The Recruiting Animal
The Recruiting Animal
Recruiting Animal
Sharon Dean Clark, American Tech Recruiter in Holland
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Oct 16, 2019 at 9:00 am.
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@SharonDeanClark -- LINKEDIN: 
My experience includes the full recruitment cycle as well as vendor management across industries such as IT, e-commerce, and finance. Having worked with culturally diverse teams, both locally and remotely, I am adept at building strong relationships both inside the organization and with candidates, while ensuring that deliverables are met.
I am a passionate subject matter expert experienced in helping expats and international businesses get the most out of the Netherlands. In recent years, I have been active in international development in the areas of employment, relocation, and social networking. @SharonDeanClark -- LINKEDIN: 
My experience includes the full recruitment cycle as well as vendor management across industries such as IT, e-commerce, and finance. Having worked with culturally diverse teams, both locally and remotely, I am adept at building strong relationships both inside the organization and with candidates, while ensuring that deliverables are met.
I am a passionate subject matter expert experienced in helping expats and international businesses get the most out of the Netherlands. In recent years, I have been active in international development in the areas of employment, relocation, and social networking.