The Recruiting Animal
The Recruiting Animal
Recruiting Animal
Carmel Jordan, Recruiter
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Mar 25, 2015 at 9:00 am.
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@Carmel_Jordan -- LINKEDIN -- FACEBOOK -- Google Plus
We take staffing to the next level.... This is not a job, it is our life!
Anyone can make the obvious match. We train our employees to look below the surface, using their judgment, insight, and instincts, to make the right match.
Our Chairman has written 10 books on employment-related subjects.
We are focused on and knowledgeable about the local market
with an excellent track record and long history of service in your particular market.
We consider ourselves strategic staffing partners.... @Carmel_Jordan -- LINKEDIN -- FACEBOOK -- Google Plus
We take staffing to the next level.... This is not a job, it is our life!
Anyone can make the obvious match. We train our employees to look below the surface, using their judgment, insight, and instincts, to make the right match.
Our Chairman has written 10 books on employment-related subjects.
We are focused on and knowledgeable about the local market
with an excellent track record and long history of service in your particular market.
We consider ourselves strategic staffing partners....