The Ruthless Truth Podcast

The Ruthless Truth

The Ruthless Truth
We are a semi-weekly radio show focused on discussing issues that affect our communities including politics, culture, the economy, our health, and all the issues that affects the daily lives of working people. We hope that through these difficult conversations, we can identify the root causes of these issues and increase our understanding as a community.
Episode 34 - Anti-Semitism and Evictions Kill in Sarasota
We're very happy to be joined by national ANSWER coalition member Juliana Musheyev to take on local issues here in Sarasota. On this episode, we discuss the string of anti semitic flyers found in Sarasota and the struggle against antisemitism, while also clarifying that antizionism and antisemitism are not equivalent. We also discuss the recent police killing of a man during an eviction in Sarasota, and the context of the housing crisis that it exists in.
Apr 13, 2022
29 min
Episode 33 - War in Ukraine Part 2
It’s been over a month since Russia began its military operation, or invasion, of Ukraine. The destruction, loss of human life, and devastation is heart wrenching. We here on this program are strongly against war, and while we condemn Russia’s invasion, we also condemn our own government and its role in causing this war, which we are going to discuss further in this episode. It’s been over a month since Russia began its military operation, or invasion, of Ukraine. The destruction, loss of human life, and devastation is heart wrenching. We here on this program are strongly against war, and while we condemn Russia’s invasion, we also condemn our own government and its role in causing this war, which we are going to discuss further in this episode.  Today we're joined by longtime community activist Bryan Ellis.
Apr 2, 2022
27 min
Episode 32 - Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay: Ron DeSantis Go Away!
In previous episodes of the Ruthless Truth, we’ve talked about some of the reactionary bills that the Republican Party here in Florida have been trying to pass into law. Now Ron Desantis and the Florida Republicans have been pushing another large group of reactionary bills, including the anti-abortion bill we covered last month, that we want to talk about here today. Today we’re going to lay out what these bills are, what the consequences would be if they passed, why these bills are being written, and how people are fighting back.   We're also joined by special guest Peyton Hoey, a local activist and substitute teacher in the Hillsborough County School District.  
Mar 18, 2022
27 min
Episode 31 - War In Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought the world to the brink of all out war, with devastating consequences if NATO were to intervene. How did we get here? Why did Russia invade Ukraine? What was the role of the American empire in the 2014 coup in Ukraine and the ensuing 8 year civil war? How could this war have been avoided? What should anti-imperialists be demanding from our government? We answer all this and more as we lay out the context for this world historic event underway now.
Mar 3, 2022
26 min
Episode 30 - The Struggle for Reproductive Rights
Reproductive rights is healthcare, and healthcare is a human right. So reproductive rights are human rights! And right now, across the United States and right here in Florida, reproductive rights are under attack! In this episode, we go over the history of Roe v Wade and the Struggle for Reproductive rights, how reactionary forces are attacking those rights across the US, and how activists and working people are fighting back!
Feb 16, 2022
29 min
Episode 29 - Free Christopher Tonsel!
Chris Tonsel, a 17 year old Chris Tonsel was shot in the stomach by SPPD officer Leighton Williams unjustly, is stuck in jail unable to pay bail while fighting off bogus charges! To support him as well as celebrate Black History month, we'll be giving away 10 black Liberation books to the first 10 listeners who donate to Chris's Bail Fund! For more info, visit our Facebook at !
Feb 3, 2022
26 min
Episode 28 - One Year of the Ruthless Truth!
It has been a year of the Ruthless Truth, and we're very excited to look back on the many topics that we have discussed with you on the show over the past year, and review the most important struggles and movements we've been a part of locally over the last year as well. If you haven't listened to our Socialism 101 series, do yourself a favor and go listen to that to celebrate our one year anniversary!
Feb 2, 2022
29 min
Episode 27 - U.S.A's COVID Response, Capitalism Kills!
The Omicron variant is spreading like wildfire across the world, with over a million new cases per day in the US, despite testing being hard to come by. Workers are being forced to go in sick as hospitals are overrun, all while Biden declares that there is "no federal solution" as profits are put over people once again. How did we get here? Why has the U.S. abandoned controlling the spread of the virus while China has eradicated the virus domestically? What could have been done, and what would a socialist plan to deal with the pandemic look like? We discuss all this and more in this crucial episode.
Jan 5, 2022
29 min
Episode 26 - Socialism 101 Part 6: Reform vs Revolution: Revolution!
During our last episode,  we started to talk about the ways that we can transform our society out of capitalism and into socialism, and we talked specifically about reformism and why reform alone cannot save us. During today’s episode we will define and discuss revolution, we will explore what revolutionaries mean when they say reform or revolution, exactly what is revolution.During our last episode,  we started to talk about the ways that we can transform our society out of capitalism and into socialism, and we talked specifically about reformism and why reform alone cannot save us. During today’s episode we will define and discuss revolution, we will explore what revolutionaries mean when they say reform or revolution, exactly what is revolution. To help us with the discussion, today we have with us community organizers Ali Abdel-Qader, Andrew Yeack, and Jack Wallace.
Dec 22, 2021
29 min
Episode 25 - Socialism 101 Part 6: Reform vs Revolution: Reform?
Througout our Socialism 101 series, we’ve talked about what capitalism is and why it must go, how capitalism needs imperialism, the role of the state in maintaining the rule of capitalists, and what socialism is. If you’re still with us at this point, I imagine you also agree that we need a new system, and I hope you agree that that system is socialism, a truly democratic government and economic system. Now how do we get to socialism?  This is a question that has been debated on in theory and in practice for centuries, and we offer our critiques of the reformist path in this episode today.
Dec 8, 2021
27 min
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