The Solid Verbal: College Football Podcast
The Solid Verbal: College Football Podcast
College Football
The Solid Verbal: College Football Podcast
College Football
College football in all its glory. Ditch the mainstream and break the huddle with The Solid Verbal. Since 2008, Ty Hildenbrandt and Dan Rubenstein have been shaking up the college football podcasting scene with their fun and unique blend of commentary. Whether you're a diehard or a casual observer, the show taps into your fandom with spirited debates, fresh perspectives, and segments you won't hear anywhere else. Recognized as trailblazers in the podcasting world, The Solid Verbal isn't just another college football show—it's America's College Football Podcast. Become a Verballer today and join thousands of others who don't just love college football, they live it!Each week brings a new story and The Solid Verbal is your best national podcast to stay up to date as the college football narrative whipsaws from week to week. From massive conference realignment to an expanded College Football Playoff and the constant uncertainty created by NIL and the Transfer Portal, the sport is chock full of important topics that drive the discussion ahead of the 2024 college football season. With two episodes per week in the offseason, Ty and Dan keep you up to date on the latest happenings and entertained with their unique brand of themed content and banter.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
18 hours ago
April 30
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