Last time, on our journey through the Universal Model of Change, we left you in that dark and icky place. Sorry…not sorry! Because in today’s Let It Shift, Part Deux episode, we discover how to climb out and carry on. We’ll chat about the “Third Way,” imperfect action, cherry on top, divine timing, our dads, the fragility of moments, calling in our helpers, and Lawrence Welk. 3.1 – Shift 1: DISCOMFORT. Red flags and red Lights + PMS, menopause, and intuition (0:00)3.2 – Shift 2: ROCK BOTTOM. Hello Darkness, My Old Friend <aka the Pit> (7:14)3.3 – Shift 3: CLIMB OUT. Up and Out + The Big Leap (7:55)3.4 – SunRiver + Cherry on top (15:12)3.5 – Affogato + Get out of your own way! (18:10)3.6 – It’s all about the timing + UPS guy from the Universe (20:40)3.7 – Mindset + Our Dads + Could it Be the Magic? (22:55)3.8 – Opportunities + Fragile moments (28:55)3.9 – Getting out of the pit + Resistance is futile (33:25) VERBATIM: We used to think it was PMS or Menopause…now we know it’s intuition. ~ Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction. ~ That kind of linear way to doing things precludes the inspiration that really does come. ~ The key to getting out of the Pit is to find that inner wisdom, listen to it, and trust it. ~ We don’t have to try so hard if we are open to the belief that we are taken care of…always. ~ There are answers we don’t know until we step into that light. ~ The Universe will provide if we are listening. But if we are not listening, it will go bug somebody else who is. ~ It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. ~ Act “as if.” ~ We can call it magic, but in 500 years, they will have terms for it. ~ If you believe the saying that we are all one, where does that put us? ~ The best way to get out of any dark place is to call on your helpers – to ask for help, to receive help, and to release the belief that you are alone and that your strength and power is being tested. ~ Our disconnection is what causes us pain, and our connection brings us back to who we really are. ~ Ego wants us to struggle and to think that we have to do this on our own to prove something to ourselves – and we don’t. ~ Every second of our day is an opportunity to come sit in the quiet or to venture on to the next grand journey. LINKS:Gay Hendricks, “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level.” ( Featuring The Third Way goal setting) Available on Amazon. Website: https://hendricks.com IG: @hendricks.gay FB: www.facebook.com/gayhendricks YouTube: www.youtube.com/@hendricksinstitute Bruce Lipton, “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles” Available on Amazon. Website: www.brucelipton.com IG: @brucelipton FB: www.facebook.com/BruceHLiptonPhD YouTube: www.youtube.com/@BruceHLiptonPhD ……………………………………………………………………………Welcome to the Quiche and Tuba Show! “Your moment of whimsy, wisdom, and all th
May 20, 2023
37 min

Ever feel stuck in life—and wonder how to move on? Yeah, we’ve been there! Let’s talk about the Universal Model of Change (ooooh!), falling down into sewers with a Snickers bar, Plato’s Cave, and ch-ch-changes! (🚩 We get a bit cursey and sweary today.) 2.1 – Big Cryptic Announcement + Love Fest (again) (0:00)2.2 – Moving boxes + Love it *and* leave it. (8:59)2.3 – Universal Model of Change + Sewers and Snickers (11:46)2.4 – In the Pit + Plato’s Cave <yeah, I gave it a Goog…> (14:45)2.5 – Juneau + Listening to the Quiet (20:10)2.6 – Staying Stuck + “Blame Shame, and Guilt looking for Love, Approval, and Acceptance” (26:56)2.7 – Tips from the Pit + “Cowabunga Dudes” + Self-Talk Tone of Voice (31:14) 2.8 – Navigate change with joy and ease + To Be Continued…(44:18)2.9 – Closing Song 🚩 (45:45)*** CORRECTION – We are Quiche and Tuba @quicheandtuba (*not* tubaandquiche) <insert eyeroll> VERBATIM: Love it AND Let it go ~ It is…until it isn’t. ~ You can’t get out the way you got in. ~ There was no turning back. ~ There’s always another way. ~ We have all the answers; we just don’t trust them. ~ I just can’t put my finger on it… ~ Misery is a message: whatever is making you miserable, get out! ~ Suffering is optional. ~ How do I want to spend my moments? ~ Let go and let Goddess. ~ Open, shift, and pivot. ~ This is what life can be, taking hold of the reins. ~ Can you fully express the essence of who you are? ~ Can you be the stillness in the movement? ~ Move from judgment to wonder. ~ We are more powerful than we can even imagine. ~……………………………………………………………………………Welcome to the Quiche and Tuba Show! “Your moment of whimsy, wisdom, and all that Shift.”Join a couple of happy lunatics of a certain age as we explore silliness, deep dives into humanity, interesting guests, and the mysteries behind the curtain of life. Bringing you stories that uplift, inspire, entertain, and make you smile. A bit of Seinfeldesque nothing-meets-a-bit-of-everything that matters most. So get your coffee, some tissues, and let's vibe! A bientot and ‘preciacha so much! ~ Debi Quiche and Tuba Elise. Follow The Quiche and Tuba Show on Facebook @quicheandtubashow and Instagram @quicheandtuba. Listen to “The Quiche and Tuba Show” on your favorite podcast platform. We’d LOVE to hear your feedback, your questions, your moments. Share. Review. Give us 5 big, beautiful stars!HUUUUGE THANKS to Jeff Quayle @Q3Worx for being our all-powerful Podfather.
May 1, 2023
49 min

INTRODUCING DEBI QUICHE AND TUBA ELISE. So…where did we come from, why are we here, and where the HECK are we going? What is the Q & T Show vision, and how can YOU be part of it? 1.1 - Welcome! (0:35) Debi Quiche Does Life1.2 - My happy little Mormony life. (2:50)1.3 - Coming Out. Seeking a “New Normal.” (7:02)“This is shattered and it’s time to do a mosaic; it can’t be repaired so it has to becomesomething completely different.”1.4 - Inner Compass Life and a High Vibe Tribe (12:36)“Sit in the darkness…it will turn to light.”1.5 - SHOW FORMAT – Let us know your mind & heart – “You’ll feel better” guarantee (16:16)Tuba Elise Journey of Self-Discovery1.6 - Debi & Elise’s love fest intro (16:50)1.7 - Inwardly Fierce – Outwardly Obedient (18:50)1.8 - Mover & Shaker &amp; Doer (21:23)1.9 - Juneau Alaska, Authenticity, Music (21:51)1.10 - Early Life, Adoption, Family (23.21)1.11 - Journey of Self-Discovery (25:02)“I don’t think that anything is a mistake; I don’t think anything is a risk, because I see them all as discoveries into kind of our own deeper sense of self.”1.12 – Loving, Leaving and a Leap to Voice, Authenticity & Vibrancy (25:34)1.13 - Ancestry and Cellular Journey (31:26)1.14 - SwitchPoint Industries (34:50)1.15 - The Essence of Who You Are (35:27)“You discover new worlds within you that you didn’t know existed.” Final Musings1.16 - We are Here to Celebrate it ALL (38:04)1.17 - Can I trust the process? “It is…until it isn’t.” I only have this moment. (39:39)1.18 - We are doing this because *we love each other as dear friends *we planned this for seven years *we have surprising moments of enlightenment *we are inviting you all to the Tribe and *we take 100% responsibility of having no idea what we’re doing! Here’s to Love and Chaos! (42:01)……………………………………………………………………………Welcome to the Quiche and Tuba Show! “Your moment of whimsy, wisdom, and all that Shift.”Join a couple of happy lunatics of a certain age as we explore silliness, deep dives into humanity, interesting guests, and the mysteries behind the curtain of life. Bringing you stories that uplift, inspire, entertain, and make you smile. A bit of Seinfeldesque nothing-meets-a-bit-of-everything that matters most. So get your coffee, some tissues, and lets vibe! A bientot and ‘preciacha so much! ~ Debi Quicheand Tuba Elise.Follow The Quiche and Tuba Show on Facebook @quicheandtubashow and Instagram @quicheandtuba. Listen to “The Quiche and Tuba Show” on your favorite podcast platform. We’d LOVE to hear your feedback, your questions, your moments. Share. Review. Give us 5 big, beautiful stars!HUUUUGE THANKS to Jeff Quayle @Q3worx for being our fearless leader and pod producer.
Apr 15, 2023
45 min

Welcome to the Quiche and Tuba Show! Your moment of whimsy, wisdom, and all that Shift. Join a couple of happy lunatics of a certain age as we explore silliness, deep dives into humanity, interesting guests, and the mysteries behind the curtain of life. Bringing you stories that uplift, inspire, entertain, and make you smile. A bit of Seinfeldesque nothing-meets-a-bit-of-everything that matters most. So get your coffee, some tissues, and let's vibe!A bientot and ‘preciate ya so much! ~ Debi Quiche and Tuba Elise.Follow The Quiche and Tuba Show on the socials @quicheandtuba and wherever you find your podcasts.
Apr 1, 2023
1 min