mp4)

Bill Williams
Learning to fly…in front of the world. A Podcast about flight training. Follow Bill as he progresses through his flight training. This is the video only feed. The audio podcasts are NOT the same content as the video podcasts, so if you want all the content, please subscribe to both. The audio feed is more tied to the student experience, in cockpit training, with a few features and special events. The video feed includes in-cockpit video sometimes, but is more feature oriented and does not typically coincide as closely with the training.
SPC Video #009-AOPA AFTA Demo
From the folks at the Student Pilot Cast, here is a demo of AOPA’s Flight Training Advantage, or AFTA. This is video episode 9 of the Student Pilot Cast. This episode is also published in higher resolution on our YouTube Channel here: In audio episode 65 I had a chat with Dan Justman from AOPA at Oshkosh 2022 about AFTA and some of the details of the product. Here is the SPC audio episode 65 with more information about AFTA from the interview with Dan Justman: AOPA is trying to tackle what is likely part of the reason so many people quit pilot training before achieving their certificate by organizing the flight training process and making it more transparent and predictable, even in a part 61 setting. With their AOPA Flight Training Advantage program, or AFTA, they are hoping to make flight training more enjoyable for both the student and the CFI, and make the process a little bit easier, more predictable, and more streamlined…thus saving time, money, and hopefully helping a few additional people earn their certificate. I hope you enjoy this one. More information about AFTA can be found here: AOPA Flight Training Advantage – AOPA
Oct 3, 2022
14 min
SPC Video #008-A Lap Around AirVenture 2022
The famous Bell 47 helicopter ride at Oshkosh brought to you in its full, 4-minute glory by the folks at the Student Pilot Cast. Here’s a quick bonus feature from OSH22. This is video episode 8 of the Student Pilot Cast. This episode is also published in 4K on our YouTube Channel here:
Sep 22, 2022
5 min
SPC Video #007-Nick Smith from Part Time Pilot
For this episode I got a chance to talk to Nick Smith from Part Time Pilot, an online private pilot ground school that packs a lot of personalized value into a rather inexpensive service. Learn about how he’s taking a more personal approach to online training and also learn how to get a discounted price on Part Time Pilot which will last a lifetime. For the tricks on discounts check this out from Nick: * If just getting started and wondering how to do it we have the step by step 5 day challenge to get started as a student pilot:* If already started and getting into your ground training or flight planning we have a free step-by-step cross-country planning guide:* Once you opt-in to either of those you will immediately get an email with your free content. For the free cross-country guide your 1st couple emails will have the links in the email to get the $50 off. For the 5-day challenge the link will be in the Day 5 email.  This is the video version of the audio podcast episode 64 which can be found here: A higher resolution version of this video can be found on our YouTube channel here: Find out more about the service: * On the web:* Instagram:* Facebook:* YouTube:
Sep 12, 2022
41 min
SPC Video #006F-OSH22 Bonus – A Demo of Infinite Flight
In this episode we get a quick demo of Infinite Flight from Jay during our chat at Airventure 2022. The video can also be found in higher resolution on our brand-new YouTube Channel here: Infinite Flight can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for your tablets and phones. Also, more information on Infinite Flight here: * Web:* Twitter:* Instagram:* Facebook:* YouTube: You can find out more about the Student Pilot Cast here: * Web:* Twitter:* Audio RSS Feed:* Video RSS Feed:
Sep 9, 2022
5 min
SPC Video #006E-OSH22 with Samaritan Aviation and the 700 Mile-Long Runway
This is the video version of the Student Pilot Cast Audio Episode 63 which can be found here: A high-resolution version can be found on YouTube here: In this episode I get to talk to Mark Palm, the CEO and Co-Founder of Samaritan Aviation, a humanitarian organization who help people out in Papua New Guinea. Mark gives us a bit of the history or the org, the operations, and a quick tour of the aircraft they are using. Samaritan Aviation can be found on the web here: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: You can find out more about the Student Pilot Cast here: Web: Twitter: Audio RSS Feed: Video RSS Feed:
Sep 6, 2022
22 min
SPC Video #006D-OSH22 with Grayson Ardies, the Director of the OK Aeronautics Commission
The state of Oklahoma has gotten serious about aviation, STEM education, and the whole aeronautics industry. I talk here briefly with Grayson Ardies, Director of the Oklahoma Aeronautical Commision, about what the state is doing to further aviation education and aeronautics in general in the state. This is the video version of the audio podcast episode 62 which can be found here: This video can also be found on our YouTube channel here: The State of Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission website is here:
Sep 1, 2022
12 min
SPC Video #006C-OSH22 with the High School Teacher in Oklahoma-Chris Eckler
The state of Oklahoma has gotten serious about aviation, STEM education, and the whole aeronautics industry. I caught up with a High School teacher in Oklahoma, Chris Eckler, to talk about what he’s doing in his school district with regard to Aviation Education and how he fell in love with Aviation in the process. He caught the bug and trained to be a pilot himself just ahead of his students. This is the video version of the audio podcast episode 61 which can be found here: This video episode can be found on our new YouTube channel in higher resolution here: The State of Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission website is here: You can find out more about the Student Pilot Cast here: * Web:* Twitter:* Audio RSS Feed:* Video RSS Feed:
Aug 24, 2022
14 min
SPC Video #006B-OSH22 with Opener on the BlackFly
In this episode I have an impromptu conversation with Celia Oakley of Opener. We had been hearing about their electric STOL aircraft but hadn’t planned on doing a feature on it until my crew took a spin in their 3D simulator and we found the evolution and the atypical flight characteristics of the BlackFly interesting…so we started asking some questions, and with the permission of Celia, got a bit of the conversation here. This is the video episode, but you can find the audio version which is almost the same but in audio only, in the audio podcast feed (our main feed). This video can also be found in higher resolution on our brand-new YouTube Channel here: More information on Opener and the BlackFly aircraft can be found here: You can find out more about the Student Pilot Cast here: * Web:* Twitter:* Audio RSS Feed:* Video RSS Feed:
Aug 17, 2022
SPC Video #006A-OSH22 with Infinite Flight
In this episode I catch up with Laura and Jay of Infinite Flight to talk about their flight simulator. We cover what it is, how it started, is it a tool or a game, and what’s coming next. This is a fun discussion about something I hadn’t really been keeping up on the last decade or so; the flight sim world, and what I love about Infinite Flight is how easy it is to get started and use it wherever you might be. It’s a far cry from the traditional desktop sims which require big, expensive computers and big, expensive accessories. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The video can also be found on our brand new YouTube Channel here: The Audio version of this episode is here: SPC #59 – OSH22 – Infinite Flight – The Student Pilot Cast Infinite Flight can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for your tablets and phones. Also, more information on Infinite Flight here: * Web:* Twitter:* Instagram:* Facebook:* YouTube: You can find out more about the Student Pilot Cast here: * Web:* Twitter:* Audio RSS Feed:* Video RSS Feed:
Aug 11, 2022
SPC Video #005-Recording Cockpit Audio
I’m finally releasing a quick video covering how I record cockpit audio. This is my most frequently asked question. The video does not tell the whole story, so please visit the website at and find the show notes for this episode for more information.
Aug 11, 2009
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