How often do you hear the phrase "Follow Your Passion"? It's time to redefine what passion truly is and debunk this misleading piece of life advice. Passion is more than just a hobby. It is the symphony of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is our soul set on fire and the source of energy on our journey of purpose. Etymology Definition of Passion - https://www.etymonline.com/word/passion. Read Part 1 from my book 'Passion With Purpose - The Fire Within' for FREE here: https://www.passionwithpurpose.org/fulfillment.
Jan 31, 2023
9 min

The key to living a fulfilling life is not waiting for it, but it isn't all that simple. In this episode, Author Steven F. Mezzacappa discusses the topic of fulfillment and how applying the idea of resilient passion can pave the way to living a fulfilling life right now, even when wrestling with seasons of suffering and adversity. Interested in learning more? Get Part One of Steven’s book, Passion With Purpose - the Fire Within, that focuses on the relationship between fulfillment and building passion by visiting www.passionwithpurpose.org/fulfillment. Steven's social media handles: @sfmezz Passion With Purpose's social media handles: @thepwporg For more information, visit https://www.passionwithpurpose.org/.
Jan 18, 2023
17 min

Are you seeking to be more authentic and set the world on fire with your passion? Pursuing your passion with purpose requires faith, trust, and authenticity. In this first episode of "The Passion With Purpose Show," Steven F. Mezzacappa explores the connection between authenticity and passion. He challenges listeners to reflect on how how authentic they are living and offers practical insight on how to live with an authentic passion. Interested in learning more? Grab a free chapter of Steven's book, Passion With Purpose - The Fire Within, that goes into more detail regarding the relationship among authenticity, identity, and passion by visiting https://www.passionwithpurpose.org/authentic. Steven's social media handles: @sfmezz Passion With Purpose's social media handles: @thepwporg For more information, visit https://www.passionwithpurpose.org/.
Jan 10, 2023
13 min

Are you seeking to live a more vibrant life filled with passion and purpose? Do you seek to be a better leader in your family and community? Are you passionate about faith, leadership development, and personal growth? If so, then The Passion With Purpose Show is for you! This show pulls back the curtain on some of the major theme's behind Steven F. Mezzacappa's book 'Passion With Purpose - The Fire Within' and especially Steven's theory of passional intelligence that goes beyond emotional intelligence. Passional intelligence is about assessing both the spiritual and physical activities of life that affect our soul. While emotional intelligence empowers one to be socially adaptive, passional intelligence empowers one to be spiritually adaptive. It addresses the why and truth behind the human experience and behind the thoughts, words, and actions of people. Visit www.passionwithpurpose.org to learn more.
Jan 7, 2023
3 min