In this episode I detail my production workflow for my new show, Fractal Bitcoin. I publish daily episodes both as video and audio-only. Fractal Bitcoin covers Bitcoin news and other Bitcoin topics. Overview my current audio equipment setup: RE20 microphone — https://products.electrovoice.com/na/en/re20/ sE Electronics DM1 Dynamite Active Inline Preamp — https://seelectronics.com/products/dm1/ Neve Portico II Channel Strip — https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/rupert-neve-designs-portico-ii-channel Sound Devices MixPre-6 Gen.1 — https://www.sounddevices.com/product/mixpre-6/ Overview my production workflow: Gather posts and news stories from Nostr, X and a few other industry websites. (Takes me around 2 hours) Order all the posts and stories for the shownotes. Create a title for the episode. Create a 16x9 thumbnail for the episode using ChatGPT which uses DALL-E 3 to generate images. — https://chatgpt.com/ Restart my computer. Arrange all the browser tabs. Open OBS Studio and do a short test recording. (My audio levels, video camera and lighting stay the same everyday) I record my episode as if it’s LIVE to a .mov file at 1920x1080, 60 frames per second, video bitrate at 16,000 kbps, and audio bitrate at 2304 kbps. (My average video is about 15 min. long, which ends up being around a 2Gb .mov file) First I produce the video: Process the audio in iZotope RX: Make it a mono file, usually Silence any lipsmacks and noises (can’t delete anything because the audio has to line up with the video) Level it to -16.5 LUFS mono or -13.5 LUFS stereo (for video) Save it as a 32-bit .wav file Bring the raw video and processed audio into Screenflow. Usually I don’t need to make any edits but sometimes I do. — https://www.telestream.net/screenflow/overview.htm Render the video as a .mp4 file at 1920x1080, 60 frames per second, video bitrate at 16,000 kbps, and audio bitrate at 256 kbps and audio sample rate at 48kHz. (The resulting file size ends up being the same as the raw video recording — about 2Gb for a 15 min. long file) Upload and publish the video to YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute, TikTok, and Flare.pub (a Nostr platform to which I upload a smaller 960x540 version) I promote my YouTube video on Nostr, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a few other platforms. I also post the Youtube link to my Locals community that I’m growing. I also use Opus Clip to create 5 shorts from each of my daily videos. I post all 5 to YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok and LinkedIn. — https://www.opus.pro/ Then I produce the audio-only podcast: I edit the audio a bit: Remove any isolated umms and flubs Reduce the length of any dead air, if there is any, in order to speed up the pacing slightly. Level it to -18.5 LUFS mono or -15.5 LUFS stereo (for audio-only podcast) Save it as a 32-bit .wav file as well as an .mp3 file (96 kbps mono or 192 kbps stereo). Tag the .mp3 using ID3 Editor. — http://www.pa-software.com/id3editor/ Upload .mp3 to Captivate along with shownotes and publish. — https://www.captivate.fm/ For my website I use Podpage which automatically brings in each podcast episode from Captivate as a blog post. I’m able to quickly optimize the post, add the YouTube video, and add images, etc. — https://www.podpage.com/ FRACTAL BITCOIN LINKS: YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/@fractalbitcoin Rumble — https://rumble.com/c/c-5471042 Twitter — https://twitter.com/fractalBitcoin Nostr — https://nostr.com/npub1jz42cy8qxw6dres86sn0cr42hww24pnjqssa4k9wxqvzm5l0mvqsq2f5ku Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/fractalbitcoin/ A GREAT BITCOIN RESOURCE: BOOK — The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous — https://saifedean.com/tbs OTHER NOTES: The start date for the next PES semester is JUNE 4, 2024! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) Check out the PES YouTube channel. My smaller course for editors/producers who want higher-paying clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
May 15, 2024
15 min

I overview 8 podcast production tips and techniques from recent blog posts (see list below). My blog posts discussed in this episode: Upward Compression --*** FabFilter video on Upward Compression Is It Necessary to Tweak the Sound of Royalty-free/Stock Music Tracks? Want To Approach Potential Clients but You Have a Fear of Rejection --*** Rejection Proof book Unplugged Kingsize Megaphones in the Pähni Nature Centre by students of the Estonian Academy of Arts Can Some Particular Microphones Exacerbate Sibilance? Podcast Editing: A Chore or Labor of Love? Are Your Podcast Episodes Loud Enough? Independent Podcast Editors and Producers: Are You Profiting Enough? Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is February 20, 2024! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) Check out the PES YouTube channel If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find useful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want higher-paying clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Jan 18, 2024
13 min

I overview 9 podcast production tips and techniques from recent Daily Goody posts Mar. 18 thru Apr. 8, 2022 (see list below). Also, you can sign up to receive Daily Goody’s in your email every day or a weekly roundup. Daily Goody posts that I discussed in this episode: Microphone Polar Patterns – A Complete Guide 3 Plugins I Purchased but Rarely Use (Unfortunately) — Level Magic (Flux/Jünger Audio), Split EQ (Eventide), dear VR pro (Plugin Alliance) DynaCaster Microphone from sE Electronics Limiting a Bit Before Compressing Bleeping Curse Words Audio Normalization Tips for Pitching Yourself To Be a Guest on Other Podcasts I Love This: Morbid Podcast Mixes Their Ads a Bit Lower in Volume Plugin Doctor, a Plugin Analyzer for VST and AU Plugins Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is January 9, 2024! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) Check out the PES YouTube channel I started a new Podcasting community on Nostr protocol -- you are welcome to join! If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find useful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want higher-paying clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Sep 7, 2023
30 min

Listen to my conversation with Tom Pink - Head of Mix, Mastering and Sound Design at Noiser. We discuss sound design in podcast production including lots of helpful tips - basics, advanced, nuances, and lots more. You're welcome to check out some of the shows Tom and his team are producing at Noiser.com. Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is June 27, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want more good clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Jun 9, 2023
54 min

I define and discuss the differences between normalization, compression and limiting. Also the usefulness of each and when to use them. And I play audio examples! FYI, you can sign up to receive my Daily Goody posts in your email every day or a weekly roundup. Sign up here. Here are the plugins I referred to (by category): Compressors: Scheps Omni Channel — https://www.waves.com/plugins/scheps-omni-channel CLA-2A — https://www.waves.com/plugins/cla-2a-compressor-limiter CLA-76 — https://www.waves.com/plugins/cla-76-compressor-limiter Abbey Road RS124 — https://www.waves.com/plugins/abbey-road-rs124-compressor#introducing-abbey-road-rs124-compressor Channel Strips: Scheps Omni Channel — https://www.waves.com/plugins/scheps-omni-channel Focusrite SC — https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_focusrite_sc.html SSL E Channel — https://www.waves.com/plugins/ssl-e-channel —OR— https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_ssl_4000_e.html Upward Compression: MaxxVolume — https://www.waves.com/plugins/maxxvolume MV2 — https://www.waves.com/plugins/mv2 Fabfilter Pro-MB — https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-mb-multiband-compressor-plug-in Neutron 3 — https://www.izotope.com/en/products/neutron.html Oxford Inflator — https://www.sonnox.com/plugin/oxford-inflator-v3 Vocal Riders: Vocal Rider — https://www.waves.com/plugins/vocal-rider MAutoVolume — https://www.meldaproduction.com/MAutoVolume HoRNet AutoGain Pro MK2 — https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-autogain-pro-mk2/ DynaRide2 — https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/dynaride GainRider3 — https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/gainrider Outlaw — https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/outlaw POWAIR — https://www.soundradix.com/products/powair/ Limiters: Pro-L 2 — https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-l-2-limiter-plug-in Scheps Omni Channel — https://www.waves.com/plugins/scheps-omni-channel CLA-2A — https://www.waves.com/plugins/cla-2a-compressor-limiter Focusrite SC — https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_focusrite_sc.html SSL E Channel — https://www.waves.com/plugins/ssl-e-channel —OR— https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_ssl_4000_e.html Pro-MB — https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-mb-multiband-compressor-plug-in Dual Stage Compressors: Aquamarine 4 — https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/aquamarine Shadow Hills Class A Mastering Compressor — https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/shadow_hills_class_a_mastering_comp.html Multiband Compression: (great for people who move on and off mic a lot) Pro-MB — https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-mb-multiband-compressor-plug-in C6 — https://www.waves.com/plugins/c6-multiband-compressor Neutron 3 — https://www.izotope.com/en/products/neutron.html Ozone 9 — https://www.izotope.com/en/products/ozone.html Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is April 4, 2023 and then June 27, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want more good clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Mar 28, 2023
27 min

I overview 10 podcast production tips and techniques from recent Daily Goody posts Feb. 14 thru Mar. 9, 2022 (see list below). You can sign up to receive Daily Goody’s in your email every day or a weekly roundup. Sign up here. Daily Goody posts that I discussed in this episode: The Debate Over Editing Out Breaths vs. Leaving Breaths In How To Handle Clients That Won’t Heed Your Advice To Improve Their Audio Quality Using Pixels to Track Podcast Ad Stats? Here's the article I mentioned Reasons I Sometimes Use Volume Boost in My Podcast Player App RØDE Broadcaster (Microphone) What Equipment Do You Recommend for New Podcasters? Here's the post I mentioned: An Inexpensive Podcasting Equipment Setup to Sound Great Fabfilter Pro-DS, an Exceptional De-esser When a Remote Guests’ Internet Fails and They Disconnect Want Me to Dial-in Custom Settings for Your Voice? (EQ, Compression, Etc.) Editing the Timing Between a Question and the Answer Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is April 4, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want more good clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Feb 14, 2023
23 min

I overview 9 podcast production tips and techniques from recent Daily Goody posts Jan. 19 thru Feb. 11, 2022 (see list below). You can sign up to receive Daily Goody’s in your email every day or a weekly roundup. Sign up here. Daily Goody posts that I discussed in this episode: Expecting a Plugin Preset to Do What the Name Says My Experience Opening and Operating a Brick and Mortar Podcast Studio for 3 Years – PES 230 When Editing Out Silence To Increase Pacing, Be Sure To… Loudness Range of Final Episodes – What’s Good and What’s Bad? The “White Glove” Service: Engineering Client Recording Sessions Remotely Using Cable Labels to Reduce “Spaghetti” Confusion in Your Studio Best Sounding Microphone Emulation *For My Voice* Using My Sphere L22 Microphone Gain Rider Plugin: DynaRide2 Should You Ask Remote Guests to Record Their Own Audio Locally? Best Recording Tip for Someone Who Speaks at a Soft, Low Volume [VIDEO] MaxxVolume Plugin for Podcast Production (Handy as Heck!) As I mentioned, here’s episode 225 where I used the Sphere L22 with the U47 emulation. Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is January 10, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want more good clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Dec 20, 2022
28 min

I overview 9 podcast production tips and techniques from recent Daily Goody posts Dec.13, 2021 thru Jan.17, 2022 (see list below). You can sign up to receive Daily Goody’s in your email every day or a weekly roundup. Sign up here. Daily Goody posts that I discussed in this episode: Putting the Finishing Touch on Your Podcast Audio Before Publishing How Much Would You Like To Earn Producing Podcasts, $25k/year? $50k? $100k? Corey Marie Green, Author of The Podcaster’s Audio Handbook – PES 228 Get Fuller Sound by Manipulating Harmonics Do This Before New Years Day Urgent Advice for Any Podcaster Using a Blue Yeti Chris’s Goody Bag – PES 229 Do You Breakdown and Put Away Your Equipment After Recording, Or…? Brainworx bx_console AMEK 9099 Please Don’t Ever Use Your Computers Built-in Microphone for Recording Podcasts Riverside’s Noise Suppression Feature VIDEO: CLA-2A Compressor/Limiter Plugin (Waves) for Podcast Production Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! The start date for the next PES semester is January 10, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/ My smaller course for editors/producers who want more good clients: Getting New Clients at Higher Rates Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Nov 21, 2022
25 min

Returning guest Barry Gary shares so many excellent tips for producing podcasts for companies and organizations. Barry is the host of The Louisville Cycling Podcast. He also produces other podcasts including Medchat and Parenting With You. Also, here is Barry’s first appearance on this show. Barry and I discussed many things including: Equipment: Shure SM7b, Cloudlifter, dbx 286s, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Yamaha monitors Apps: Adobe Audition, Riverside Processing: Compression, EQ Show development for clients Internal podcasts for clients Workflow changes: Stopped going on-site to record, and now does most of his editing in Adobe Audition now. NEWS: In case you missed it, I'm now publishing a YouTube video everyday here on the PES channel. Please consider subscribing. Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! You can sign up to receive Daily Goody’s in your email a few times per week or a weekly roundup. Sign up here. The start date for the next PES semester is January 10, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/) Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Nov 4, 2022
44 min

Enjoy my chat with Zack Hanni, owner and audio engineer at Sounds Like Soma in Philadelphia. He produces podcasts as well as music. We discuss podcast audio production in depth as well as the business aspects of being a podcast producer. Also check out his TikTok and YouTube channels. Also check out Zack's first appearance on this show. Ep. 40 HERE In case you missed it, I'm now publishing a YouTube video everyday here on the PES channel. Consider subscribing. Other Notes: If you ever have questions please reach out! You can sign up to receive Daily Goody’s in your email a few times per week or a weekly roundup. Sign up here. The start date for the next PES semester is January 10, 2023! (fyi, the course is delivered once per quarter) If you’d like to share this show with any of your podcaster friends, feel free to send them a message saying, “Btw, here’s a show about podcast audio production you may find helpful” with this link: https://podcastengineeringschool.com/subscribe/) Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything, ~Chris
Oct 13, 2022
42 min
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