The Phil Ferguson Show
The Phil Ferguson Show
Phil Ferguson
via Podcasts
Great show
It’s a fun mix - combining two important aspects of growing up in America where most of us will be lied to throughout our entire lives - religion and investing. Be skeptical or get screwed.
retired scholar
Educational Entertainment
This delightful show inspires critical thinking in all areas of life - saving, investing, worldview, politics - with wit and warmth. Time spent with Phil is time well spent, um, invested!
Excellent, witty & extremely informative
Phil is the magic glue that puts together an excellent podcast that teaches you how to avoid financial land mines spread around by the industry, so that the listener can take appropriate actions on their own to grow and preserve wealth. Add to this entertaining guests and witty portions covering skepticism, religion and politics and you have a winner podcast that I can’t wait to play every time new episodes comes out. Highly recommend.
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The Polaris Plan rocks
I retired at age 59. Thank you very much.
Great podcast
Great coverage of finance. I like that he covers everything from index funds, the cushion, financial scams, etc. The Polaris system helps me sleep at night when the market is unsettled.
Progressive Listener
Didnt know I needed this
Fills a very specific niche that I never realized I needed until I heard it. Very detailed investment advice in a secular context.
A great resource
Phil shares a bunch of helpful financial information on his podcast. He’s motivated by a genuine desire to use his knowledge to help others. I appreciate his no-nonsense demeanor, and how he doesn’t shy away from sharing his honest thoughts and feelings about life, society, money, and more. I’m thankful to have access to Phil’s knowledge through his podcast and I look forward to learning a lot from him over the years to come.
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Chad Timblin
Yes to Phil Ferguson
Phil talks about his electric car and investment strategies and I’m here for all of it.
Fantastic Show
Phil, your show is an absolute delight. In the last 4 years I have been listening to your show, you have helped me gain a better understanding of investing. I am very happy to say that since implementing some of your advice into my investment plan, I am on track to be able to retire while I still have enough good years left to enjoy it. Thank you, for what you do. Please keep up the good work. So long as you keep recording a show, I will keep listening.
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A top podcast
An honest host, a podcast with (almost) no ads. The most solid finance and investment discussions you’ll ever find. The atheist topics covered are not polemic, and it basically consists of interviews with rational people. Phil is a great podcaster. I sent quite a few emails to Phil over the years, and he has always been very fast to reply, showing how much he cares about his listeners. Cannot recommend enough!
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Angelos Vass
My #1 podcast every week
Phil couldn't have a better mix of topics combining reason-based financial education along we reason-based skepticism. He always has interesting guests. Several months back I had emailed Phil with some questions regarding my retirement investments, and within five minutes I got a call back. We talked for what seemed like close to an hour, although a good of that time was spent discussing EVs. He did give me some very practical and actionable advice during our conversation.
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Great podcast
Very informative. Phil knows his stuff. A must listen to any new or old investors. The interviews are well done and the guests are superb.
One of the best
Thanks Phil for all the effort you put into your podcast. I look forward to each new installment. I learn every single episode. eccellente! Ciao!
Hoboken Dave
GREAT podcast!!
Great mix of philosophy and finance. I’ve been a listener for years.
Not bad at all.
Didn’t know what to expect but have been surprisingly informed and entertained. Drawn to him because of the atheism stayed with him for the straight talk. Check him out.
Dark poppi
One of my favorite podcasts
I look forward to Phil’s show every week. He provides a lot of good financial insight and his guest speakers leave me with lots of inspiration and food for thought.
Choctaw Warrier
Because of Phil’s show I will now be retiring with a strong pension, and an estimated value of well over a million bucks..just takes a long ass time! Lol
Educational and entertaining
Frequently he covers money topics I’ve been meaning to look into so it save a lot of time. It’s followed by a funny dose of sanity in this world of mythological apologetics.
Great advice - Interesting Interviews
Over the last couple of years, this has quickly become one of my favorite shows. As an atheist with a lifelong interest in finance, this show hits all the right spots. Phil can break down financial topics very well, and manages to include interesting interviews on religious/skeptical/atheist topics and sometimes something unexpected.
Devil's Chord
Solid Financial Advice from the Skeptic's Perspective!
I enjoy this podcast because Phil seems to understand the KISS principle. I'm educated but am not so smart when it comes to money and investing. Phil's casual style makes the principles that he talks about very easy to understand. I also love the guests that he brings on the show. I appreciate what you do, Phil...please keep it up!
buongiorno Phill
I love everything about this show, especially the title. Phill always gives great financial advice and tips on how to season or tenderize you babies before consumption. Plus that title is just so clever!
I have a friend in Jesus 🎶
I find myself saying “my financial advisor says...” Then I have to clarify that you’re not actually my advisor but I get great advice from your podcast. I love everything about this podcast with the exception of getting cheesy Christian songs stuck in my head on a loop. 🎶Jesus is a friend of mine🎶...🎶this is my no no square🎶 etc. thanks for sharing your financial tips and great interviews. I do honestly enjoy the songs and bits between segments too.
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Informative and entertaining- highly recommend!
Think and invest wisely.
A no nonsense approach to the good life.
Daji C.
Kindred spirit
Similar investment strategies, atheism, progressive politics. Always interesting and informative.
So glad I found this podcast. Where else can one find investment advice and religious skepticism?
The West Family
Phil is the best!!
This podcast is perfect balance of real financial philosophy and critical atheism. I love this podcast so much, it’s the only one in my subscriptions in which episodes are replayed.
Atheist Roundtable
Doubly Brilliant
The cleverly titled The Phil Ferguson Show gives a weekly dose of double brilliance by always covering sound investment plans and financial products of which to be wary as well as timely, entertaining topics from a skeptical secular viewpoint. Phil always starts off with financial advice, covering current events from the investment and money world, and stressing, from episode to episode, the most reliable and proven method for a long term investment strategy. Phil will then move to current events that tend to be of interest for those with an atheist's skepticism of shenanigans by religious deceivers and public figures of typical apologetic tendencies. Combined with Phil's calm but informed demeanor these podcast episodes are always enjoyable and entertaining.
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Great combination
I enjoy the mix of topics. I like that each show has some discussion about atheism and finances.
Worthwhile listening
Phil has good and practical investment advise! His interviews and comments are interesting.
satanic Lew
Gain some knowledge!
Phil never has a boring show! Guaranteed you will learn new ways to improve your financial situation. Then sit back and enjoy an interesting interview or hear about cool stuff that Phil is doing! Win/win!
Intelligent, relevant and well worth the time invested to listen to this podcast.
Randal 1951
Favorite Podcast
Phil's show has become my favoite atheist podcast and currenly the only one I listen too. He interviews guests from the atheist community, and I particularly enjoy the audio clips he plays between segments. He gives sound and free financial advise. I wish I had known about Phil before hiring a financial advisor. It would have saved me a considerable amount of money.
One of my fovorite podcasts, despite his inability to pronounce especially
Kind of an unusual blend of personal and informational. I think i know more about Phil's hobbies and struggles with learning Italian than any of my real friends. It could be just annoying, but somehow ends up as kind of charming. Great information and he is careful not to overpomise on his financial advice. His interviews are different and you always know it is going to go off the rails if someone mentions anything about Italy or learning languages, but it works. It drives me crazy that he somehow can't pronounce especially correctly and throws an X in there for some unknown reason. Unfortunately he uses the word frequently. So Phil, please learn to pronounce it correctly, or find another word in the thesaurus! LOL
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The things you need to hear.
This podcast is one of the most important shows I’ve ever listened to. I have a degree in economics (finding the career is the hard part) and I can honestly say that Phil gives the best financial advice I have heard since college. These are general good practices that any lay person can easily understand and implement to start making their lives better today. His segments on finance and Investing Skeptically are just as important (and spot-on) as the discussions and interviews he hosts. From musicians to seasoned professionals to fresh-faced individuals who have recently left religion, his guests provide a wide array of perspective and insight to the show and the movement. This podcast is a reminder to stay both skeptical and open-minded, and do your best to understand what you’re faced with before jumping on board (or quitting). [Thanks to Seth Andrews at The Thinking Atheist podcast for hosting/introducing me to Phil Ferguson last year]
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Perfect Combination
Phil's show is a perfect combination of two things I am concerned about, Atheism and finance. I really enjoy listening and learning from the show. Keep up the great work Phil!!!
Great podcast and person!
The Phil Ferguson Show is one part no-nonsense investment advice and two parts secular conversation. In his investment segments he's not out to sell you a product. He explains the ideas behind various investments to help you make better financial decisions. His interview segments are sometimes with someone in the secular community you may have heard of, and somtimes it's just someone who has an interesting story to tell. But what really stands out to me is Phil's generosity. Not only is he a financial supporter of numerous secular causes, but he's also very generous with his time. When he says to email or call, he means it. I sent him an email asking about a half-hour phone consultation regarding some financial questions and we wound up talking for about 45 minutes. He said he was not allowed to accept payment (a fiduciary thing?), so I'm donating to the Secular Student Alliance instead. Listen to the podcast. It's worth your time.
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Top notch advice and secular stories
Phil’s sage advice always has me learning more about the world of investments - most importantly what to avoid! The secular side of his show is always fascinating and it’s nice to have a finance guy in “our” (read: atheist) corner. Also, Phil DOES answer your mail. I once sent him an email regarding rollover of some former employer retirement funds and the man himself called me on my cellphone not 30 min later. Incredible dedication to selfless service. I hope to meet him at a conference one of these days.
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James Van Heel
Great interviews
Phil also lets you know what you should have done with your money.
Awesome show
Best podcast ever with Thomas Westbrook! Thanks, Phil!
The Investing Show you’ve been looking for!
Phil is dropping all his amazing knowledge on the truth about investing. There are no get rich quick scams here. Covering evidence based investing and what to avoid (pretty much everything else ;)). Love the tone and the interviews oh and he is a big supporter of the secular movement. Ticks all my boxes. Thanks for sharing, Damo.
Great show
Great mix of investing and atheism. Also it’s been entertaining for a long time
So good I had to visit the dark side.
I am Android user and detest everything Apple makes or does... but here I am in iTunes, which I allowed to be installed on my PC, just so I could come by here and leave a review for Phil's podcast, the cleverly named "The Phil Ferguson Show". I've been listening for a year or so, after hearing him interviewed on another podcast. I really appreciate the mix of solid investment advice and compelling coverage of atheist and non-secular issues. I really thought I was past the point where I needed to think too much about investment, but Phil's advice has made me rethink and correct some long held beliefs in that area. Be careful coming is as a theist... he might show you some things you need to rethink too! :) Phil, a suggestion: credit the interstitial bits. When you play an excerpt from Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot", I think you owe it to the author to credit it, if not verbally, then at least in the show notes. That would also allow a user who doesn't recognize the work to look it up and maybe explore it in depth. Just you saying "And now, Carl Sagan, from 'A Pale Blue Dot'" would do the trick.
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Great show!
Come for the financial advice and stay for the interviews. I only wish I had something like this show to listen to 30 years ago when it would’ve helped me make the most of my savings.
My go-to podcast!
I was first introduced to Phil via Opening Arguments episode OA63, where he was talking about 529 college savings accounts. After that, the cleverly titled Phil Ferguson show became my go-to podcast - the only one that I consistently listen to every episode. I love the balance of the investing skeptically segments with the interviews of atheist authors and other interesting characters. Highly recommended!
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Ethical atheism and investing.
I really enjoy Phil's no-nonsense atheism and skeptical investing segments. I especially like about Phil that he is an ethical atheist with a good heart and appreciate his involvement in the atheist community. Also, as someone who is investing in the Thrift Savings Plan in middle age, I'm thankful that he gave me some useful pointers on investing in the total stock market indices. I hope Phil will continue podcasting for many years.
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Phil is awesome
First interaction with Phil was him giving a talk on skeptical money. Started listening to the podcast and a bit later started using Polaris financial planning The whole time Phil was great. Got to a point I didn’t need his services anymore, and he was still great in letting him go. Still listen to the show. Couldn’t ask for a more competent or honest podcast on money or atheism
Thank you for your work Phil. Love the show.
What a great show!
You know you’re getting old when you find podcasts about finances entertaining. But, if you’re young, you should be getting in early on this, start making good decisions now. Phil is informative, thorough, with dry sarcasm. Think of it as, “not your dads cheesy financial show” looking at you “Mad” “Money” guy! Hail Sagan, NM
Investing skeptically
Love the skepticism and money advice. Saved the 2 bitcoin episodes in my library.
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