The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, Jemal & Eric Thomas
The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, Jemal & Eric Thomas
The Resonance Network
Eps. 113 - Induced Insomnia
1 hour 24 minutes Posted Mar 1, 2018 at 3:00 pm.
] ET on TV [11:00] - Jalin & ETA [26:12] - When Is It Time To Start ? [37:17] - Why Think Negative ? [55:28] - When Things Are Not Going Right [1:03:40] - Lessons Learned [1:07:10] - Hey Josh ! Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just use the promo code “SUCCESS”. Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Health IQ is an insurance agency for the healthy conscious individual. To see if you qualify for up to 25.5% off of your life insurance visit Gems From The Podcast: “When you’re a champion you understand there’s wins and losses.” “Stop waiting to make the right decision, make a decision and make it right.” “The longer you sit and wait the more you start to talk yourself out of it.” “It takes more energy to focus on failure.” “If you’re going to take a risk take a risk on you.” “You can’t lose when you’re learning.” “There’s one sure fire way to win when you make that decision is to move and move fast.” “Turn the pressure into something positive.” “Pressure is good, stress is NOT.” See ET Live: March 4-11th, 2018  Phenomenal Life Cruise
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How many of you have ideas that are literally stuck in your head ? You have a gift or a talent but you never take the time to really focus on operating in that gift. Instead you continue to do work you hate every single day because it’s the safe thing to do. The guys this week discuss this complex and what really happens when people fail to make the decision to start. Why are people afraid to start ? Why are they afraid to fail ? The guys, along with Josh, discuss what’s real and what’s fake when it comes to taking the leap of faith and going after your dreams. Time Stamped Topics: [02:10] - ET on TV [11:00] - Jalin & ETA [26:12] - When Is It Time To Start ? [37:17] - Why Think Negative ? [55:28] - When Things Are Not Going Right [1:03:40] - Lessons Learned [1:07:10] - Hey Josh ! Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just use the promo code “SUCCESS”. Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. Health IQ is an insurance agency for the healthy conscious individual. To see if you qualify for up to 25.5% off of your life insurance visit Gems From The Podcast: “When you’re a champion you understand there’s wins and losses.” “Stop waiting to make the right decision, make a decision and make it right.” “The longer you sit and wait the more you start to talk yourself out of it.” “It takes more energy to focus on failure.” “If you’re going to take a risk take a risk on you.” “You can’t lose when you’re learning.” “There’s one sure fire way to win when you make that decision is to move and move fast.” “Turn the pressure into something positive.” “Pressure is good, stress is NOT.” See ET Live: March 4-11th, 2018  Phenomenal Life Cruise
March 18, 2018 Take Control Dallas
May 20, 2018 Take Control Boston
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