The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, Jemal & Eric Thomas
The Secret To Success with CJ, Karl, Jemal & Eric Thomas
The Resonance Network
Eps. 91 - Grandma's Gun
1 hour 46 minutes Posted Sep 28, 2017 at 3:09 pm.
] Am I Tripping Or ? [06:00] - Family Matters [19:00] - Maintaining Relationships [35:00] - Building a new habit [55:35] - What did ET do ? [1:10:30] - Fair or Foul [1:20:15] - Ask ET [1:40:43] - Nugget of The Day Things To Think About: “Get around people who share your values.” “Think about stuff that you don’t think about.” “The quality of the people you surround yourself with dictates the quality of who you are as a human being.” Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just use the promo code “SUCCESS”. Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. See ET Live: October 29 Chicago, IL Take Control Entrepreneurship Series
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We’re 13 days into the 100 Day Challenge and the guys are talking about how the challenge is going. While the challenge has been very impactful in all areas the guys specifically talk about how they’re being impacted in the family category. They also talk about the importance of building new habits and how doing things that are of high value will help you create the proper habits. Creating the right habits that will help you create a quality life and that is part of what the 100 Day Challenge is about. It’s not too late to join us just visit 100 Day Challenge With ET. Time Stamped Topics: [02:28] - Am I Tripping Or ? [06:00] - Family Matters [19:00] - Maintaining Relationships [35:00] - Building a new habit [55:35] - What did ET do ? [1:10:30] - Fair or Foul [1:20:15] - Ask ET [1:40:43] - Nugget of The Day Things To Think About: “Get around people who share your values.” “Think about stuff that you don’t think about.” “The quality of the people you surround yourself with dictates the quality of who you are as a human being.” Listener Perks: Organifi is giving our listeners 20% off of their order just use the promo code “SUCCESS”. Their superfood green juice powder allows you to get your greens anytime anywhere while on the go. See ET Live: October 29 Chicago, IL Take Control Entrepreneurship Series
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