THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
THE SEA-TOWN PODCAST: Interviewing Seattle's Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Christian Harris: author, business owner and entrepreneur
Ep. 068 - Kevin Wilhelm, Helping The Seattle Sounders become Green
39 minutes Posted May 17, 2019 at 12:40 pm.
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Show notes

This week's guest is Kevin Wilhelm, the CEO of Sustainable Business Consulting and is one of the world's preeminent business consultants in the field of sustainability and climate change. Most recently he has helped the Seattle Sounders become the first carbon neutral professional soccer club in the MLS & North America.

Kevin’s business focuses on value, profitability, cost savings and brand value by implementing better environmental social performance. There’s always opportunities to become more sustainable. Nobody is using technology enough regarding business meetings and travel. Only go when you actually have to be there. Maximize your processes through the most efficient perspective and avoid emissions. It’s also actually incredibly cheaper to compost rather than throw away. 

Learn more about Kevin Wilhelm, his business and how you can implement sustainable changes for profitability on this episode of the Sea-Town Podcast.

Episode Highlights:

  • How Kevin got into the business of sustainability
  • Looking beyond political affiliations 
  • Evaluating where you can reduce
  • Switching to renewables
  • Common beliefs and misnomers 
  • Solar is a cost competitive form of energy
  • If you’re not making money from sustainability, you’re doing something wrong
  • Using smarter business practices to save money
  • What Kevin loves most about West Seattle
  • Knowing what you’re doing and why you’re doing it
  • Kevin’s words of wisdom

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