The Rewatcher: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Rewatcher: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Wondery | Morbid Network
via Podcasts
Love love LOVE
Don’t listen to the haters! The angel jokes-FUNNY. Due to the fact that this is a podcast where one person is rewatching-but one has NEVER seen the show-there’s going to be a LOT of play by play in the episodes. Not a lot of diving into speculated or alleged meanings, etc. As someone who never watched Buffy until this podcast came out-I really appreciate it! It leaves the “deep think” up to the listener/watcher. Love the gals, love Mikey, and love having a moment in my week where I can take a break of the severity of life. This podcast brings so much joy and laughter to me and my husband. Keep on trucking friends! #ripper🔥
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So much fun!
No spoilers, but Alaina, you are not alone. One of the first steps in a major character assassination.
Absolutely love!!
I love these women and this podcast. Ladies- don’t listen to the haters; you are a great team doing a great job!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer is my all-time favorite show, so finding this podcast was amazing. Ash and Alaina are people I would totally get along with. They remind me of how I am with my best friend. Love the Joyce and Gentleman appearances too. Only one suggestion: More Mikey please! His voice is so hot! That is all. 💜💜💜
Not Quite 5
I wanted to give this pod a 5 because I really do love it, but they went and let “Mikey” put in his two cents and it’s annoying! They are so great together, and he breaks the flow. He is like the friend in the group who always has to point out that he knows everything. I roll my eyes every time he interjects.
Amazing podcast!
I’ve been a Buffy fan since the show started and I’ve waited 20 years to find Buffy community. This podcast is my absolute favorite thing to listen to. I love the minute by minute recaps and the jokes between Ash and Alana. I listen to at least 2 to 3 episodes every night. This is the only podcast that I actually pay money to subscribe to monthly. Keep it up!
Emaya Rose
Love it, but you two don’t understand misophonia
I love this podcast and I would usually suffer through the misophonia because I like it. You two claim to have misophonia, but you smack your lips ALL OF THE TIME. So if you do care about activating my fight response, please consider not smacking your lips. There are many people who do it. I’m sure you will just ignore this review, but I had to get it off my chest. Thank you.
Love the analysis but not the repetition
These two do a good job of relating events in each episode and analyzing motivations of characters. I enjoyed hearing from Doug Jones and Kristine Sutherland. What I don’t enjoy is the liberal and annoying use of the f bomb in every other sentence. The f bomb is a useful word sparingly used but loses its power when overused and becomes trite and boring. Same with the cloying pronunciation of “darkness.” You guys can do much better without it. Focus on the great themes in “Buffy” And the character development. That’s meaty enough.
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Funny and great.
One of my favorite podcasts
Soooo good!!!!
I love this podcast And I’ve loved Buffy for the longest time every time they bring up nanobob it cracks me up I just love this podcast and I can’t get enough and I practically died when I heard Kristine Sutherlands and Doug Jones on the podcast these girls are just amazing and this is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to and they point out all these hidden meanings that I myself didn’t notice the first time watching Buffy
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zodiac cat
I have watched Buffy so many times. This is entertaining. I kept hearing things and wanted to say but yes what about when this happens lol.
Are you both dumb or just stupid?
If you enjoy listening to cackling hens this is the podcast for you. They are very biased towards certain characters. Also if you enjoy people being sneaky underhanded lilting little snakes you will enjoy them! One of them claims to have never ever watched Buffy but then is talking on another podcast about a character that “she loved” give me a break if you are going to lie do better! Also stop pointing out everything angle does and acting like he’s got some kind of twisted motive. I would rather pull out my stomach and chop it up and eat it then listen to Tweedledee and tweedle dumb! Pls stop making content pls you will be doing the Buffy verse a favor! #inbuffywetrust
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Foster fan 1313
Love it
So good :) also can y’all review Hannibal it’s awesome and would love to hear what y’all would say thank you
Jane 1890
I loveee Morbid and I love this podcast! I love Alaina and Ash because their podcasts are so real and not over produced. When I listen to a podcast I want to listen to REAL people just talking! and I feel like I get to know them a little better here, and just get to listen to them talk about more light hearted things!! Everyone talking about the Angel bashing, yeah we all love angel but they’re trashing Angelus. And they’re trashing him because his voice DID sound so stupid at first. Like he sounds so cheesy and he’s not a good villain at all. They’re not attacking angel, Ash is literally an Angel GIRLY. But he just didn’t make a good villain!!! Y’all read too deeply into things, not to mention people can have their own opinions, so trashing the podcast because “you love Angel and don’t want to hear Angel hate” is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard tbh.
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The replacement
But seriously, how good is double Bingo!?
Cute pod, but can’t listen anymore. Too silly and unknowledgeable. A lot of opinions from hosts who’ve never seen the show or don’t remember it.
Please stop with the darkness
Lifetime Buffy fan and have listened to morbid since Crime Countdown was airing. I really wanted and still want to like this show. But the knee jerk Angel bashing is ridiculous. The “diving rat” joke hasn’t been funny since the 2nd time it was mentioned, and the weird pronunciation of “darkness” (another form of Angel bashing) has never been funny. Please stop trying so hard. You’re funny and insightful enough without these flat out annoying attempts.
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Love and hate
I love you girlies I listen to all your podcast. I love these two shows your doing but really over the angel bashing you should really promote the show better if you want people to keep listening. I am an angel girlie and when you down talk about it no is going to stick around. And the angel diving into trash is very much over played
The best Buffy Pod
Great commentary. Great questions. Great jokes. Great chemistry. Good faith arguments. A refreshing take on my favorite show at what seems to be just the beginning of its resurgence in pop culture.
I did really like the show, but the Angel diving into trash joke just makes me so annoyed I can’t listen anymore. I listen once every month or two to see if they’ve stopped but every time I hear it I just can’t keep listening!!
Thank you! 5 stars
I have watched and rewatched the Buffy series a number of times. I was a little late to the party, finding the show after most of my friends, so missed out on talking with them about the episodes. Listening to you both chat out each episode is so much fun!! I’m so glad I found this podcast! I also love the mild generation gap at play and the “aged like a human” designation.
Confused and Frustrated Buffy Fan
I have listened almost to the end of season 4 of this podcast but I may not be able to continue. The commentary on Primal just made me want to throw my phone across the room while listening. The most frustrating part was as they all (including Mikey) came close to the realization that the show is entirely a metaphor (something they dismissed at the beginning) but then couldn’t get all the way there. It was as if this episode forced them to see some metaphor but not enough to understand the bigger picture - Adam wasn’t the big bad of the season - the US military was! Adam represented a number of issues. In this episode he was a nuclear bomb - the uranium core in his chest didn’t get you there? That is why he wasn’t so present but the military was in most episodes. The other important metaphors of this season were there all along in each episode but this one said it more explicitly - going to college is hard, can you keep your high school friends as they do different things and take on different relationships? I could go on but these are the biggest ones and it was as if all of you missed it u til it was said directly to you by the actors. The big bads are always more than the individual character and I really hope you get there before season 5s big bad because missing the metaphor there makes me wonder how you could possibly appreciate that whole season and the critical twist that happens in episode 1.
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Buffy Fan 444
Stick to one show
I genuinely don’t care what’s happening on angel
Bring in Mikey!
Love the pod, love it even more with Mikey—bring in as a third host! The dynamic is 💯
Has potential, but needs work
Love the hosts, as well as their podcast Morbid, but this podcast needs work. Currently it’s just a play by play of the show’s episodes, and rarely delves into deeper topics, such as character development and motivations. If you want more insight and thoughtful discussion, like what I was looking for, other podcasts on Buffy do better. However I think the hosts have the potential to go more deeply of they try.
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Ani in Cali
Witches brew for the soul!
Ash’s laugh has healing powers. #ripper🔥
Dove Grey
This show has been a comfort for a while, but the OZ hate and bashing, I turn it off immediately. I can’t even listen. I RAGE.
Lacks nuance
Let me get this straight, I really like this show and I will keep watching. Some of these lower-rated reviews are really disgusting y’all can’t attack people for their opinions and having different opinions from your own. I wanted to come in here and say that I think season 4 has started to go a little downhill with how they analyze the episodes. Buffy gets darker, it just does, it kinda follows how becoming an adult is hard. And certain things are starting to creep into the plot that give her more nuanced struggles and all these arguments seem to be ignored. For example, Faith. Let’s talk about Faith with some nuance… PLEASE. I’m starting to think y’all don’t understand mental illness and clinical depression and trauma (perhaps you do and/or you’ve experienced it and your coping mech ism is humor—I feel that) or y’all don’t want to relate to it and bring those topics if your life out for the world to see, I understand that. But please recognize that Faith is SUCH a complex character. She has done some bad and doesn’t see how she can come back even though she desperately wants to, so she just plays the girl everyone expects her to be. People say she’s the worst, she’ll be the worst. People think she’s just a killer, she kills. People say she’s bad, she’s bad. It’s huge that Angel is sitting there telling her she isn’t and that he sees her being better because it will be so hard to come back from everything she’s done and she just wants to wallow and be bad. The ~darkness~ jokes y’all did in this last episode really put me off because I’ve both been a person at rock bottom and sat with people at rock bottom trying to help them climb out. People love this show. You know this. Alaina, YOU love this show. How can y’all sit here and ride these jokes about Faith and Angel being there for her so far into the dirt and not understand that it would make people upset that relate to both characters. I’m really worried y’all aren’t gonna discuss the nuance of other big ticket arcs and plot points in future episodes and seasons if this is how you analyze season 4. I will keep listening because I like both of you as people and I have really liked hearing your opinions on the show (a lot of which have differed from mine and made me rethink certain things). But please understand that some bits when referencing “darkness” and people trying to come back from that, I mean obviously those topics deserve nuance. If you wanna say scenes were poorly acted, that’s one thing. But just think sometimes, y’all. Thank you for your time.
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Heeeyyyy Mikey!!
🚨🚨🚨I have literally been waiting 78 episodes to hear Mikey on the pod in person. I nearly passed away. Thank you, love you guys ❤️
Love this show, but hate the Angel episodes
Love this show and the rewatching of Buffy. But absolutely hate the “Angel” episodes. Hated Angel the character and the spin-off series, so I do have to skip those Angel episodes.
Kept wanting to grow to like it
Ahhh I can’t believe they hate ‘Superstar’?? I’ve been regularly annoyed with this show but kept wanting to give it another shot - but this is a shark jumping moment for me. That said, there have been many times I’ve been tempted to hop off. Sadly I feel these two don’t always have an appreciation for the more subtle nuances in the writing of this show and their sophomoric humor was pretty unlistenable for me. If you’re looking for a great Buffy companion podcast, I recommend Buffering.
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NEVER watched before, rewatch listener 😬
I love Ash and Alaina, the pods they have are made to sound more like a conversation, it’s not for everyone but, I love that style of podcast. It makes me feel like I’m part of the group and I love hearing about everything going on with them as well. I think they do a super good job at summarizing the good and interesting parts of the episodes, (I can’t bare to watch the actual episodes because of the video quality) love the little punchy jokes and the references “just like angel jumping into a pile of trash after a rat in becoming part one” 😭😭😂
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I tried to like you guys
I loved the first 1 1/2 of the show but then once Angel turned I got tired of the Angel hate. It’s like y’all just constantly bash him for every little thing it’s like y’all don’t count that Angel is apart of that relationship as well. Also y’all be bashing Buffy a little to much as well. I get it y’all love spike/James but y’all have rose colored glasses on constantly. I just know y’all aren’t gonna give him the same energy especially in season 6 that y’all give Angel which is said because he’s already showing bad behavior which gets overlooked because y’all think he’s hot and funny. But if Angel did the same thing y’all will call him toxic. As someone whose been in toxic/Abusive relationships for all my life sadly it just feels like you guys are tossing that word around when you don’t like a character. And I’m gonna say it now NONE of Buffy’s bfs aren't great.but I can already tell the defending of spike will be coming....
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My favorite podcast
I love this podcast so much, that I relisten often as my comfort show. Ash and Alaina are hilarious and their sister chemistry is off the charts. Listening to them is like hanging with my besties, talking about my favorite show.
Dezzie S.
Fun at first but Angel hate gets tiring
I love BtVS and have rewatched the show too many times to count so it’s fun to hear the takes of someone watching it for the first time but after a while it just gets tiring. The same jokes are repeated over and over again (seriously the trash jumping line was cute MAYBE three times but move on) and the hosts frequently seem to miss the point of a plot line because they view it through current sensibilities, which is understandable for Ash, but Alaina acting like she doesn’t understand the 90s is weird. But as with so many pieces of Buffy media, it’s the Spike vs Angel fight that really ruins it. Alaina thinks James Marsters is hot (fair) and therefore everything Spike does is fabulous and everything Angel does is wrong (annoying). If you think 90 minutes of Angel bad, Spike pretty sounds like fun, you’ll probably enjoy this, otherwise pass.
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Spoiler City
I’m Alaina’s age and somehow made it this far in life without watching Buffy before. I get that this is called “The Rewatcher” but since Ash hadn’t seen it before, I thought Alaina would be mindful of taking things an episode at a time… but nope! Haha. I would not recommend if you are a first-timer and don’t want low key spoilers about the future of relationships, bad guys, etc. Totally kills the mystery and suspense! She doesn’t give away any huge plot points, but it’s still enough to be annoying. Love the hosts and love Morbid. This is fun if you are actually rewatching or don’t mind knowing what’s coming.
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My favorite
I love this podcast so much. Ash and Elena are so real and smart and funny and their relationship is goals. I have listened to every single back episode and now I’m caught up. I am a GenXer and binge watched Buffy originally by renting all the DVDs from Netflix while I was pregnant with my first child and racked with morning sickness. This podcast has me rewatching some favorite episodes and remembering why the show, nauseating as it was at times, helped me take my mind off my discomfort. But honestly, as much as I love Buffy, I also just love listening to Ash and Elena. I hope they will have Anthony Stewart Head or James Marsters as guests!
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Love it just have one opinion.
I love the pods both morbid and the rewatcher it’s just by the time the episodes come out it’s to long in between. I started Buffy because of this podcast and I’ve already finished the series. I loved when you guys posted a little more frequent the in between is just a little too long and Im a Wondery subscriber! I love you guys and the pods I just think time between gets to long
The Angel Rat joke killed this Pod
Ever listen to a podcast, and they SHOVE a joke down your throat and never stop? That’s what happened here. Plus they say “chefs kiss” 14 times an episode, it is pretty obnoxious. The girls seem nice and I love their stance on social issues, but 99% of the funny jokes comes from “Mikey”. One of them should switch jobs with Mikey.
Former Snap Lover1
Lacks Depth
They were entertaining at first but the analysis is borderline non-existent. If you are looking for intelligent exploration of themes and characters look elsewhere. The assessment of Buffy’s character is particularly terrible, lacks any nuance and full on character assassination. Just overall terrible dissection and complete dismissive.
So fun
Always wanted to watch Buffy since this podcast I have a love the show and this podcast also the last episode with Doug was so amazing
Emily Wust 99
Mixed feelings
The positive half — I’m a big Buffy fan, and so it is fun to tune in every Monday to walk down memory lane with each episode. I’m even happy they’ve incorporated the Angel crossover episodes. Though, I wouldn’t mind a separate podcast dedicated to the Angel show! It’s great seeing Angel and Cordelia grow as characters. The negative half. When Alaina and Ash decide they don’t like a character, you’ll never hear the end of it. Particularly, Alaina seems to inject her own past traumas/experiences into her analysis of certain characters. Especially if it’s involving a relationship issue. They drag Angel through the mood while saying they really like him. They were so over-the-top negative about Oz in season 4, that got it became depressing. They even rag on Buddy quite often now. And the “Angel diving into trash” joke has gotten so stale. It’s a supernatural world the characters live in, and certain situations you can’t look at with a normal human lens. I’m holding on because I love the show. But I don’t wish the hosts would pivot a little. Some analysis of the parallels between the supernatural and real life for the characters would be cool!
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My favorite Monday morning habit. I’ve watched the show a thousand times but so much fun revisiting and thru the eyes of a newbie. Love it when they have special guests like Doug Jones and Kristine Sutherland (“good choice Joyce”).
Used to love this pod
But it has become unlistenable. These girls probably love the smell of their own farts.
My fav cozy podcast
This is my cozy podcast. I can picture all of the episodes while I listen to Ash and Alaina rehash my favorite show from the 90s - while peppering in side splitting humor. An easy listen - one I look forward to every Monday!
Why my dear
This is quite literally the stupidest podcast you have ever wasted your time on. We’ve all at their ages (Ash and Alaina) have seen Buffy by now. This is just about as annoying as when they decide to spend 30mins discussing vander pump rules or what the heck ever show that ash has decided to lure Alaina into at the time. I really wish Alaina would just be herself. She doesn’t need to pretend to fit in with ash. They can be themselves and I would love that more.
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Not my favorite but holding on because I love BTVS and Morbid
Not my favorite rewatch podcast. I can handle hot takes but they are so, almost aggressive with their opinions about pivotal moments in the show. Hanging on because of my love for Buffy and Ash and Alaina, hoping it gets better. Definitely give it a try, but be warned….beloved arcs and characters are trashed at times.
Memory Lane
Buffy is my all time favorite series! I love getting to hear you all talk about the episodes, it reminds me of when my friends and I would gather weekly to eat pizza and watch Buff! It brings back such fun memories, and it’s great getting to make new ones, that include your banter! Thanks for all you do!
Love this!
OG Morbid listener here. And I love the girls and how they retell each episode!
pillow ase
Fun and entertaining.
I have listened to other podcasts that do a rewatch of Buffy and this one stands out. The two hosts don’t really know a lot about Buffy in terms of the deep knowledge but what they bring is a fresh perspective and some colorful language. Sometimes I am screaming at the radio/phone when they say things like Buffy went to New York or didn’t know Angel was on the phone when Buffy had picked up, but moments like that are few and far between. It is such a fun podcast and I love when they erupt into fits of laughing, mostly at the ridiculousness of each other. Don’t take the podcast too seriously and just enjoy the ride. You will be better off for it.
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