The Selfish Woman
The Selfish Woman
Val Jones
Ep. 6 - Thriving In Stressful Times with Dr. Tamara Beckford
43 minutes Posted Jan 12, 2022 at 3:41 pm.
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We are busy women with a LOT on our plates! Add in a pandemic and we are stressed! 

How do we care for ourselves through it all.....and maybe more importantly, WHY does it matter? 

Join this inspiring and information-packed conversation with Dr. Tamara Beckford as we discuss: 

- Why self care matters when it's so easy to put it on the last of our to-do list

- How she had a calm and peaceful 2021, when it was also her busiest and most stressful year. 

- Why our excuse about 'not having enough time' to care for ourselves is not true, and what we can do instead 

- If you're a mom of young kids, you'll love hearing how Dr. Beckford prioritizes herself while raising two young children, being a full time ER doc, an entrepreneur, wife and supportive colleague and friend. 

About Dr. Beckford: 

Dr. Tamara Beckford is a wife, mother and board-certified emergency physician. Dr. Beckford has more than a decade of experience working in emergency rooms across the US. She is the founder and CEO of UR Caring Society where she helps busy professional women put self care & wellness first for two hours per month without feeling guilty. Dr. Beckford is the host of the Docs Who Care podcast where she interviews doctors from all over the world and discusses common medical conditions in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Recently, she has been on the frontlines battling the rise of Covid in the community. 

Connect with Dr. Beckford:
