The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
Gene Steinberg
August 16, 2015 — Christopher Garetano
2 hour 39 minutes Posted Aug 16, 2015 at 4:23 am.
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Legend has it that the Montauk Project involved a set of secret tests conducted at the Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York. It was purportedly designed to develop psychological warfare techniques and exotic research. It is said to be related to the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment due to its supposed time travel connection, and there are even claims of a possible connection with extraterrestrials. Well, independent producer and director Christopher Garetano has reportedly spent more than 10 years probing this alleged conspiracy, and has released a documentary film, "Montauk Chronicles," to present his findings. Was the Montauk Project real, or just a bunch of tall tales devised by a handful of people for reasons best known to themselves?

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