The Plot Twist With Della Smith Podcast

The Plot Twist With Della Smith

Della Smith
"The Plot Twist With Della Smith" is about learning how to change our negative mindset into a more healthy mindset. Plot Twisting is twisting the negative and finding a positive spin on it to get you out of a bad head space. We will be plot twisting on depression and anxiety, negative thoughts, bad habits, bad relationships, our health and finance, self love, self care, spirituality etc. We will come out the smoke feeling more empowered and motivated to get on a better path to be our best selves. Tune in and listen with love.
The intro to The Plot Twist With Della Smith
On this episode I am introducing myself and sharing with the audience what my podcast will be about. Push play and hear what I have coming up. My podcast is geared towards self development, self care and mindset growth. Stay tuned for more with The Plot Twist With Della Smith.
Dec 26, 2019
6 min