I didn't think I would need to make this video....but...here I am... #Davechappelle #Thecloser #LGBTQIA
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Oct 24, 2021
15 min

There's been a development in the Loudoun County investigation. Parent's are fighting back and school board members are resigning. Keep on pushing folks. #Loudouncounty #Scottsmith #LGBTQ
Link to Article: https://www.dailywire.com/news/loudoun-update-school-board-member-resigns-from-position
Visit HeroicStudiosmedia.com for more content.
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-calloway/support
Oct 17, 2021
8 min

The Loudoun County school board tries to cover up a sexual assault from a "trans" student. When the father tries to fight back he is branded as a domestic terrorist. The push back is starting folks. Buckle up! #loudounCounty #Scottsmith #LGBTQ Get more over at Heroicstudiosmedia.com
link to full article: https://www.dailywire.com/news/loudoun-county-schools-tried-to-conceal-sexual-assault-against-daughter-in-bathroom-father-says
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-calloway/support
Oct 14, 2021
13 min

A shocking photo from the border suggest that border patrol agents are using whips on the Haitian Migrants...but the Mexican migrants...which seems odd. The media ran with this story all last week but "DUM DUM DUUUUUUM" a video has surfaced showing us...guess what. NOT THAT!
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Sep 28, 2021
13 min

Today marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. For those that remember, it was a terrible tragedy that brought us together as a country. Today, we are more divided than ever that we don't know what makes us American. Let me explain. #neverforget #September11th #America
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Sep 11, 2021
11 min

Here we go again. The only reason why this is an issue is because there's no standard. The "my body my choice" argument doesn't have ground here because the same people want Vaccine mandates AND....I have been told that men can have babies. So, there either is a big problem, or not one at all with this one. #abortionalaw #Texas #prolife
Visit HeroicStudiosMedia.com and check out Indie Monthly Magazine as well as OLTIMA: THE LEGEND UNTOLD.
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-calloway/support
Sep 4, 2021
20 min

12 US Servicemen are killed in #Afghanistan. The #Biden Administration keeps fumbling and I keep wondering how long until they screw up again at the cost of more American lives. #MAGA Visit Heroicstudiosmedia.com and subscribe for Indie Monthly Magazine today.
Articles from the Daily Wire: https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-biden-admin-gave-taliban-list-of-american-citizens-green-card-holders-and-afghan-allies-that-needed-to-get-into-airport-report
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-calloway/support
Aug 27, 2021
22 min

I literally have no words for what's going on right now. Enjoy. Also I apologize for the feedback in my mic
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-calloway/support
Aug 17, 2021
14 min

Women are subtly being pushed out of sports, pageants, and even motherhood. Where are the feminists who were crowding around capitol hill screaming and marching about Brett Kavanaugh? *crickets* Let's end this. Women need their own spaces and must be protected! and no MEN CAN'T BE WOMEN! #laurelhubbard #olympics2021 #tokyoOlympics2021
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/william-calloway/support
Jul 20, 2021
14 min

The #LGBTQIA people are going crazy over the new movie #LUCA and I get into some shenanigans on facebook and instagram. It never ends.... #Pridemonth
Link to Article: https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/luca-proves-disneys-pixar-wasnt-brave-enough-to-fully-commit-to-their-first-queer-animated-film/ar-AALtKhv?ocid=uxbndlbing
Read Oltima The Legend Untold at HeroicStudiosMedia.com
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Jun 29, 2021
24 min
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