The Spa Dr
The Spa Dr
Dr. Trevor Cates
via Podcasts
I am new to the show. I saw a wonderful book at a friends house and I said oh I hope there is a podcast and sure enough there you are thank you for sharing all your wonderful information I would love to get the book I forgot the name of didn’t take a picture of it. I think it’s just called the spot Dr I will look it up on Amazon and definitely purchase it. It was full of such wonderful, helpful information as is your podcast. Thank you so much for sharing.
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Such great info
Love listening to these podcasts. Not only do they encompass many different health topics, but they can always be related back to skin health. I have learned so much listening to these podcasts. Highly recommend!
Great info, great guests
I always learn SO much listening to this podcast. Even though I’m a thriving and constantly learning healthcare practitioner, Dr. Cates is ahead of the curve, bringing guests who are on the cutting edge. Her comfort “in her own skin” and unique interview style bring out the best info from her experts.
Dr. Crista
Recommend to anyone
I love how humble is she she is talking without hiding anything wow today people they do not tell u the truth about their skin but her she is straight to you Love single products Natural and not toxic at all Love listening to her Keep going love from California
Thinking about skin differently
I really love how Dr. Cates reminds us that clear skin truly does come from within. What we put into our bodies has so much impact on what shows up on the outside. She practices skin care as a functional practitioner by addressing the root cause of skin issues and educated her audience along the way.
personal growth junkie
Helped me with a diagnosis
I love the wide range of topics that Dr. Cates covers on her podcast. I was listening to the episode with Dr. Izabella Wentz about thyroid health and all of the symptoms they were discussing sounded like things I was going through. I decided to have my thyroid and hormone levels tested after that episode and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis as well as discovering a number of other issues. I am so grateful that I was listening that day. I am now getting the help I need and feel like a new person!
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Jodi Weiss
This podcast gives me confidence!
I just listened to the episode with 3 female experts, and it’s so comforting to hear other women struggling with acne and then turning it around for themselves. I also bought her book “eat clean from within” and it’s very eye awakening to help me understand how to clean my gut and lead a healthier and smarter life! Thank you Dr. Trevor Cates for spreading your wisdom and joy. - Mina
Love love love
Dr. Cates is amazing and everyone needs her book Clean Skin From Within which has definitely changed my skin for the better and I love her skin care line! With all of the toxins we are exposed to, natural and organic options are definitely the way to go!
Amber Fine
Natural beauty from the inside
Dr Trevor Cates is a beautiful person inside and out and she teaches the same in this engaging podcast. The fact that it’s naturopathic makes it even better!
Thank you for being a wonderful educator!!!
I just listened to the latest podcast with Dr. Jolene Brighten and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I am 22 and have been on birth control since I was 13 - almost 10 years. I was put on it for irregular periods and have been on so many types of birth control and have had doctors even put me on TWO pills a day to get rid of my problems. I also have had my fair share of side effects through the years (although I had no idea what the root causes were at the times) and it was not until I turned 21 that I got a reality check - hormonal acne all over my jaw. I was one of those lucky few that never ever had acne and the last years of college were spent feeling miserable. I have been trying to educate myself and eat foods that feed my body the right nutrients from listening to podcasts like The Spa Dr, so THANK YOU for being a wonderful educator. After listening to Dr. Brighten, I bought her book and am making an appointment with a new doctor so I can finally get off birth control and get rid of my symptoms! So THANK YOU AGAIN!
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Ashton Otte
Excited for this 4 part series!
I just found this podcast last night and am already implementing the straight forward tips of how to help my skin by being intentional with what I eat! You will want to check Dr. Cates out even if you think you know it all! Perfect for business men and women, entrepreneurs and every day moms!
One of my new favorite podcasts!
I stumbled upon Dr. Cates’ podcast after hearing her interview on the Bulletproof Radio podcast. Within the first few minutes, I could tell Dr. Cates was one of those people who “got it”. I really loved her inside out holistic approach and was pretty much hooked at that point. Her Glowing Skin Summit was also full of “a-ha” moments, so you can imagine how excited I was to find she had her own podcast! I really appreciate her information, motivation and attainable recommendations. Thank you Dr. Cates! (:
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Great New Find !
I first heard Dr. Cates being interviewed on "The Fat Burning Man" and "Health Bridge” podcasts. I am so happy she now has her own podcast and I have added her to my subscription list. She brings a down to earth spin to her podcast that makes it very easy for a lay person such as myself to get good advice on diet and lifestyle. Thank you so much for doing this!