The Raven Effect
The Raven Effect
The Raven Effect
Typically ridiculous episode....
1 hour 20 minutes Posted Feb 9, 2020 at 9:00 pm.
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Show notes
Rich has Coronavirus and is out this week; Joe had a close call experience with Coronavirus out on the road; Don't shake hands, do fistbumps instead; Raven's car got scratched and he's happy, it relieves the pressure of keeping it looking like new; Thoughts on the Trump impeachment; Who's gonna be the Democrat candidate? Send get well wishes to Rich on Twitter, care of the voice; UFC talk; Fighters in Bellator holding on to keep getting the paycheck; What the cheap bastards missed on Patreon, just sign up already, it's only $5 a month; Raven catches up on Fan Mail; and of course, all the usual perversions. Have Raven say things that you want him to say, either for yourself or for someone you want to talk big-game shit to by going to