The Purpose Show
The Purpose Show
Allie Casazza
Ep 089: Minimalism For Those Who Enjoy Shopping
19 minutes Posted Dec 19, 2018 at 12:00 am.
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There is this awkward tension in our culture where we feel we have to choose between being minimalist and enjoying shopping. Why can’t we choose both? Just because we enjoy shopping doesn’t mean we buy everything we see on the shelves. I enjoy shopping! Strolling the aisles of a store is where I find inspiration and get refreshed. For me, it is about browsing and enjoying, without feeling the pressure to buy every single thing I find that I like. I'm not shopping to shop. I am shopping because I truly enjoy the process of being out and finding inspiration! And I know that like me, a lot of you would say the same. So I hope this episode encourages you to find freedom in being a minimalist who enjoys shopping.

Everything I talk about in this episode can be found HERE: