The Prophecy Club - All Broadcasts
The Prophecy Club - All Broadcasts
Stan Johnson
via Podcasts
You can't ban the truth!!
thank you
truth in under attack. police keep trying to get me. They have put me in a mental institution three times. Only because of maranatha! why can Jack Hibbs talk, but when I do everyone is scared of the crazy lady. black drones following you? we are no longer free
Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs
I’ve listened to a lot of these “prophecy” podcasts and none come true. He makes excuses as to why they don’t. He claims he memorized the Book of Revelation. I’m calling B-S on that. It’s hard to believe people actually listen to this clown.
D. Rowsey
Consummate useful idiot and purveyor of Russian disinformation
Would rate this lower than one star if I could. The 15 March 2022 podcast actually argues that Russia is doing a good thing by invading Ukraine. Tying agitprop arguments like this into the word of God is a stretch and blasphemous in my opinion. It is also un-American. All other podcasts without a nexus to Russia are so much nonsense…too numerous to summarize here.
Wouldn’t Rome be the country that forced everyone into there sin? You know Nero already marched into Israel killing Jews bringing pigs in and erected his statue?
Save the world
If you go to the website and buy what he’s selling you can save the world. Came across this when I was doing a deep dive on bible prophecies and only listened to one about Dana Coverstone and learned that if I bought what he was selling I could save the world
I listen daily to the Prophecy Club. Stan is truly a man after Gods heart and it shows through everything he says and the interviews he has. I enjoy hearing the prophecies and I understand we must bring it to the Lord for ourselves. I attended their crusade and experienced the presence of God in powerful ways!
No free speech
Could not listen to the show or any of em for that matter. And had been listening to the shows. So evidently the High and mighty Establishment coms has shut it down. It’s sad. But I know someone they can’t Shut down. Instead they’re all going to Bow down.
Even the most well intentioned mislead the masses unintentionally.....savvy?
B.S. sifter
This is NOT biblical prophecy
This is pastor Stan’s prophecies. Sooooo,.. go on, give it a listen,...see if anything he throws against the wall, sticks...the way I look at this, since he so casually throws out “God spoke to me and said,...” yet, when they don’t come to pass, he claims it something else meant by it...then he will try and sell you crap...the only thing prophesied that falls under pastor Stan,s domain is John mention of people speaking false prophecies in the end times. Which I believe we are indeed in. But don’t hitch your wagon to this joker, IMO.
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Peak idiocy
People with Heart
The Prophecy Club Team has the most beautiful hearts I have ever come across. They are down to earth, loving and giving people! The fruits of their lives speak for themselves, and they live holy lives before the Lord.
Can be a small amount of pertinent information but is always peppered with “buy my DVD’s!!” Also I’m tired of hearing how much he worships Trump....and please get off of the sealed indictments. There not a thing.
Excellent podcast with valuable insight!
If you’ve ever listened to even one of these podcasts, you’ll be able to recognize that those one-Star reviews below were obviously written by people that have not heard even one of these podcasts. I listen to everything by every podcaster with a skeptical ear, but I find Stan Johnson to be very VERY genuine and VERY knowledgeable.
Sometimes very insightful but...
Good ideas and insight a lot of the time but topics are rarely in-depth and always end up being a plug for things you are selling. Usually it feels like 20% of the podcast is relevant and good topics but that are only half way explained and discussed and the other 80% of the podcast are plugs for your books/cds/dvds/ etc... would love more in-depth, well explained content vs giving us not so we’ll explained topics that seemed to be used in order to sell your material.
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A somewhat entertaining grifter
This podcast is mostly advertising for DVD sales and begging for donations, but is interspersed with some of the wildest conspiracy theories you’ll ever hear. It can be entertaining if you can deal with the sleazy sales tactics. Edit- Now with anti-Semitism ranging from the usual dog-whistles to full blown blood libel. This show may be getting too toxic for even entertainment.
400 year
How does the 400 years of slavery starting Aug 1619 to 2019 with the black in the U.S. correlate with prophecy? Additionally, explain the plagues currently taking place in the world correlate with 2nd Exodus in modern day Egypt called Mystery Babylon U.S.?
please tell the truth
Stan, stop selling crazy. We’re all stocked up here Sincerely America
Really Stan?
Can’t believe that this is a top show
Douglas Halthalhourn
Trump as the last best hope to protect the republic.
No. It's Ted Cruz. We have a Josiah staring us in the face. Trump will not be good towards religious liberty. I agree with Trump on Islam and his immigration policies. However we have a deeper problem and that's why Cruz must be the one to stand against Hillary.
listen to this, you'll need resurrection
Most christian oriented shows aim for providing a revival in faith, TPC will leave you in need of a resurrection. Very little hope, basically the message is we're all doomed a horrible life these next few months. It's also annoying to hear the host give a half chuckle when he talks about bad news like the death of America, how it seems every church but their own is damned, or at the very least deceived, it's almost as if he has joy about the coming sufferings. Interesting subject matter, to be fair, but it leaves you with a "why bother, we're all dead before the end of this month anyway" outlook.
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Not a Bad Podcast
I really enjoy the content and the guests on the show. The host rubs me the wrong way at times but it's not so bad where I don't want to listen.
The raw, unsugar-coated, hard-hitting truth. I love it. However, If you have Zen Garcia as a guest again, I will come back and dock you a star. I don't believe in his nonsense.
Kimber 1911 45 ACP
Excellent Teachings!!!
The teaching that I listened to was terrific. All backed by Scripture and explained very clearly. I am downloading more of these podcasts right now.