The Paranormal Files (Official Podcast)
The Paranormal Files (Official Podcast)
Colin Browen
The Paranormal Files (Official Podcast)
Colin Browen
"The Paranormal Files (Official Podcast)" explores ghosts, hauntings and other spooky subjects through in-depth interviews and live paranormal investigations. Host Colin Browen has been investigating the paranormal for years, worked with experts in the field and has traveled the planet in search of what REALLY goes bump in the night. After building a large fanbase through his YouTube videos on his channel, "The Paranormal Files (Official Channel)", Colin has now decided to venture into the podcast world to give listeners a more in-depth exploration of the hauntings that he investigates for his show. But what's DIFFERENT about this podcast? Instead of recording episodes in a studio, with no history or hauntings, Colin and his crew set up and record their podcasts LIVE inside some of the most haunted buildings in the world, in an effort to capture paranormal activity on camera while conducting interviews. During podcast recordings, Colin and his interview subjects have heard phantom voices, banging from empty jail cells, and have even seen one of their cameras move on its own right before their very eyes. It ALWAYS seems to be an active night in these buildings when they hit "roll" on the microphones! To say the least... this podcast is SPOOKY! Be sure to listen and watch for some of the scariest podcast content available on the internet... if you aren't too scared!
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4 years ago
May 13, 2020
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