The Sisters run into some ghostly activity in a theater, and a seemingly malevolent spirit targets a young actress.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/tWZStgHU5J8
Narrator, Maibe Dukhov, Tasha Rornikov - Hedgehog (Here)
Ide Dukhov, Extras - Allimiece (Here)
Tep, Extras - TheDrag0n100 (Here)
Emilie/Dodger - SnazzySloth (A Hermit)
Malcolm - Mr. Sir (Also a Hermit)
Music Credits:
"The Sisters Dukhov Intro" by TheDrag0n100
"Magical Interference" by Lucas (Here)
Oct 14, 2021
35 min

A mayor of a small hamlet enlists Maibe and Ide to find a monster that is killing village children.
Video Version: https://youtu.be/Fm6xeADCYhI
Narrator, Maibe Dukhov - Hedgehog (Here)
Ide Dukhov, Kiara - Allimiece (Here)
Tep, Lumpy Man - TheDrag0n100 (Here)
The Mayor - CLaUD (Here)
The Valravn - Tyrant (Here)
Intro by TheDrag0n100
Aug 12, 2021
38 min