The Plot Against America Podcast
The Plot Against America Podcast
via Podcasts
Brainwashed Democrats
It’s so sad to see these “libs” who can’t think for themselves. Please TRY to take in all of the facts that the narrative spinning CNBC’s of this world spits out, and come to your own conclusion. Wanting secure borders is important for a multitude of legitimate reasons. Dems are letting anyone and everyone enter America through the now open border. A rational and logical thinker would clearly understand that it’s safer for our countries communities to allow immigrants to be vetted, assuring that they are not criminals, rapists, murderers etc. Conservatives welcome people entering our country LEGALLY. But what’s the automatic knee jerk response of the Democrats? “You’re RACIST! You’re ALL racist!” Which if you pay attention even slightly, you’ll realize that accusation is their typical defensive comeback response. Unfortunately, libs aren’t concerned with crime or destructive riots unless it’s in their front yard. “Defund the police”, until they need assistance from 911 in which case their inner Karen will emerge with, “what took you so long? My Prius is on fire!” Think people, PLEASE. Why are the democrats so intent on keeping the borders open? Power and Control via elections. They are expecting and counting on those immigrants votes when it’s election time. This is why they can’t allow voter Id’s interfere with their agenda. VOTER ID’s? Like EVERY other country in the world to ensure honest and fraud free elections? We can’t have that! Let’s play the race card. “Racist, racist, you want voter Id.” Blatant race card usage when the Georgia issue that the libs are complaining about has extended hours of voting than Biden’s home state of Delaware. Come on people, think! Leaders of numerous countries scratch their head trying to make the connection between voter ID and racism. Then they laugh. Think. Who are they laughing at? Not the clever Democrats spinning their narratives, but rather half of Americans idiotically nodding their heads at the CNN’s, CNBC’s, MSNBC’s tall tale tellers on their screens. Please people(referring to only half of Americans), open your minds and absorb current event from numerous sources. Then THINK for yourselves to arrive at your own conclusions. The country, our country will be better for it. And on a side note. If any “lib” calls me racist, I’ll look them square in the eye and say “you should meet my wife. She’s a wonderful woman with an impressive ethnic heritage.” Then I’ll punch them right in the frickin’ nose!!!! When they open their eyes and get up, I’ll not ask but TELL them to THINK!!! Joey
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Needs to be listened to (and yes trumpers, stay mad)
It’s a great companion to the series and goes it to more detail about the parallels of today’s America and the early 20th century and how easily people can fall for demagoguery. History doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme. As for the 1 star trumper reviews: the show is literally about politics and how it affects families who have to suffer under REAL oppression thanks to leaders who are at best ambivalent about how their ideas inform what people see as acceptable behavior and at worst actively condoning it.
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Call of the dead ( brains)
I’m hooked
This is the perfect companion to this incredible miniseries. I love hearing behind the scenes stuff and this does not disappoint. No spoilers, but it really is wonderful to listen to this after watching each episode. Peter Sagal does a great job.
Great companion
This podcast is a great companion to the HBO series and explains the turns the series takes from the book! Very well done!
Very well done
Great addition to a very good mini-series. Loved both!!
Great mini series even better podcast
This podcast is excellent. I looked forward to each episode to gain insight into the show. Excellent work by Peter Sagal and David Simon. Thank you.
ECM april
I’m chagrined by the snarky snowflakes who take umbrage at this series because they see it as a perspective on Tangerine Tantrum. It is not. This was written when the hate propaganda of Lee Atwater, Carl Rove and William Barr during Reagan and Bush was current and The Donald was still cheating on his first wife and lying about the number of floors in his erection. Philip Roth is an American genius. This brilliant concept of alternative history and Nazi brutality has now been copied by Penny Dreadful and other current series, but they are pale imitations. Segal and Simon are fascinating to hear as they discuss the stories behind both the novel and the series.
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Perfect companion to an amazing show
This miniseries was simply fascinating and an important piece of art. The pod does a great job of taking you through the creative process and the decisions that go in making an adaptation. If you’re into that kind of thing, it is almost as essential as the show itself.
Just more deceptive propaganda
Very disturbing that this show is a vehicle to push today’s political agendas. And from an anti-Trump perspective?! I watched this show thinking this is what it will eventually be like for Christians. We are already being shamed and silenced for believing basic biblical principles, standard Christian beliefs that have existed for centuries. Backward is the new forward.
Great supplement to the series
I read the book a few years ago, finished the series last night, and now listening to this excellent supplement via podcast. The novel and series are so rich that they really deserve this kind of in-depth discussion. Great job, David! And Peter Sagal, thanks for creating and hosting this format.
This podcast ruined my liking of this miniseries.
After watching the miniseries I was excited to take a deep dive with the podcast. The Anti-Trump rhetoric and comparing today's politics with 1940's America was ridiculous. I stomached the first podcast but 10 minutes into the 2nd podcast I gave up and won't go back. Shameful.
Book, show, & podcast fan
Read and watched this story, really loved it. Couldn’t wait for these interviews every week after, was great hearing how Simon interpreted Roth’s source material, background on the actors, etc. Fantastic and moving experience!
JJ yay
The Heart Behind the Series
I have loved listening to the heartfelt family connections to the series. From real life pictures of the director and cast members’ families on the walls of the home to lines that were actually spoken by their love ones making it into the script - yes, it was an alternate history, but I found greater meaning in knowing that the story and the series were rooted in the truth of lived experiences. Thank you for an excellent series and podcast!
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1940’s meet 2020
Brilliant storytelling captivating a series of 1940’s political events that feel more alarming in 2020 than they tragically did 80 years ago. Anyone consuming this work yet unable/refusing to see the then-vs-now parallels either possesses Bengelsdorf like naivety or worse. This miniseries is an instant masterpiece, especially in tandem with such an exceptional podcast series. Five stars PLUS all around!!
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Gives clarity
This mini series was well done. An excellent addendum to such a well cast production.
Beautifully rendered
David Sagal’s questions and David Simon’s responses were superb and together they provided wonderful insight into both the parallels to the book source and the diversions from it. Thanks so much for this enriching experience.
Sad & disappointing
I decided to listen to the podcast get a better understanding since most of the “plot” against America was hard to follow.🤦🏼‍♂️Unfortunately I was disappointed that the whole intent of this series was to somehow compare Trump to the Lindberg who works with the Nazi’s. All though there maybe some similarities to words used in campaigns it is emotionally unintelligent to try to connect the two. It is a sad day in our culture when people think they always can interpret intent with not facts or truth. Didn’t vote for Trump I think he is disrespectful and degrading sometimes but would never compare him to Nazi’s. Losing empathy for those who claim to fight these righteous causes but our dishonest in the behavior and making these types of movies.
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Joshua Arseneau
Essential add on to the series
I’ve never been tempted to listen to a podcast for a TV show but Simon’s work was so compelling and rich, I suspected there was more there and I wanted to hear it. This podcast did not disappoint. Sagal, who I only know from Wait, Wait, did a terrific job of probing in just the right ways to illuminate Simon’s thoughts and intentions. Essential context and fascinating commentary on how a series is put together.
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Eerily the same
Beautifully created and executed. Roth would have been so happy with the results. Unfortunately, the intolerance and xenophobia is being repeated today. Sad.
Thought provoking
The podcast gave me even more to think about and just how far we’ve come, yet how much has not changed. I wish everyone would watch and listen.
Bad Dog 46
The podcasts have been the perfect compliment to the series. I read the book midway so especially enjoyed the discussion about contrasts between the two. The “Plot” is frightening because of the similarities regarding the current administration giving voice/permission to biases.
I thought the podcast was a wonderful companion to the show. It pointed out small details in the show that I missed and explained the reasoning behind some of the changes from the book. The show scared me but the podcast helped calm me down.
Overly Political
In general, I enjoyed the series very much; until the final episode lurched into a comparison between the current political situation and the alternate history. It is understandable to be appalled by the President’s personality and behavior but to imply that his supporters are at all similar to the Lindbergh supporters in the book and TV show is nothing but devisive and condescending.
Scituate Jack
Refreshingly intelligent.
Combined with high art. A rare pleasure these days. Listening to these two makes me proud to be a human like them. A fellow countryman. And Landsman. Creative and authoritative. And very relevant today. plus Roth. I’m moved to go reread the book now. Wow!
The end of this movie was awful. There was no ending. What a waste of 6 hours.
oh you might know me as yogi bear
Brilliant syllabus
Adds insight and perspective to this excellent series. while being enormously engaging and entertaining.
Wide distribution
I have spent the last 4 years in fear and loathing. The series was as cathartic as it was heart wrenching. Thanks to HBO for supporting such great work and for the podcast which helped me process the trauma that played out with each episode especially the last. My wish would be for the series to somehow be made available for wide distribution and not only just for those with a subscription. It would provide an even greater service to those who might never have the opportunity to view such important work at this critical time in our nation’s history.
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Riveting, thought-provoking drama
Excellent alternative history set in the 1940’s with eerie similarities to today’s political and cultural strife. Much of the storyline is a warning, the ending especially so.
Gene Joe
Perfect Compliment to the Series
The insights of the podcasts add so much to viewing the series. I have gone back and rewatched the scenes that were discussed to better appreciate the nuances. An interesting take on a twisted historical tale as well as poignant comentary on our present situation. I will continue to enjoy your humor on "Wait, wait..." Bravo Peter Sagal from a former GL classmate.
Arnold 65
You must listen!
I listened to this podcast after watching each episode of the series. What an excellent opportunity to understand all the elements of storytelling, writing, acting, and interpreting history. Thanks to all involved for making such excellent viewing and listening. ❤️👏🏻❤️👏🏻❤️👏🏻❤️
Lisa with a T
What a great podcast. I reread novel during miniseries and I really loved hearing choices David Simon made. Kudos to him and to Peter Sagal for great interviews !
Great Series, Bad Intentions
The series was great, the podcast very informative. But turning this alternative history work of fiction as an anti-Trump screed was abominable and misguided, a disservice to viewers.
SJ Orangeman
Great work of art. One of those rare satisfying theatrical experiences. Roth’s book was prescient given the state of the country today. The miniseries brought his book to life visually in the way that only the medium of TV or film can do. The podcasts were clarifying erudite discussions of the book and the miniseries, explaining why choices were made to make some character changes and story events which work better for TV. A great drama. A must see for every American.
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Best podcast ever! It opens up the episodes and breathes more life into them. Peter Sagal is brilliant at getting inside David Simon's mind. I hope they both work together again in the future.
It’s such a privilege to hear this conversation with David Segal and to understand his creative process. I am so thankful for his storytelling. It gives me historical perspective and heart, mind, and soul transformation.
Luminous Connector
I find myself listening to the podcast twice and then going back to rewatch the episode. Wonderful insight into filmmaking and history.
reluctant buckeye
Provides great perspective
I really appreciate the additional historical, cultural, and literary perspective this podcast provides to the miniseries. I deeply enjoy the rapport and ease of conversation between Sagal and Simon. It feels comfortable and familiar both in terms of the Jewish-ness and the newspaper-ness of the dialogue. Also, thank you David Simon for recognizing the third act problem in the book!
Love hearing about the reality behind this novel, then and now.
Fabulous podcast
I've listened to all 3 podcasts that HBO has done on their series (Chernobyl, Watchmen before this one), and they have been absolutely riveting! Great background on the show, generally, as well as the choices made by the show runner in bringing these to the screen. Worth listening to as you watch the show, but fascinating even if you haven't (that's how I got into the Watchmen).
Great listen
Love it! Appreciate background about each episode. Very insightful.
I am so enjoying the TV series and have just discovered the Podcast! Thank you for this amazing creation!
Brilliant Companion Piece
This podcast is the rare case of being absolutely essential to the show it’s summarizing. Peter Sagal’s perfectly crafted questions allows us insight into the brilliance of David Simon’s production of my favorite book. Fantastic !
I remember going to Newark in the late 50s and 60s the feel is perfect. The slow build up of tension is terrifying. I strongly recommend this miniseries!
Time traveler
I am an African American woman who moved to Newark’s Weequaic Section as a teenager just as the Jews were moving out. Always wondered what the neighborhood was like when it was all Jewish , for me it’s like a time warp! The attention to detail in this show is phenomenal down to the numbers on the bus lines & the street signs! The locations & set dressing is so perfect I know almost exactly what streets the scenes occur! I lived a few blocks from the Levin Boys school! Really enjoying the trip back in time! I’m truly enjoying the podcasts in sites of the characters & storyline
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Good Counsel Girl
Newark born and bred and proud!
I grew up, a Jewish boy, in the Weequahic section of Newark in the 1940s. Perhaps that is why I feel so comfortable with The Levin family. My family escaped to the suburbs- we headed straight for Maplewood/South Orange, avoiding Union, Irvington and towns my family knew wouldn’t welcome us. Leaving aside the alternate history, so beautifully characterized in Philip Roth’s work of art, I feel so comfortable in the author’s world. I look forward to sharing the experiences as the story develops.
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I am really enjoying this podcast!
Same Old Story
Watched the first episode for about 15 minutes before it became abundantly clear that this series was rushed out now with the express purpose of ‘scaring’ voters into believing that Donald Trump is the next Hitler. Yes, another supposedly “intelligent” writer churning out the same old narrative that Trump is a fascist bigot spurring on his redneck followers to run out and brutalize minorities. Sigh... I’m Jewish and grew up in the Bronx not long after WWII. But I’m smart enough to know that Donald Trump is a far better choice for this country than the hypocritical corruption of modern-day American liberalism. Roth wrote this book long before Donald Trump ever thought of running for office. Can’t the strength of this incredible novel stand on its own without the stain of more personal politics?
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Professor Horton
Gentleman’s Agreement
I love this series so much. Religiously listen to the podcast. I feel for Herman, because I don’t recognize my country since 2016. I do, however, feel like I don’t need to read the book because you have produced something better, and explained why. Also, as a Hoosier, I appreciate the version of On The Banks of the Wabash! Well done, my friends!
The Plot against America
First ever podcast I have listened to and I love it!! Love the series. Very Well done and I so appreciate the back ground info and details covered in the podcast! Look forward to next week!
California Miss
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