The Raven Effect
The Raven Effect
The Raven Effect
Wrestling Psychology episode ... and Raven's birthday!
1 hour 6 minutes Posted Sep 9, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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We discuss Wrestling Psychology and how people don't get enough mileage out of spots; how greatness can be taught and should be taught...   by me; hmmm, that sounded rather vain but hey, it is my Birthday. Now, all bow and grovel before me...   ok that may be pushing it🤪; All-In is revisited; Gamera the flying turtle 50th anniversary is discussed; and the opening is unpacked..   while it's still going on;  We cliffhanger the all-new Adjacent name game and the Raven Wedding story while paying off other cliffhangers such as the Patreon Contest, w/winners chosen live on the air...   of course controversy ensues, why wouldn't it; plus all the slapdashery you could ever ask for; and of course all the usual perversions!