The Pose Podcast
The Pose Podcast
AfterBuzz TV
via Podcasts
Why are the podcasts so short? We need more than 20-30 min!!!
Podcast going downhill
This podcast should be done by people that actually like the show.
Fire Podcast!!!!
Ms Hudson
This is great place to get all you’re pose feelings out. I’m late to the game with this show, watching on Netflix and the hosts really get what this show is dealing with. Super fun, too!
Perfect Panel
You all are expressing everything I was thinking and feeling, while watching the show. Love this, love you!
Tamera from Baltimore
Seriously, thanks so much friends. This is the type to show I’ve been waiting for & yalls deep dive into the show has been so healing. I have to say though, not a lot has changed in our communities with regard to the the class politics and hierarchy, which is so hard when the “straight” world sorta sees us as all the same. But I am so happy to see representation of the people who are the reason I can live, love, and not be alone. Thanks for viewing and discussing!! Also, HOUSE OF EVANGELISTA FOR-EV-AH.
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This generation can learn the origins of Pose
Paris is Burning is the magnum opus of the original ballroom scene Unfortunately ... I feel a lot of kids born in the 90’s & 2K’s literally think “to Pose” comes from Madonna’s song and that is truly a travesty to have that for their only frame of reference!
Paris is Burning in 2000's
You all are doing a great job. since i grow during that I remember a lot. From the issue discrimination of gay people versus Trans people and the fem men in general. Which it still exist now in this era. I hope people regardless of sexual orientation learn something from the show and from you three/four with your guest podcaster. keep it up
Amazing group of hosts discussing a show, a show with heart. Keep giving those perspectives and love to you all.
Amazing Lizard Woman
Love this
Thank you guys !!!! 10’s , 10’s 10’s across the board !!!
Pose Ep 2
I am totally into this show. I am fascinated and impressed by the fashion and the music. The costumes are fabulous and right in style for the ‘80’s. The actresses are perfectly coifed and in character. I love Angel. She remains so cool. With all of the pressure and troubles she faces, she is believable and charming.
Guys, I knew from the trailer, I was gonna love this show;-) You Guys did awesome on the first podcast;-)
Know the history
First episode was entertaining but as far as I can tell none of your cast are old enough to have experienced what POSE is about. I would love to see the addition of someone from that generation. Looking forward to more episodes.
Seattle Redhead